If the election were held today, would you vote to re-elect President Obama?


  • Gary - 13 years ago

    Union man is trying to make himself feel better. Unions are a thing of the past and all they have left is to bully and throw hissy fits. Quit trying to make up for your SHORT comings and deal with it!!.

    UNIONS SUCK and are slowly fading away BYE!!!!

  • Shelley - 13 years ago

    Re: Herman 1940's reply to my comment

    You seem the type of person I am taking about who is so blinded by "party" they cannot see the right or responsible thing to do.

    As for your LaPage comment - he's slightly less of a waste of time that Baldacci was. Professionally in public - he's an embarrassment most of the time. If I had to sum him up in one word - it would be BULLY.

  • Chris - 13 years ago

    Never would vote for him....NEVER! Health care plan was just a pipe dream. Raising the debt ceiling over and over again. What exactly has he done for this country again!?!

    Im a Republican! (Because not everyone can be on welfare)

  • jared - 13 years ago


  • Kathleen - 13 years ago

    Jon, watch who you are calling an idiot. You remind me of our Govenor. Name calling is rather immature. Are you old enough to vote?

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    People have a really hard time understanding that nothing is for free.
    What has Obama actually done that has helped the United States? On the surface, nothing. In a broader realm he has united many people here in the U.S. People that would have never have been "political" are getting involved.
    I always thought that the President was suppose to leave the country in better condition than what he comes into office with.
    I'm middle class, probably on the lower end of middle class. I ask for no hand outs. Work hard,understand you get back what you put in.Would love to have a brand new vehicle every couple of years.Maybe if I had a food stamp card instead of this "green stuff".I'd much rather be toting a sore back,caluses and a clear conscience than goverment handouts. How about all of the Obama supporters that believe everyone should have their fair share dole out some green backs for me? Don't I deserve to have "stuff?"
    Obama will go down in history for many things but, for being a good president.......not.
    Too many people refuse to take responsibility for themselves.Put it on the back of someone else.
    All I can say is..........Whoever the republican candidate is, that person will be elected.The reality is, at the end of the day more people understand that being financially responsable is what keeps the bills payed.The voters will go 180* of what Obama is.

  • Dick - 13 years ago

    I don't think for a minute that we are in a good place right now, BUT if the choices were the same, I would pick Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin without question. Palin is dangerous and you have to question McCain's judgement for picking her as a running mate.

  • Union Man - 13 years ago

    @ Gary : I can't wait for 2012 so I can listen to the scumservatives that haunt these surveys whine and cry when Obama gets re-elected. The group of misfits that have thrown their hat in the ring to run for President look like a bunch of escapees from the funny farm. They are fake patriots just like you. The only thing the Tea Party is throwing over the side of the ship these days is the poor and middle class.

  • Herman 1940 - 13 years ago

    Shelly- You are right you do tend to vote strickly democratic. Voting for Collins and Snow dosen't count as not voting for only dems. They are about as far to the left as you can get without falling off the cliff.
    GO LEPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shelley - 13 years ago

    Yes - in a heartbeat. I would also vote to re-elect Bill Clinton. I also know most people who vote on this website are republicans who are partisan. I do tend to vote democratic, but not exclusively as I have voted for Snow and Collins repeatedly (among others). I listed to platforms and base my vote on how closely they match my own verses the other candidate.

    I honestly believe Obama has tried his best to improve our country, but his own party and the partisan bull---- has gotten in the way. I am not saying I agree with all his policies, etc. I do not. What I am saying is that he is willing to discuss things and take opinions from the average citizen rather than just the rich & corporate America. Bush would NEVER admit he was wrong or that something needed fixing - especially NCLB. He hoped that when he made earmarks an issue when running for election that based on the country's response other politicians would stop - well both sides did no such thing. When people screamed about problems with the health care - he offered to talk in an effort to reform and fix what was wrong - they refused and only want to repeal it completely. I think everyone still looks for someone to blame and are taking things solely out on him. I think all of them need to take the blame for what has gone wrong and not spend so much time pointing fingers or causing controversy. The more we vote in a manner that supports partisan bickering - the more we will endure these struggles and our country will continue suffer.

  • Jon - 13 years ago

    Hey Kathleen, with this administration, compromise means The Anointed One gets everything he wants and the Patriotic, Freedom-loving, Hard working, Honest and Trustworthy have to cave and give up everything they believe in, so that the Socialist/Progressives (of which you are obviously one!) can continue to destroy America.

    I think not! Your time in power is nearing it's end and it's driving all you Lib-tards crazy!

    And I wouldn't go around bragging that you were stupid enough to vote for this moron, if I were you!

  • Gary - 13 years ago

    All of you libtards that bash the rich need to think about the big picture. Most rich people have worked hard for where they are and that is the great thing about this country. You are either 1. Working for one of them and should be happy that they have chosen to start a business and compete in this great Country, or 2. You are one of them and either did not have to work for your money or you are a hypocrite and have some sort of dumb guilt. I applaud the people in this country that have worked hard and made it a better place for everyone. They have also given kids the dreams that are needed to better America for tomorrow.

  • Kathleen - 13 years ago

    I voted for Obama the first time and will proudly do it again. He's trying deperately to reach a compromise. It's too bad there are those that like to flex their muscles and behave like a child that never learned to compromise. God Bless American and those who have learned to compromise for the good of all not just the rich.

  • Jean - 13 years ago

    I didn't vote for him the first time and won't. I don't like the way he is trying to "bully" congress into him getting his way. Threatening to cut Social Security payments and payments to the military? That's pretty low. Try being a fiscally responsible president first. No, instead put this country deeper into debt. Yeah, that's the "intelligent" and "thoughtful" thing to do. The republicans are trying to reign in the outlandish spending approved by the liberal left that got this great country into the mess it's in right now. "Fiscal responsibility" should be the motto for any elected official. So that's my opinion - that and $202 trillion will get you out of debt!

  • Gary - 13 years ago

    Hey Obama Kool Aid drinkers,

    I challenge you to name ONE thing that has been positive since Obama has taken Office. Leave out Osama Bin Laden because if you really think about it, Obama had nothing to do with that. He had no other choice. Obama has done NOTHING but destroy everything that is good about this Country. Everything positive has turned into a negative. He has also put programs in place that are going to continue the downward trend. So get over your white guilt and lets get a President that will actually LEAD and stop putting in Chicago Crook Thugs that know nothing else but hustling, lying and ripping people off!!

  • Jon - 13 years ago

    What do you expect from someone who calls themselves 'dancer'? I'm sure all the 'mimes', 'artists', 'basket weavers' and 'Captain Crunchy's' are all for him, too. Just ask any airhead from COA!

    Sally, sounds like your mind is so open your brain fell out! The only person out to bring down the obama presidency is obama himself! And he's doing a wonderful job of it! Intelligence and thoughtfulness, while wonderful qualities for a community organizer, are NOT the only requirements for a good President!

    Pride in Country, Patriotism and belief in American Exceptional-ism are a few he lacks!

    We get it Sally, you voted for him to prove you were not a racist. Now you need to consider voting for anyone else to prove you are not an idiot! Or maybe you are, your call!

    Every now and then the voters make a HUGE mistake. (Can anyone say Carter!) Fortunately, we still live in a country that can rectify those mistakes. After a second obama term, that may no longer be the case! We all know he considers himself a God!

    Just as Carter led to 12 years of Republicans in the White House, obama's one term will usher in a glorious time of employment and rebuilding while a Republican administration works to undo all the damage inflicted on America over the last 2.5 years buy the train-wreck of obama, Reed and the witch, Pelosi.

    ANYONE BUT obama IN 2012!

  • David - 13 years ago

    Did not vote for him before and never would. He is not a leader, surrounded himself with incompetent financial advisers just like Carter. His history as a Senator was contradictory to
    the way he thinks (if at all) today.

  • Sally - 13 years ago

    Really, People? Open your mind and listen to the Pulse 103.1. Stop listening to quacks like Howie Carr and Rush and face reality. Obama is an extremely intelligent, thoughtful president. You think any of these republican lobbiest slaves are going to do ANYTHING positive for us? No. They are out to bring down Obama any how any way, even if it means sacrificing our entire world economy and on the backs of those who actually work for a living. I've yet to see or hear about any plans to create jobs from the republicans.

  • David - 13 years ago

    I would, because he is tring. He got this trouble from GEORGE W. ( wrong ) BUSH. The Rep. are all for the rich and not for the working people. Gas prices go up and who gets rich, not the real working people.

  • MOPANG - 13 years ago


  • Herman 1940 - 13 years ago

    Not just NO but HELL NO. Didn,t the first time and certainly won't this time. Haven't seen a candidate that I really feel confortable to vote for yet. Like Sarah P's attitude and frankness. Not sure she could get elected though. Would like to see someone get elected and do what they say they are going to do. This country needs to make some radical changes and get back in control. Right now it is way out of control financially,morally and spiritually.
    GO LEPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Donna - 13 years ago

    dancer, you have to be kidding or crazy! How do you figure he has done "wonderful" things for us?? Please verify this for us.

  • NoBama - 13 years ago

    dancer 89 must either be one of the beautiful people or is living off the working folks.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    WOW. dancer89, get off the crack and come down off cloud nine.

  • dancer89 - 13 years ago

    i would vote for him over and over again!!!!!!!!! i think he has done wonderful and is the best thing that could of happened to us

  • Herman1947 - 13 years ago

    NO, NO, NO, Didn't first time and never would.

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