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Do you support mandatory minimum sentences? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 7,033

  • G Chase - 12 years ago

    Only for sex offenders. Three months for distribution of hundreds or thousands of child porn images and video-is NOT okay.

  • Shas Cho - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not.
    The courts stand between the people and the government.
    When the government decides who is to be charged
    and also determines the sentences,
    that is power stolen from the judge and from the jury.
    The courts are our last defence against tyranny.
    We must keep the courts free from government control.

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    Anyone in jail doesn't want to be there. Anyone about to commit a crime doesn't want to go there.
    Don't see why not with the conditions taxpayers pay for IE: room and board, entertainment, a friendly guard to smuggle in drugs, access to lawyers to help with your appeals, judges looking after your human rights and constitutional rights as ours don't count while your victim is present in court and you try to keep from laughing. ETC, ETC, ETC.
    You want to stay out of jail? Quit committing crimes. You are the source of your own problems assisted by criminal defense lawyers and some judges that are paid by victims, the taxpayers.
    We are not helpless nor are we hopeless.
    Enjoy your next stay on our dime. Stick around a little longer. It can get much worse.

  • joe - 12 years ago

    Thank goodness for Judge Molloy and Judges that retain common sense without succumbing to perceived fear that seems to have overwhelmed other sections of our Canadian society.

  • Andy - 12 years ago

    Minimum sentences - no. Workable guidelines - yes. I believe in judicial discretion based on naming good judges, not legislative revenge based on pandering to politically inspired voter fear. However, I also believe in doing the time: you get 10 years, you serve at least 8. The current system of "double time off" for time served, early eligibility for parole, and other administrative methods of reducing time served (not to mention day passes and other "frills") make a mockery of sentencing. I also believe that the time has come to "stream" prisoners - the rehabilitation aspect of the penal system needs to be improved for those who CAN be rehabilitated (and want to be) but perhaps we should be more willing to simply punish, or exert revenge upon, those who can't be rehabilitated or have proven they don't want to be.

  • Ryan - 12 years ago

    I dont get the hype around this. Sure that sentance was to harsh, but why was he charged in the first place? was it some bully OPP or RCMP officer? He shouldnt had been charged with that offence in the first place. He was just sitting in his undies with a gun trying to feel tough for facebook. This has nothing to due with the minimum sentance this is just a political BS game by Liberal media to make the new laws look bad. Go after the idiots that arrested him in the first place for making such a stupid mistake.

  • casio - 12 years ago

    puting people in jail for petty crimes will not do much, but i would support longer sentances for sex crimes against children but other than that a judges discretion works fine how it is. Fighting poverty in canada would do more for crime than longer sentences.Its appauling to see the the poverty levels and declining middle class in the last 20 years. People with mental chalenges should not be be in jail, but in a hospital setting or getting the sopport they need, not doing time like many are in canadas prison system

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