Should Hinckley be released for shooting the president?


  • iPod interface - 12 years ago

    THE ONLY REASON he is because HIS FATHER John Hinkley Sr. was a CLOSE OIL EXECUTIVE business partner AND CLOSE FRIENDS of the BUSH family. Back when Reagan was shot..some journalists started to investigate the close relationships. They also knew that John Hinkley Jr…also were friends with the BUSHs sons..and had dinner with them a few night before the shooting..When the journalists started to report this..they were told to stop..and that BS story of Jodie Foster was implemented. If you look around you can find the news articles that started to make the connections. ALSO being from was known that the HINKLEYS AND the BUSHs had homes as neighbors in Colorado AND Texas..that’s how close they were. The whole thing makes me sick!!

  • michael - 12 years ago

    Hey Andy at least in america you do not have to go to a junior kindergarten. But then again at least that explains why you dumb canadians are stuck on the letter A so much dumbazz

  • andy - 12 years ago

    Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves chances, he shot the president, he didnt rape any school boys or girls, hell Catholic priests get off easier.....In my opinion, if he is no longer a danger to society and is found to be "sane" by more then one psychiatrist, a panel of psychiatrists and physicians, he should be given freedom as he has paid his debt to society. As for the gentleman that made the statement above.... Mr. Steve: You are obviously a childish American with a typical childish attitude, "beat down", sir, the typical American attitude, beat violence with violence, and you wonder why you guys are in Afganistan and Iraq, when will your country "grow up" and realize that a true man doesnt "fight" with violence and further more, two wrongs dont equal right. I guess the American public didnt learn that in junior kindergarten like us Canadians.

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    Whoever voted yes needs a fucking beat down

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