Should the South Pasadena police have an armored vehicle?


  • g-dogg1 - 13 years ago

    It is truly amazing that anyone would think that having a better equipt and better trained local police dept. is a bad thing. That makes no sense at all. After living in Studio City under LAPD jurisdiction and then moving to Burbank, I can tell you it is a no brainer! A call to either LAPD or LA Sheriff may not even get a response because they are over extended. In Burbank, my home alarm went off by mistake and I'm not joking when I say there where 3 Burbank police cars at my house in 90 seconds! My friends business was robbed at gunpoint in North Hollywood and didn't get a response to his 911 call for 3 hours to take a report. Do not farm out your safety to an over extended bureaucracy. It will only cost you the safety of your residents. Besides, $1 is a small price to pay.

  • ajr432 - 13 years ago

    The armored vehicle may have only cost $1 - but what is it costing to get 8 guys SWAT training plus insurance/maintenance on a tank can't be cheap. I feel like next year were going to hear stories about how they need more money to keep cops on the street.

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