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Which horror classic is your ultimate scary movie? (Poll Closed)


  • kris - 13 years ago

    exorcist is scarry, not for me I like the shining and halloween don't forget nightmare on elm st

  • Jack - 13 years ago

    I agree with Griezz...this list is ridiculous! The original "Halloween," was FAR better than either "The Ring" or "The Omen," and while I'd say "The Exorcist" and "The Shining" are worthy of being included in a list of "ultimate scary films," I can't vote for any of these four films because I feel like it sanctions the exclusion of some supurb horror films!

  • Bryan Little - 13 years ago

    The Exorcist is scary, but The Shining has more creepy factor!

  • Griezz - 13 years ago

    Seriously? Those four are the best you came up with? How can you talk about "Ultimate Scary Movie" without such classics as "Halloween" (the original - sorry, Rob), "Shirley Jackson's The Haunting" (with Julie Christie), John Carpenter's version of "The Thing" or the indie classic "The Blair Witch Project"? That doesn't even get into foreign horror films such as "Ju-On" or the original "Ringu". Indeed, the best you can ask is which of the four is considered scariest, not which is "ultimate".

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