Should marijuana be legalized?


  • Jennifer - 12 years ago

    It should ATLEAST be de-criminalized. Keep it out of the court system. There is so much $ tied up in charging people with Marijuana related offences it's ridiculous. Cigarettes kill one out of every 2 smokers. Alcohol related deaths are high as well. You don't see either of these substances illegal though because the gov't makes too much damn $! De-criminalize, legalize, whatever.

  • katie - 12 years ago

    Legalize pot with the same controls as acholol and cigarettes.
    Pot smoking only permitted in controlled areas (save the rest of us from the second hand smoke which smells worse than the worst cigar).
    Tax it to the hilt - this might somewhat offset the enormous health costs that will occur in the future once the chronic pot smokers start to reap the results of drawing that toxic smoke into their lungs.
    Though I do say I'd be a tad leery of my dentist if he had just come back from a smoke break (or my child's teacher, or my doctor, or a member of the fire department or a paramedic).................but what the heck if it's legal????

  • peter - 12 years ago

    there are other' just as important' issues to consider
    about ending the prohibition of cannabis .
    health of Canadians
    "the endocannabiod system"
    we produce the same chemicals ,endocannabinoids.
    that are in the marijuana plant -thc is a type of cannabinoid
    there's are some 60 different type of cannabinoids
    in the marijuana plant -only 2 get you 'hi'
    and we make all animals on this planet
    from sea squirts to us. to regulate our body
    and keep it in ballance.
    i insert 2 links for you to view,but there is allot of information out there
    by scientist and biochemists etc.
    please note the date and the company who put out the film
    they have offices all over canada.
    link2 Dr.Melamede discribes in more detail

  • brad69 - 12 years ago

    This war on drugs was lost long ago. It just makes organized crime stronger and more violent fighting for the profits. It's been around a long time and hasn't caused the downfall of out society as some fanatics believe. Regulate and tax it like alcohol and put the money that is going into the sub-culture's pocket into the public coffers.

  • Rob - 12 years ago

    I think it's better for people to grow their own, rather then buy it from some scumbag dealer. It would also save the courts and province's alot of money on inforcement. It's also a great plant for alot of other things like textile and food, which some companies would definetely not want!!!.

  • Phatbiker - 12 years ago

    Hey George, I know a cronic. He's a self made multi-millionaire and dumb like a fox. I don't give a crap what the law is anymore, if I want to smoke one, I will!

  • GEORGE - 12 years ago

    It's not called dope fpr nothing. Get to know a cronic and you will see what i mean. In one word dumb.

  • Maija from Detroit - 12 years ago

    Beer is in the same boat as,wine, vodka, weed, cocaine/coffee, heroin...mandate quality for public safety...honest profits sold at a precinct to adults. Thankyou for helping .

  • Becky - 12 years ago

    It's about time there are some sensible people out there speaking for common sense. :)

  • Cannabis For Autism - 12 years ago

    P>0.05 ;)

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