Who will win the race for the white house?


  • dan - 16 years ago

    What rock did you crawl out from under Carolyn? It must have been in Texas,Bush killed more people then Clinton could have if he had been in office 8 more years!

  • cathy jo - 16 years ago

    remember the good old days, fuel was .99 cents a gallon, the economy was healthy, no war, no unemployment, everyone worldwide (excluding republicans), loved our president..... those were the Clinton years!!!

  • Carolyn - 16 years ago

    I am Republican. Of the 3 candidates I will definetly vote for McCain, and that is not just because he is Republican. People have forgotten, (although I am not sure how they could), all that took place while Clinton was in office. It was not good, both domestically and internationally. Obama, is a "smooth talker" with nothing to back up his prose. There are many things wrong in this country and I think one of the first things that should be done is term limits for Congress! We do not need Senators in office for more than 10 years. Look at what they do: They introduce special bills in their districts and then they use our tax dollars to benefit themselves and their families and friends. Believe me they are all about bi-partisanship when it comes to this non-sense. We as Americans, irregardless of our party choice should be screaming on the steps of the White House to put a stop to this non-sense. If people are concerned about the high cost of gas: Well tell the tree huggers to back off and we can drill for oil domestically and then we will all benefit. Russia is drilling off the coast of Alaska, no problems. Brazil is the only county in the world that is not dependent on oil imports, that is other than the Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran. Sorry folks but if the Democrats get into office the price you are paying for gas will look like a real deal compared to the increase in taxes we will be paying. I am a small business owner and have been for 11 years. I shudder at what Hillary and Obama have in store for me as a business owner. Health Insurance, for starters let the premiums paid be tax deductable. Look around the world, start with our neighbors to the north, Canada. Is their universal health care a winner? The answer is NO!! There are no free lunches. Pressure needs to b e put on the doctors, pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies. There are answers. There is just too mcuh greed in Washington and corporate America. Speak up and speak loudly, we need to all unite and let Washington know we don't want business as usual. McCain may not be perfect but he will stand up to those that he needs too. Remember, Congress really has more power than the President.

  • Carolyn - 16 years ago

    I am Republican. Of the 3 candidates I will definetly vote for McCain, and that is not just because he is Republican. People have forgotten, (although I am not sure how they could), all that took place while Clinton was in office. It was not good, both domestically and internationally. Obama, is a "smooth talker" with nothing to back up his prose. There are many things wrong in this country and I think one of the first things that should be done is term limits for Congress! We do not need Senators in office for more than 10 years. Look at what they do: They introduce special bills in their districts and then they use our tax dollars to benefit themselves and their families and friends. Believe me they are all about bi-partisanship when it comes to this non-sense. We as Americans, irregardless of our party choice should be screaming on the steps of the White House to put a stop to this non-sense. If people are concerned about the high cost of gas: Well tell the tree huggers to back off and we can drill for oil domestically and then we will all benefit. Russia is drilling off the coast of Alaska, no problems. Brazil is the only county in the world that is not dependent on oil imports, that is other than the Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran. Sorry folks but if the Democrats get into office the price you are paying for gas will look like a real deal compared to the increase in taxes we will be paying. I am a small business owner and have been for 11 years. I shudder at what Hillary and Obama have in store for me as a business owner. Health Insurance, for starters let the premiums paid be tax deductable. Look around the world, start with our neighbors to the north, Canada. Is their universal health care a winner? The answer is NO!! There are no free lunches. Pressure needs to b e put on the doctors, pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies. There are answers. There is just too mcuh greed in Washington and corporate America. Speak up and speak loudly, we need to all unite and let Washington know we don't want business as usual. McCain may not be perfect but he will stand up to those that he needs too. Remember, Congress really has more power than the President.

  • Leonard Albert - 16 years ago

    I completely agree with the comments of the other 3 people

  • Kristi - 16 years ago

    The current Congress is not the problem, it was the outgoing Congress that passed a bill before they were all booted out by the Dems that made it impossible for the currrent Congress to get anything passed. I live in AZ and John McCain has done absolutely nothing for this state in all of the years he has been in office. He is rarely here and backs everything the President has always wanted- until now when he is distancing himself from the president.

    We are hated internationally, more vulnerable on our borders now than even before 911, and are basically broke due to the war and the wealthy oil execs. Can we really stand another 4 more years of the same Bush/McCain politics? Look out your window and you will see that it is time for a change and to reuinite with our allies around the world, but that cannot be done with John McCain.

  • jeffrey leyshon - 16 years ago


  • jeffrey leyshon - 16 years ago

    Hillary is the MOST QUALIFIED, But Obama has the country under the impression he can make CHANGE in Washington and the Country. LOTS OF LUCK! McCain is a nice guy, But the country is tired of eight years of BUSH and the REPUBLICAN PARTY. CONGRESS IS THE PROBLEM, NOT THE PRESIDENT.

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