Would it be a good idea for fast-food chains to sell beer and wine?


  • Juan Tea - 13 years ago

    I hope so to explain correctly because my English Language isn´t good. So, I think the fast-food have at flat animal (oil ) hot on temperature air (ambiente) if so I to drink "cold beer" or a glass "cold drink" of wine or with alcohol, I making the flat animal solidified at (making ICE) in my stomack (inside)
    I preferly drink a cup hot Lipton Tea or other tea tipe for facilities digestive, lake at Japanesse people or England (tea of five "0" clock p.m. afternoon) Thank´s a lot for your attention and consideration.

  • CSB - 13 years ago

    Being of similar background, and being one myself (now in years of recovery), I agree with Felicity. I will boycott any fast food chain serving alcohol in the U.S.

  • Felicity - 13 years ago

    I grew up with an alcoholic father and nearly became one myself but realized before it was too late what damage alcohol can do to one's body and to one's family. Serving it at fast food restaurants which cater to young people gives it an additional air of acceptablility. So I vote a very strong NO!

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