Do you think school buses are safe?


  • A Mom - 12 years ago

    I think buses are safe. I do not think that a policy of Cyr Bus -Detroit Div that services SAD 53 is safe. They allow children to eat on the bus. In fact, my kindergarten child was asked by his driver what snack he brought for that day once to which he was told that he is not allowed to eat anything on the bus.
    If a child were to choke, how quickly could that driver realize the child is choking, stop the bus and help them? With bumps, etc I would think the chance of choking would be high. My child is not allowed to eat on the bus and he is upset with me because other kids can.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Glad to see SOME of you see the humor. As for Brooklyn, it's Conservatives, not 'Conservation'. Perhaps in your case "skulls full of mush" would be more apt? Everyone knows when conservationists rule EVERYONE loses! And yes, until you hit the ripe old age of 18, you are a little pigmy slave!

  • otis - 12 years ago

    ya i think buses are safe cause i go on a school bus all the time and there have been no problems with my bus even when the roads have been bad nothing has happend and i am unharmed by riding the bus that is why i say that buses are safe

  • ann - 12 years ago

    I know that I am happy that busses have annoying bright lights!!! and in our town we have one of the best drivers. She knows we have jobs to get to and she pulls over when its safe to let us go by. Years ago I ask another of our best drivers why the bus didn't have seat belts.. His response to me....I have enough to keep track of without having to watch kids use them as weapons.. And he also stated in a case of emergency he may not have time to make sure they all got unbuckled .

  • Unions Suck - 12 years ago

    They are only as safe as the driver and some are questionable. Soon we will need to change the name from SCHOOL BUS to "INDOCTRINATION CAMP BUS". All hail king obama or else!!!

  • Concerned Citizen - 12 years ago

    I believe that school buses are as safe as they can be!However as a truck driver the things i see some of the bus drivers do and the way they drive with kids on board i think to myself i am sure glad that none of my kids are riding on them.

  • Brooklyn - 12 years ago

    HEY Conservation Rule im not a little pigmy slave !!!

  • Brooklyn - 12 years ago

    im 11 years old and i hate taking the bus im one the bus all the time and its just keeps stopping stopping and holding up traffic i got in 3 bus crashes already one of them i broke my arm !!! and the other one i broke my finger and the most recent one no body got hurt thank god

  • Brooke - 12 years ago

    im only 11 years old and i love taking the bus i always feel safe taking the bus couse of my busdriver :)

  • Big D - 12 years ago

    I have to admit Conservatives Rule, you did make me laugh!!!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    when does dumping our dutys as parents stop?1, its our duty to educat our kids, not the government. 2. if we send them to school, its our duty to get them there, not the government.3. its our duty to teach our kids safety, not the governments. 4. its our duty to watch over any government organization,not the prick that work for it(myself included!)
    if people taught their retards how to walk up to and away from a transport(a 5 year old should know what a fucken car or truck or bus is. in Europe they send their kids to school by walking and they dont have half of the fatalitys we have. they teach their kids that a transport can and will kill your stupid young ass!) If you are trusting the school to pick up your retard, the least you can do is teach it how to get on the damb thing and how to get off it! if you could teach the idiot how to sit in his or her seat and keep his or her mouth shup or at least not to act like the monkey he or she does at home, everyone would be alittle safer too!if you want seat belts and helmets on your retards, great! if you have a kid in a public school, you should pay higher taxs for that stuff!

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    No, they are not safe! They are continuously stopping, backing up traffic and causing undue delays for hard working Mainers trying to get to work! Their flashing lights are obnoxious and blinding, especially on these dark mornings. They are forever loading or unloading those useless little pigmy slaves, who all seem to move slower than molasses in January! And if that's not enough, their drivers all think that THEY own the road! Safe? NO!

  • Big D - 12 years ago

    Well Nancy you said it all when you said New Jersey. I am a current bus driver and have been for tha last 17 years. I can't even began to to tell you how wrong you are. I have had the chance to see one of our buses burn in the 17 years I've been driving and in less than two minutes the passanger compartment was fully involved, thank god there weren't any students on. I can amagine trying to get 70 students off that bus that were seatbelted in. If a driver drives there bus at the required speed, that bus is as safe as can be. Second have you ever though of what a weapon a three foot strap with a buckel on the end of it is. I would and will fight the lobying of seatbelts on school buses in Maine!!!

  • Nancy Smith - 12 years ago

    I use to be a school bus driver in the state of New Jersey where seat belts were manditory on all school buses. If we have to wear seat belts in our cars and trucks, why are we not securing our kids on school buses? When school buses roll over, most of the injuries can be prevent by having our kids wear a seat belt.

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