Do you agree with the federal budget?


  • Goofvernment - 12 years ago

    The cut is not deep enough. Talking about over three years, 12000 jobs cut from population of 400000.
    This is a joke. I would expect the cut in range of 100000.

  • Jorgen Hansen - 12 years ago

    The budget certainly could have reduced government spending more than it did given that government expenditure is forecast to increase each year. Also I find the whole issue about OAS and the 2 year increase before collecting rather confusing as many say that 65 is new 55. OAS is only a supplement and does not affect CPP or any other pension. Anyone can retire sooner and then wait to collect OAS once they reach the eligible age. CPP is currently graduated depending on when you retire and an individual can retire at 60 albeit with 36% less than if they waited until 65 but at least an individual can decide based on their individual circumstances.
    OAS pays $540.12 per month in 2012 but starts to be clawed back when an individual's net income exceeds $69,000 at a rate of 15% and no OAS can be retained when an individual's net income exceeds over $110,000. These limits seem much to high and should be reduced to a maximum net income level in the vicinity of $50,ooo. Surely a married/common law couple can survive on a net retirement income of $100,000 (income splitting up to 50%) withoout OAS. The maximum income level to receive GIS is $39,264.00 and $50,000 should be a reasonable level for OAS. Agree with public servants paying 50% of their pension and this should also apply to all MPs.

  • Carol - 12 years ago

    Please explain to me how someone who works for 40 years laying carpets, doing construction or delivering mail (all blue collar jobs) can be expected to work an additional 2 years. All of these bodies will be broken before they are 60+. Shame on you Harper...

  • Sandra - 12 years ago

    I don't agree with all the budget cuts, but what I am most angered with, once again, is that every time, we the Canadians turn around, it is us, the middle class, hard working individuals and families that get hit hard, either with our Health Care, Education, Seniors, Disabled Persons or otherwise. Why is it, we don't hear of the large businesses having their tax brackets being raised, or Government officials taking cuts on their wages or salaries, or perhaps cutting their spending budgets? Why do we, the middle income families always take the hard hit? Did you ever notice that we pay almost as much on our " Health Care Premiums" at income tax time. If you make over 25,000, you will pay $300.00, but if you make over 200,000, you only have to pay $750.00, a whopping $450.00 the little people end up in poverty over and over and over. When will we say enough is enough! When will our government realize we have had enough?

  • Debra Maione - 12 years ago

    I feel SO betrayed. I have voted Conservative my whole life. Not now. My husband and I suffered gamely while going through two business losses and seeing every single penny invested for our retirement gone, for not being able to make it in an IT business and costing debtors some tens of thousands. Yet the Liberals and their cronies mismanaged and misappropriated the MILLIONS in the sponsorship scandals, with complete impunity. After this, despite our graduate degrees, it has taken years for us to get re-established in the workforce. And by established I mean working 36 hours /week in a job classified as "part-time", with part-time health benefits sometimes kicking in, sometimes not, with no job security, every contract being only 3.5 months at a time. With no equity in a home, and every penny ever invested in RRSPs gone, I am 54 and looking at a future with no retirement income beyond a meagre pension from these few twilight years' work. OA"S" was a huge part of the little security I had. Now, I turn 65 two and a half months after the Conservatives' new policy claws back OAS and snatches the carrot away. Two years less OAS income for me to live on after I quit working (I fully expect to have to work until I drop -- say 80.) THIS -- while the "poor" federal civil servants have to start contributing -- excuse me? -- 50% of their fat pensions!! That's an economy measure? Who DOESN'T have to contribute 50%? WORSE -- the fat cat politicians aren't giving up any of their obscene pensions. PLEASE get me a political party who will set this to rights, immediately. And get rid of the tar sands oil and its pipelines.

  • Jamie Bonner - 12 years ago

    This budget was written in large part by the oil industry. Flaherty claims to have an eye on the future but clearly today's profit trumps tomorrow's sustainability. Also shocking is the cutting of funds to Elections Canada during what appears to be an investigation into the largest attack on democracy in this country's history. The R & D partnership is another big give away to Corporate Canada, even though they are sitting on half a trillion dollars in cash reserves. I think the only thing I liked about this budget was the cross border allowances being increased as it might put pressure on Canadian retailers to deflate their overly inflated prices.

  • Denis BOUCHER - 12 years ago

    A reply to Lee Wells;
    The problem regarding the CBC is not the CBC. All private networks and stations are feeding US drivel shows. Is that all you want from television? Junk like so many American shows that have no relation to Canada.
    In fact you mention two programs and they are produced here in Canada. I enjoy most CBC programs, but I do have my "druthers". It's understood you can't please everyone but I prefer watching Canadian made television any day as compared to the stuff that comes from South of us

  • Denis BOUCHER - 12 years ago

    To Bob;
    I guess I'm a BOOMER, was born in 1939. That makes me 73 years old and like many people like me, I'm still working. Started working at the age of 16. Was unemployed for about two weeks throughout that time and never collected a red cent for unemployment insurance.
    Please don't tell me that I'm profiting from the system and leaving you a pile of debt because the money thatI get from the OAS and CPP I had put in close to 60 years (except for CPP)

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    What is it with the BABY BOOMERS they always grease their own palms and then tell those of us born from 1960 up to current to suck up their messes and have less than what BOOMERS receive? Boomers just plain devoid of principles and I say that what is good for them should also be good for us and we should have the same entitlement to receive what they have given to themselves over the years. The Harper Government has just today announced that I will have to work for 2 more years to get OAS when someone born in 1954 can get it at 65
    I was born in 1961 and have been working since I was 15 and contributing to OAS and CPP all along with the goal of reaching 65 and retiring. Now since Harper has been our Prime Minister I have been told I have to work to 70 to get full CPP and now 67 to get OAS. I am being told that even if I paid my share, the same price as a BOOMER, I could retire at 65 but then Harper just breaks that social contract with me because he can with his majority without public consultation on either matter. How about a referendum on what should be done here rather than a politician just deciding?
    The BOOMERS have given themselves freedom 55, early retirement, all our resources up in consumption so they can be wealthy and leave us with attacks on our pensions, attacks on our wages, and attacks on our environment not to mention poor health care funding to create the threat of two tier health plans for the wealthiest generation ever.
    This budget is just another example of a gift for business at the expense of our environment, free increase on goods by a penny (which if you think in millions of dollars it’s like increasing tax by 1 percent on every dollar so now I will pay the business that money penny. 100 pennies spent is 1 dollar to me. Thanks for adding to inflation Harper but let me tell you, that your Canada is a disgrace and I want a return to Canadian values rather than your republican sentiments. You’re attacking Canadians with your budget but still spending millions to live like a king at our expense. How much business money greased palms with promises to get the attack on the environment with your changes to deregulate mining and at the same time a threat to censor protest? I heard once commentary today who said that the banks are going to profit even more from this budget but hey I will just work another 2 years so that I can be told a few years before I retire that I have to pay more in health care costs to pay for the BOOMERS as they age after being the most morally and socially corrupt generation ever. Thanks for the mess you have e left future generations with Harper and you greedy BOOMERS!

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    What is it with the BABY BOOMERS they alway grease their own palms and then tell those of us born from 1960 up to current to suck up their messes and have less. They are devoid of principles that what is good for them should also be good for us. The Harper Government has just today announced that I will have to work for 2 more years to get OAS when some one born in 1954 can get it at 65. I was born in 1961 and have been working since I was 15 and contributing all along to now being told that if I paid my share I could retire at 65 but then they just break that social contract with me? The BOOMERS have given themselves freedom 55, early retirement, all our resources up in consumption so they can be wealthly and leave us with attacks on our pensions, attacks on our wages, attacks on our environment not to mention poor health care an the threat of two tier health. This budget is just another example gift for business at the expense of our environment, free increase on goods by a penny (which if you think in millions of dollars its like increasing tax by 1 percent on every dollar so now I will pay the business that money. 100 pennies spent is 1 dollar to me. Harper your Canada is a discrace to even say its convervative because your attacking Canadians with your budget but still spending millions to live like a king at our expense. How much business money greased palms with promises to get the attack on the environment. I heard once commentor today who said that the banks are going to profit even more from this budget but hey I will just work another 2 years so that I can be told a few years before that I have to pay more in health care costs to pay for the BOOMERS as they age after being the most morally and socially corupt generaton ever.

  • gary h rideout - 12 years ago

    statistics can be manupulated any way the government wants to suit its purposes.different sources have said that old age pension is sustainable .we have all these budget cuts and the bank of canada sits idly buy since 1974 when the liberal government joined the g8 such that it now only prints 2% of money if that.we are in debt over 600 million because we don,t print our own money at the bank of canada like we used to .why are we paying high amounts of interest to chartered banks when we can print our own money for infrastruture,education,health care,social services. then maybe our taxes would be lower and we could spend more of our own earned money to buy more goods which would create more jobs.bring back the real bank of canada.globalization doesn,t work,its bankrupting every country leaving natural sources ripe for the picking. why do we seem to be fighting the government at every turn when its supposed to exist for the betterment of the people of canada.we have to bring back the bank of canada to the purpose it was created for in the first place.i,m tired being ripped of by invisible banking ands oil interests.i think we subsidize oil companies..excuse me?

  • Donna - 12 years ago

    I don't claim to know much about politics but I do know that suggesting that already low income families pull up stakes and move to where the jobs are is easier said than done , unless the government intends to fund the moves and relocate us, because with our economy, and bills that keep one check from meeting the next, how do they expect us to relocate, meanwhile they are telling people that the jobs they thought could depend on may not be there if they feel you are no longer qualified to perform the job you depend upon to make an attempt at making ends meet. The government I don't think has the peoples welfare in mind, they have an agenda and it doesn't take people that are seasonal workers to serious saying that if you work less you'll get less E.I. What do they expect from us if they reduce everything and give nothing back.

  • Ricardo - 12 years ago

    Again, the cons are asking most of Canadians to make an effort, however they don't touch oils companies which are receiving my taxes and they don't need them! On the contrary, they are once again showing their contempt for all workers and citizens. Shame Harper and their supporters!

  • Lee Wells - 12 years ago

    I agree with most of the cuts, particulary to the CBC. This network was necessary for most of the 1900's but not now. The viewer numbers are pratically zero west of Sudbury! My regret is that Dragon's Den and Hockeynight are only available on CBC or I would be in the zero category. Get real, CBC people! You must start earning your own way and move out of the "parents" house. Check on the BBM viewer measurements and get the truth!

  • Broke Dude - 12 years ago

    Hum...Would it not be natural to expect close to 39 % instaead of the meager 9% endorsement?

  • Nath - 12 years ago

    I don't agree at all the cut all over but not on parlement hill.... as well our salary is not going up put the time to retire does... they are crooks and they don't care they will still have THEIR big pay and BIG bonuses....

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