If you were mayor how would you handle Occupy Vancouver?


  • R. Hiebert - 13 years ago

    If it were so obvious that certain civic politicians are doing everything they can to get re-elected it would be a joke. On the other hand, existing City by-laws and any other laws need to be enforced with as much force as is necessary and asap. It's a safety & health issue and trespassing for starters. Nobody could camp out like this at any other time. Other cities ie. Oakland used a degree of force because it was getting out of hand. Let's see politicians, lawyers and police take some leadership.

  • Mathew - 13 years ago

    I think the Mayor and all Mayoral hopefuls should TALK to the people at the Occupy site. Instead of continuing to talk around them. This is a global movement. The whole world is waking up to the fact that our system is very, very broken.
    And the best that the Province can do is say is "What would you do with them?". Wow, real productive Postmedia. How about asking: What's wrong with the world that these people feel the NEED to join this movement.
    But god forbid you ask the tough questions. I'm sure Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein would be proud of your Occupy coverage.

  • Cinderelly - 13 years ago

    If the corporations/bankers control the Government...and if the Government was FOR the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, there wouldn't be any freaking OCCUPY movement around the world to begin with. The PEOPLE are OCCUPYING because there are a lack of jobs, we can't afford the current prices of food, the environment is in a critical state and there are wars going on created by the CIA when we should really just be focusing on a peaceful HUMANITY. We have the ability to end disease, hunger, financial depression etc etc and instead we're becoming slaves to the SYSTEM. It's bullshit. We can do better than this. WAKE UP, PEOPLE.

  • nome - 13 years ago

    I think the form of General Assembly and the participatory voting system should be developed and probably implemented as a tool of direct democracy into decision making process of laws and country development.

  • Wee Wong - 13 years ago

    I think they should be fenced in... out of site out of mind...

  • TAYLOR - 13 years ago

    The thing I dislike about this whole issue is that if these people were really homeless and needed to live in tents, they would be kicked out immediately. Why should they get to do whatever they want because of their political agenda?

  • Neil - 13 years ago

    Do people not see that is only partially about Vancouver or the BC economy? These people are Occupying in solidarity with hundreds of other cities around the world. Imagine if during the Arab Spring in Egypt, a small group of Canadians decided to show solidarity in Vancouver by Occupying our public square; would we have kick them out?
    These people are Canadian citizens and they have a serious concern and are on public land demonstrating and trying to be peaceful and democratic; why can they be there 24-7? Do you not see the irony of trying to make them abide by some type of local rules or to make them listen to the police or 'authority'? They are protesting that the system of government world-wide is ruled by corporate financial interested and enforced by police...no wonder they don't want to leave/listen. The more you suggest they leave the more clear it is that rich powerful people want to make sure that everyone thinks are okay and we shoudl all just go back to work and keep shopping and cast a useless vote every few years like sheep. If they didn't have a point then you won't need to remove them so badly. Have you seen the resulting tear gas in California? Have you seen the US polls that more than 40% of American agree with OWS?

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