I've watched Tebow and can see he manage's the game well with the stingy defense that the bronco's have it's a good combination and the win's keep coming with the bronco's in first and the remaining schedule they are an easy pick to clinch there division. So for all the Tebow bronco nation fan haters if you want him out you can always go back to Orton and losing Duh!!!
Bobby Wineman - 13 years ago
Not often a talented southpaw is recognised . Go with this Guy. Just roll him to the right and watch what happens.
He will be GREAT!!!
I've watched Tebow and can see he manage's the game well with the stingy defense that the bronco's have it's a good combination and the win's keep coming with the bronco's in first and the remaining schedule they are an easy pick to clinch there division. So for all the Tebow bronco nation fan haters if you want him out you can always go back to Orton and losing Duh!!!
Not often a talented southpaw is recognised . Go with this Guy. Just roll him to the right and watch what happens.