Who will win the race for the White House?


  • Jerry F. Coleman - 16 years ago

    My opinion...McCain is not healthy, he is too much of the same old politics. He doesn't have the decency to be respectful during debates he referred to Obama as that one. He sat there and laughed during Obama's comments. He told a questioner, a female African American during the Town Hall style debate that she doesn't understand the topic. I don't want to elect the one that was captured and didn't attempt to escape. McCain is very tied and loyal to lobbyist. At the last debate McCain violated the time rule five times as much as Obama. Palin was a very bad choice for his running mate, he only chose her because she was a woman and could capture some of Hillary's supporters. Palin discriminates. She has "recreated" herself many times to suit her needs and the needs of her party. She didn't answer any question asked in the debate but instead spoke about topics of her choosing that she was comfortable with.
    Obama is disappointing in the fact that he has not written any policy or bill but has written two memoirs. I am concerned about the pastor that helped to mold his beliefs. I think he is a better choice then McCain because he funded his own campaign. I hope he will choose the best people for the job in his cabinet and staff and not choose them because of their race. Those who think he does not respect the flag are wrong and not well informed. He removed the flag from hi Plane's tail fin because it was part of the logo of the previous owner. He has flags in his offices, aboard the plane and at his home. I think it is great that he will change the tax structure to eliminate taxes on the elderly and eliminate tax breaks for the very rich.
    I am very angry about this "Bailout" we should not be bailing out large corporations that made bad decisions running them into debt. There is very little in this bailout for the average American. This plan had perks placed in it to sway the votes of select representatives. That's wrong, the so called pork should not have been put in this plan. That is a direct insult or slap in the face to the American people. If this country would immediately stop all international financial aid until we have a working budget and financial surplus and then only give aid where the American people want to indicated by the vote of well informed voters. This details of the bailout were not known by most Americans before the vote by our representatives was already over. Taxes on income for Senior Citizens should be eliminated unless they are bringing in excessive income over one millions a year then it should be taxed the same rate as the average American. Taxpayers over 25 years old should all be given a large amount of money like $100,000.00, the money would truly stimulate the Country and the economy. People would be able to pay down their mortgages, that would save the financial institutions, lower mortgage payments making it easier to live and American would again be able to spend money. Health insurance should be available at a reasonable, lower cost to companies and individuals, all employers should have to provide health insurance. It should have the same coverage that our President and representatives have. There should be no pre existing condition clause. Well, now that I got all that off my mind i hope interested parties will be open to considering these options and will write to their representatives and the whips to enact the plans you support. Remember both candidates supported this bailout.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  • coolpappy - 16 years ago

    You can't vote for someone you can't respect and someone who can't even respect our flag.I think it would wrong for me to vote for Obama, that is why my vote is McCain

  • ann - 16 years ago

    allforyou, I think that you should get your facts straight before making such nagative comments concerning a persons name, just keep paying $4 or more for gas, maybe you will loose your home this year, or maybe your job will move overseas, or maybe you will choose between food or medication when, one or more of these things happen to you maybe then you will be ready for change and at that time you may find that what a person is named has nothing to do with one wanted to help all people of this country.

  • retired44 - 16 years ago

    For sure McCain. As stated above in prior comments Obama.. no pledge of allegence. That means no allegence to our Country! If he does not respect our flag nor our anthem.....Think about it. Also Obama has no more qualifications than Governor Palin who is running for VICE PRESIDENT NOT "THE PRESIDENT". Obama's people keep blasting her qualifications. Why don't people look at his qualifications which are actually less than hers. Oh well here we go again. I will vote for John McCain. But hey let us not forget the wonderful "Mr. Ed" a horse is a horse of course of course........We should vote for Mr. Ed for president.......LOL...

  • Foodchick - 16 years ago

    I would think more of them both if they would stop downing the other guy and say what their plan for the economy ,jobs, healthcare and the energies problems , Yes I said energies not only gas but also electric ,we need to be a nation that only relies on our own resourses. such as Turkey and we also need to look at Australlias health care system.I am concerned that we as Americans have become a spoiled and lazy nation waiting for a handout. all who can need to be working and those that have disabilities need to have considerations for their disabilities to make them a valuable contribution to our nations economy as well as the able bodied. We all need to be accountable for our own actions and become productive; to have good followers you have to have good leaders. May God have mercy on us all!

  • Foodchick - 16 years ago

    I would think more of them both if they would stop downing the other guy and say what their plan for the economy ,jobs, healthcare and the energies problems , Yes I said energies not only gas but also electric ,we need to be a nation that only relies on our own resourses. such as Turkey and we also need to look at Australlias health care system.I am concerned that we as Americans have become a spoiled and lazy nation waiting for a handout. all who can need to be working and those that have disabilities need to have considerations for their disabilities to make them a valuable contribution to our nations economy as well as the able bodied. We all need to be accountable for our own actions and become productive; to have good followers you have to have good leaders. May God have mercy on us all!

  • chimomma - 16 years ago

    I have never voted anything but Dem and I am going to vote for McCane because someone who turns his back when they sing our anthem and took the american flag off his plane does not have any business leading this country or any other. Why can't we see his birth certificate?

  • Mel - 16 years ago

    They are both losers! But for our own sake I hope McCain gets it. I don't think Obama has the guts to defend this country or our constitution. From all you read and hear I'm not sure he even wants to.

  • LouAnn Hardy - 16 years ago

    John McCain will win, because America isn't going to vote for someone who has no Christian values whatsoever and who wouldn't even pledge allegance to the flag of the United States of America. He held his hands down to his side. Is this what we want to run our country?

  • Frost - 16 years ago

    This poll asked who will win not who should win.

  • allforyou - 16 years ago

    i can't vote for someone that I dont know anything about, there is just too much baggage concerning Barack Hussein Obama,Why would I vote for someone who has only been in the Senate for less than 5 years, I personally think that Governors make the best Presidents, not Senators. Senators dont think for themselves, they are prompted by their Pages.(lol) I have a problem that he has never held public office, or been in the military. And why does he think he can FIX America?? I like John McCain, I think him and Cindy will do a good job, and then let Hillary have it in 2012.

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