It is truly amazing that anyone would think that having a better equipt and better trained local police dept. is a bad thing. That makes no sense at all. After living in Studio City under LAPD jurisdiction and then moving to Burbank, I can tell you it is a no brainer! A call to either LAPD or LA Sheriff may not even get a response because they are over extended. In Burbank, my home alarm went off by mistake and I'm not joking when I say there where 3 Burbank police cars at my house in 90 seconds! My friends business was robbed at gunpoint in North Hollywood and didn't get a response to his 911 call for 3 hours to take a report. Do not farm out your safety to an over extended bureaucracy. It will only cost you the safety of your residents. Besides, $1 is a small price to pay.
ajr432 - 13 years ago
The armored vehicle may have only cost $1 - but what is it costing to get 8 guys SWAT training plus insurance/maintenance on a tank can't be cheap. I feel like next year were going to hear stories about how they need more money to keep cops on the street.
It is truly amazing that anyone would think that having a better equipt and better trained local police dept. is a bad thing. That makes no sense at all. After living in Studio City under LAPD jurisdiction and then moving to Burbank, I can tell you it is a no brainer! A call to either LAPD or LA Sheriff may not even get a response because they are over extended. In Burbank, my home alarm went off by mistake and I'm not joking when I say there where 3 Burbank police cars at my house in 90 seconds! My friends business was robbed at gunpoint in North Hollywood and didn't get a response to his 911 call for 3 hours to take a report. Do not farm out your safety to an over extended bureaucracy. It will only cost you the safety of your residents. Besides, $1 is a small price to pay.
The armored vehicle may have only cost $1 - but what is it costing to get 8 guys SWAT training plus insurance/maintenance on a tank can't be cheap. I feel like next year were going to hear stories about how they need more money to keep cops on the street.