Debate: Should the U.S. recognize Palestine as an independent nation?


  • rachel - 13 years ago

    This link says it correctly:

    Otherwise, Jordan = Palestine

    Also see this link for Arab Quotes about " Palestinian" Identity:

  • Bob - 13 years ago

    Part 2:

    As for the right of return issue, to be fair, if the surrounding Arab nations returned the property seized from the Jewish populations they expelled in the 25 years after 1948 they could compensate the Palestinians for their years of suffering and call it even. The land owned by Jews in Arab lands, bought and lived on for 15 centuries, was calculated to be the equivalent of land area equal to Israel itself. The number of descendants of these Jewish refugees, most of whom emigrated to Israel and many to the U.S., total about 2.5 million people. The Palestinian refugees and their descendants, at last count, number about 2.6 million. That looks like about even to me. It's time to call it a tie and move on. Let the Arab nations who seized Jewish property offer compensation in the form of financial aid to the effected Palestinians from the monies they seized from the Jews they expelled.

    Was it right to attack Israel in 1948, 1956, 1973, 1981 and from Gaza and Lebanon in recent years? No. Was it fair that some Palestinians fled the war zones in 1948 and were not allowed to return to their homes? No. Was it fair that in a few instances the new Israeli Defense Forces force marched Arabs in some towns that were violently opposing the nascent State of Israel to beyond Israel's borders to make them refugees? No. Was it right for the Palestinians to spend the last 63 years attacking Israel and sending suicide bombers to kill civilians? No. But four wrongs do not make a right.

    If the Palestinians in Gaza could join the West Bank in negotiating true security and a lasting peace, Israel has already agreed to land swaps along the West Bank to incorporate West Bank Jewish settlements into Israel proper and give land of equal value and size out of Israel's current lands to balance things out. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators had 97% of these land swaps worked out [see the New York Times magazine article in January 2011 for the details] so peace could be had in a manner of weeks if all sides of the Palestinian leadership could agree to Israel's right to exist in safety and peace. How many more times will peace overtures be rejected by the Palestinians before they decide to make it happen? Let's hope that the strife will end with a peace deal soon. And if Israeli technology, Arab manpower and petrodollars could ever be combined, it would make for a powerful, peaceful, economic engine that could be the envy of the world. Can't happen? I'm sure the same was said about Japan after World War II. By the 1980s Japan was at the top of the world economically. From bitter enemy to close friend and ally. And you don't start wars with your best trading partners. Let the Arabs and Israelis find such a peace and prosperity together.

  • Bob - 13 years ago

    Peace in Our Time
    ..A Little History First

    Until Hamas is declawed as the ruler of Gaza there can be no peace between Israel and the Palestinians as a people. Can you make peace with half of a country?

    Regarding the "right of return" research on the topic I discovered that over 1.5 million Jews were forcibly removed/expelled from the surrounding Arab countries from 1948-1973. Many of these Jews had lived relatively peaceably in Arab countries since the Diaspora ['the spreading'] of the ten northern tribes of Israel [the other two remained and do remain to this day] after the Ottoman Turks invaded the Holy Land in 476 A.D. The Ottoman Empire held control of what is now Israel and the Palestinian territiories and Jordan--all under the name Palestine--until their defeat in World War I. The League of Nations determined that the Jews of people from the Diaspora should be allowed to return to their ancestral homeland to join their brothers and establish a modern nation there, mostly on land where Jews already lived and owned. Some of this land was in Jewish ownership and occupancy continuously since the time of Jacob and some was purchased starting in the late 1800s through 1948. The period between 1918 and 1960 was a time when the empires that controlled most of the world for centuries were being dismantled and the people with ancestral claims to their lands were being granted independence. Look at a map of the world in 1900 and today and you can see how many new countries were spawned during those four decades. In 1946 the U.N. partitioned Palestine into 'trans-Jordan' [the 80% of the territory east of the Jordan River which we now simply refer to as Jordan] and gave control to the Hashemites of which King Hussein's family ruled. In 1948 the U.N. split the remaining 20% of 'sea-Jordan' into 50% Israeli and 50% Palestinian Arab control although there was no particular national entiity known as the 'Palestinian people' until some years later. When Israel declared its independence on May 15, 1948 the surrounding Arab nations attacked from all sides, as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem announced on the radio this basic message: 'Get out of the way of the Arab armies as we will sweep the Jews into the sea. And when we are done you will not only return to your home but also possess the home of your Jewish neighbor.' That plan backfired but it points out who owned what at the time and what the Arab world's intentions were, and in many places, remain to this day.

    The Arab world first created the Palestinian refugees and kept them corralled for decades in camps instead of helping them settle into Gazan, West Bank and Jordanian towns. The Jordanians rejected the refugees despite their historical kinship to the people now called Jordanians. In fact, in September 1970 King Hussein's army massacred many of these Paelstinians as they fought for their rights in what was later called Black September---which became the name of the terrotist group behind the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics a few years later. If I was a Palestinian Arab, I would more angry at my Muslim brothers than at Israel for keeping the people locked up in squalid camps and not trying very hard to help the Palestinians build an economy and a good lifestyle for all.

    With the cessation of terrorist attacks against Israel since that controversial security wall went up, the West Bank has been flourishing alongside Israel. It seems that the West Bank under Abbas and Fatah may finally be ready for peace but with Hamas in control of the West Bank there can be no peace.

    As for the 'right of return' issue, to be fair, if the surrounding Arab nations returned the property seized from the Jewish populations they expelled in the 25 years after 1948 they could compensate the Palestinians for their years of suffering and call it even. The land owned by Jews in Arab lands, bought and lived on for 15 centuries, was calculated to b

  • joseph - 13 years ago

    Has Palestine released Gilad. Holding hostages is no reason to allow them to be considered a state,
    Has Palestine recognized Israel as a state?? if they cant recognize other states, they obviously do not know the meaning of word "State" and therefore should not be allowed to be a state.
    Have they stopped with recruiting innocent children who are to young to understand what it means to blow themselves up - how can you allow a group of people who don't respect human life a state. Is this what you want society to be like??
    When the Palestinians learn to respect the rules of humanity, they should then be allowed to be a state. Until then, the world should continue to not promote terrorism and not allow this atrocity.

  • GM Roper - 13 years ago

    Since the PA under Abbas has said they will NOT recognize Israel's right to exist, I say no, and not only NO but HELL NO!

  • Steve - 13 years ago

    The only way a Palestinian state should be formed is when the Palestinians sit down with Israel, accept Israel's right to exist and negotiate a settlement that both sides can live with.

  • Celia - 13 years ago

    Until the ENTIRE Arab World recognizes Israel's right to exist, agrees to PEACEFUL co-existance, agrees to sit down at the PEACE TABLE with Israel, and desists from suicide bombers, rocket attacks and threats of annihilation of the State of Israel and the Jewish people, as well as the destruction of the United States of America, WE the United States of America have no business recognizing ANY Palestinian state, independent or otherwise. If the Palestinian people want an independent Palestinian state, THEY and ALL of the Arab countries need to make these changes in their charters and purposes for existence. Until then, the answere MUST BE NO!

  • michael - 13 years ago

    The qualifications for statehood recognition are clearly stipulated in article 1 of the "Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States of 1933". The qualifications are as follows:
    1) Permanent population - shaky at best unless the "right of return" is off the table.
    2) Established borders - considering that a precondition of the peace negotiations put forth by the PA is going back to the Pre-1967 borders clearly demonstrates that the borders are not established.
    3) The ability to engage in relations with other countries - Considering that they refuse to recognize Israel's right exist when Israelis - liberals and conservatives alike - continue to actively pursue peace with the Palestinians. Their own brethren in the surrounding nations don't want anything to do with them. Their inability to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah and its continuing stranglehold on PA politics.
    4) Government - This may be only that applies - albeit the terrorists factions that are included therein.

  • Slawa - 13 years ago

    Palestinians lost 3 wars and 2 uprisings. They're entitled to nothing.

  • Stav - 13 years ago

    The poll's results are speaking for themselves.
    say no to the state of terrorism

  • Bea - 13 years ago

    It is imperative that the parties negotiate a just and lasting peace. Only then will they uphold the agreements for their sakes and vested interest - where the greater good also serves their own interests. A solution imposed from the outside will only lead to more bloodshed, pain and war. As a systems oriented therapist I know through my ongoing work with human beings that improved relationships can only come from mutual understanding, give and take and negotiations that find a place of compromise between competing needs. Power plays will destroy the region. Only cooperation can save the region. Leaders should think of their people and not of themselves and their power brokers. Ideal? No this is reality! Leaders who don't put their people before politics are cruel, inhumane and egomaniacs. Let's choose sanity, compassion and humanity.

  • Joseph Barlia - 13 years ago

    Why palestinian did not claimed their independent state before 1967 when Jordan was in control of the west bank and Egipt the Gaza strip.?
    Time only run forward. New epoque. New facts.

  • Alex - 13 years ago

    First question is how instance (Palestinian Authority) which doesn't recognize rights of other country (Israel) to exist demands its own rights for being country?
    Second question is how entity (Palestinian Authority) which violates any basic human rights of their own people (see Amnesty reports) and also of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit demands its own rights to freedom?
    Third question is how someone who claims racism and genocide intentionally, that other ethnicity would not have any rights to live in their country, should even get this country? Palestinian Authority said no once that there will be no Jew living in their country.
    Fourth question is how any entity which has no internal consensus (Fatah vs. Hamas, West bank vs. Gaza) can demand any state which will instantly become state of the chaos and violence.
    And last question, why Mr. Abbas pointed his furious speech to the entire world but not to Israel, his neighbor and partner for the negotiation? Perhaps because he doesn't see Israel as partner and as neighbor?

  • jz - 13 years ago

    Before Arafat - a Palestinian was usually a Jew who lived within the area of the BritishMandate - the 1/3 that was left after the Arabs were given 2/3 of it [Trans-Jordan] - & then, in '48, within Israel. Arafat, with the help of a biased media, changed all that.

    Until te Arabs STOP teaching their kids it's OK to kill the infidel [Jews &, yes, Christians - "first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people"], not only shouldn't there be a "Palesinian" state but negotiations & funding should come to a halt.

    But anti-Semitism is alive & well so dreams of peace & justice are just that, dreams.

  • Rob - 13 years ago

    Amen to Lou! If the UN accepts Fakestine, they should easily accept Wonderland and Never-Never Land. They're at least as real, if not more so, than any so-called "palestine". These Arab usurpers are occupying land that belongs to Israel, and they need to be shut down, not "recognized"!

  • Lou - 13 years ago

    Aside from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian and why did they not ask jordan for thier own state way back and the fact that they denied resolution 242 when the UN first rtries a two state solution - aside from all of that why should anyone recognize thier ' right " to a state when they refues to recognize the right of another state i.e Israel to exist within peaceful borders. The U.N should not recognize a group of people who refuse to recognize a nation that belongs to its own body (the U.N.) To not recognize ISrael is to spit in the face of the entire U.N by saying that one of their members does not exist.
    If the PLO is legitimized as a state it says something about the majority of the security council as it relates to the acceptance of terrorism and terrorists as a legitimate entity. THe creation of another terrorist state is another step to the downfall of the world as we know it,

  • Mark Bernadiner - 13 years ago

    In compliance with the 1920 League of Nations Resolution, two-state solution was implemented in 1922 when british administration of occupied Israel allocated more than 70% of Israel territory to palestinian arabs and created Transjordan (now Jordan) where today over 90 percent of the population identify themselves as Palestinian Arabs. Every party, including UN, EU, US, etc., must respect League of Nations Resolutions, adopted and accepted by UN in 1945. Therefore, all so called "palestinians" must be relocated there. Enough stealing Israel land. Britain and Jordan must compensate Israel for stolen land and natural resources.
    History of "palestinians":
    Article 24 of the 1964 PLO Charter addressed to UN stipulates: "Palestinian muslims do not exercise authority over West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza territories”
    In 1977, an executive committee member of the PLO Zahir Muhsein confirmed that there is no such thing as a separate “palestinian” people of Arab descent. In an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw in March 31, 1977, he stated the following: "The palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity.”
    In 1948, Bernadotte, mediator between Jews and Arabs appointed by the UN General Assembly, noted in his journal that the "Palestinian" Arabs had little desire for independence:
    “The Palestinian Arabs had at present no will of their own. Neither have they ever developed any specifically Palestinian nationalism. The demand for a separate Arab state in Palestine is consequently relatively weak. It would seem as though in existing circumstances most of the Palestinian Arabs would be quite content to be incorporated in Transjordan.”
    In 1947, Arab leaders protesting the UN partition plan argued that Palestine was part of Syria and “politically, the Arabs of Palestine (were) not (an) independent separate … political entity.”
    In 1946, Arab historian Philip Hitti testified before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that "there is no such thing as Palestine in history.”
    Arab leaders like Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi told the Peel Commission in 1937: "There is no such country as 'Palestine'; 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented!"

  • JOHN - 13 years ago


  • ibrahim - 13 years ago

    US must respect international law!, palestines right to independence ,

  • paula Jay - 13 years ago


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