Should the Palestinians seek statehood at the United Nations this September?


  • June - 13 years ago

    Oops! That should be "foot on the head", not food!

  • June - 13 years ago

    It's hard to know what Palestinians should do, but returning to "negotiations" with Israel is futile--all it has ever done is allow Israel more time to take ALL the land. One of the best things I saw on negotiations was this: "Imagine one large person standing with his food on the head of a smaller person lying on the ground. Then imagine someone telling them they should negotiate."
    So, who knows? Maybe being recognized as a state on the pre-1967 borders will allow Palestinians a little more clout. At least they can demand from the International Court that Israel get off the land behind the pre-1967 borders which the UN would have defined as Palestinian land once again...
    I know many Palestinians are opposed to this move and to a two-state "solution" since it robs the refugees of their human right to return to the homes Israel ran them out of in the Nakba. I'll tell ya, Nakba denial is far more rampant than Nazi holocaust denial.
    I believe the ONLY fair resolution is one state from the Jordan to the Sea with EQUAL rights for ALL people in the area. Think of it! Palestinians would once again be able to go see the Sea! They could have businesses that depend on travel throughout their own state. They could drive on "settler-only" roads! Grandparents in the south could go see their grandkids in the North! Yes, a true "democracy in the Middle East" is the only non-racist solution.

  • Charlotte - 13 years ago

    It's definitely a very serious question!

  • Shayne - 13 years ago

    This is a provocation that will end in violence. The Palestinians should return to the negotiating table and continue talks with Israel. There are two paths to peace: negotiations or a full Israeli military victory over the Palestinians. I think the entire world would prefer to see peace through negotiations, but the Palestinians are racing full speed towards violent confrontation.

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