Are there really any viable presidential candidates?


  • christopher wade - 13 years ago

    bu.bba i agree,let me say this when i first heard the show i was blown away you tell it how it is !!! now about the pole for pres. they all bunch liein' fools who really don't care about this country like they put on too!.there's not been anyone to vote for office for very long time,way to many conspiracys going on in this country which leads most people to really wounder who you should vote for. i could go on,on about our gov.but most of the fools in this country believe in the crooks!;they said tricky nik was a crook later stay on top bubba they'll never take you down

  • Garret Nelson - 13 years ago

    I beleave Ron Paul is in fact a viable candidate, He's the only one candidate that actually has a plan to get the US back on track. All though he is not publicized in the media, there is a greater meaning behind that. The media(Which is owned Big Corp) will only give exposure to the candidates in which they will be able to persuade with campain contrabutions and in return be a puppet they can control. RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!

  • James Kaiser - 13 years ago

    The whole system is set up to devalue the dollar,no matter who gets in.
    Bottom line we cant pay of our national debt, therefore we will bankrupt the dollar
    leaving all the countries we owe money holding the bag!

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