Do you think you should have to pay taxes if the gov't shuts down?


  • Identitet Inne - 13 years ago

    I see the option for I already don't pay them has a few votes. I added my vote being unemployed. No income, no ability or income level to pay taxes. I'll be happy to take the job of a politician and actually do my job. I need a job. Maybe a few politicians don't really need a job if they don't intend to do the job. Life is about compromises. I've been compromising since becoming unemployed. Gas for a job interview or groceries for the family. Get your jobs done, at least you have jobs.

  • Kirby - 13 years ago

    We need to spend more money on education-especially spelling-according to the last 2 posters!

  • Northfieldgunn - 13 years ago

    Sure, let's stop paying taxes during the shut down. While we're at it, let's send all of the state patrol officers home and all the state prison guards, and all the nurses and doctors at state run clinics and nursing homes. Out on parole? Don't worry, your parole officer is layed off. This is monumentally stupid of the MN legislature.

  • Michael Fritzen - 13 years ago

    If the gov't shut down I'm sure they will get paid and to top that off they will make over time pay some how I'm sure but if it us we ould be finded for our pay
    I think everyone in the gov't should be docked there pay each day they go over the time frame if it goes longer then it should Cant we hold someone accountable. I also want to ask why can a person do more then 2 terms in the house or senite when the presedent can't so some of these guys are 50 yrs old and set for life but have all these old idea for a new and changing world . i just wantd to say it because I dont hear anyone else asking the question?

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