How would you overhaul the Academy Awards?


  • Martin Pal - 13 years ago

    AMPAS has rotated hosts for a decade and the shows still get panned, so hosts aren't the problem, if there indeed is a problem. What used to make the Oscars more exciting is that we got to see celebrities we ordinarily weren't privy to seeing and we got to see glamorous fashions and clips of films we wanted to revisit or hoped to see. All of that is now gone, diminished or on overload in the internet age of mass media.

    What to do? No one seems to know, but I think some of the best moments of Oscar past were the acceptance speeches from AMPAS honorees that are now relegated to a separate and distant program and merely mentioned at the show. But, frankly, I tune in to the show to see who wins the awards and have never been bothered by the length or whatever else others complain about.

  • Bob Abrahams - 13 years ago

    Help for the Oscar program in one word ... well ... three words:
    Neil Patrick Harris.

  • Jacob Dorferman - 13 years ago

    Find Bob Hope's ashes and see if there is a way to bring him back to life. Crystal is terrible. He really is yesterday's man. Jimmy Kimmel would be great. So would Conan O'Brien.

    The speeches are unbelievable. People should be told you have three sentences. Make them good. Go heavier on the entertainment. There is a reason why the People's Choice Awards are better: no politics.

  • John H - 13 years ago

    Jimmy Kimmel would be the best host. After seeing his latest show Sunday afterr the Oscars, it was better than Billy Chrystal's Jew Jokes. If you want to capture a younger audience, you better get Kimmel who can not only conform to an older audience, but keep the Oscars Classy without being stale.

  • Ben kingsley - 13 years ago

    Class is needed for the Oscars and that is what we got this year. Unlike the Grammy's where more lousy music and rap crap than awards. Billy Chrystal needs to update his material and please get rid of the JEW Jokes. Enough

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