Do you think Sheriff Glenn Ross should have told Bob Carlson about the pending investigation?


  • dsme - 12 years ago

    I had a friend that was in a situation in which a UMaine campus cop leaked something to the press that turned out to be a little too pre-emptive. He said that 'child porn' was found on a students computer, 9 months prior to the hard drive actually being scanned. The local news teem even did a report in which a reporter was standing outside the persons dorm and said that "child porn was said to be found on the computer". However neither the disc nor the computer in question turned out to have any child porn on them. In fact the disc itself contained two young men that could have easily been over 18, however the officer involved used the term "child porn" and lied deliberately to the local press. SO. I strongly believe that an officer should NOT leak vital information to anybody before it's properly been investigated. Even if the officer, detective, or other law enforcement agent has good intentions he or she needs to follow protocol and safety standards in order to allow the investigation to continue properly. When you've got cops that are a little too eager to play "super hero" or "Risk Taker" he or she can not only endanger the investigation but place people in terrible situations, and even make liars out of people before things had a chance to be substantiated or actually verified.

  • JG - 12 years ago

    It is just as much a disgrace to our state leadership as a whole that "nobody" above his pay grade has stepped in and removed him from law enforcement. The whole thing stinks and is well beyond ethical especially from a man with his status/responsibility.

  • Hoss - 12 years ago

    Hey, what's the point in being in power if ya can't use it to help out yer buddies??????

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    He should be fired. No one will ever be able to trust this man again.

  • Dan Landry - 12 years ago

    What is more important , responsibility to his position in the community or responsibility to friendship?Considering the nature of the investigation , I have to come down on the side of responsibility to community. The decision was made to disclose information that should not have been disclosed. Protocols of the position should have been followed.

  • crystal - 12 years ago

    I think someone wants to point their finger to someone else. If it was Glenn's job to do so , then it was his job to do it. Point the finger somewhere else.

  • Herman1947 - 12 years ago

    Look at how much money that saved. NO TRIAL, NO LIFETIME PRISON SENTANCE----------

  • Nancy Colwell - 12 years ago

    Ross crossed the line. His excuse that he had to tell Carlson because he was going to be limiting his jail visits is a bad attempt at an excuse. Carlson was being investigated because he was accused of molesting little boys. I hardly think a jail inmate had anything to worry about.

  • MRice - 12 years ago

    This definately crosses the line of ethics, he needs to be fired from his position.

  • Kimberly Robinson - 12 years ago

    I think he should step down or be fired !!!!! Don't we wish all had friends in high places to warn us ? What a JOKE !!!!

  • JOE - 12 years ago

    WHAT TA !

  • Sheila Squires - 12 years ago

    Why not alert all suspects of crimes that they are being investigated?
    Ross overstepped his authority because of his friendship with Carlson.
    In my opinion he has lost credibility as an Officer of the Law. He should be fired!

  • Gail Sawyer - 12 years ago

    Why should Carlson be any different than the average Joe? If it was okay in this case, everyone should be told when they are under investigation.

  • Cindy Smith - 12 years ago

    I hit yes in error could you please change my vote to a no. He should turn his badge in today I will never trust him again.

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