Should protesting cost charities their status?


  • Grant - 12 years ago

    getting funding from an independent source -eg. foundations or private individuals would make them immune to these problems

  • Ottawa Steve - 12 years ago

    So will "Real Women" lose their charitable status if they continue to target homosexuals and the rights to choice valued by women on the more liberal side of the spectrum? I am tired of being told by this government what "Canadians" want and "Canadians" believe. It's a fault of our first-through-the-gate political system that a government so unrepresentative of its people has the power to do so much that offends the sensibilities of most Canadians.

  • TOjohnw - 12 years ago

    Interesting that you chose a photo of Greenpeace protesters to colour this poll/post. Greenpeace lost it's charitable status years ago, in a previous wave of anti-environmental zeal (by the Chretien Liberals) - it has not hurt the organization at all, however that's probably a unique circumstance due to their MO of getting a lot of attention to themselves as a key tactic. Others (e.g. DSF, WWF, Pembina, etc) would not fare so well and overall Canadians will be ill-served by this approach.

    Also it's interesting that participating in regulatory hearings seems to now be deemed 'political' - WTF?

  • TOjohnw - 12 years ago

    Interesting that you chose a photo of Greenpeace protesters to colour this poll/post. Greenpeace lost it's charitable status years ago, in a previous wave of anti-environmental zeal (by the Chretien Liberals) - it has not hurt the organization at all, however that's probably a unique circumstance due to their MO of getting a lot of attention to themselves as a key tactic. Others (e.g. DSF, WWF, Pembina, etc) would not fare so well and overall Canadians will be ill-served by this approach.

    Also it's interesting that participating in regulatory hearings seems to now be deemed 'political' - WTF?

  • lynda D - 12 years ago

    If they didn't have to pay the people who care so much, then they shouldn't have a problem.

    Protesting shouldn't cost the organization that much. I have protested and had to actually pay my way! I didn't use any of the organizers money, and if they don't pay people I wonder how many "protestors" they will truly have. I have heard of many charities actually giving people wages in order to have bodies show up to "picket". That's not protesting that just getting a job for the money that donors have given them.

    Thank you Conservatives for making charities realize they really are charities; not job security device for the administration and " working protestors".

  • Toronto Bob - 12 years ago

    If these groups aren't legitimate charities and are primarily protest groups using a charitable status to help raise funds, then they're simply committing fraud.

    And the rest of us have to pay more in our taxes because donations to these protest groups aren't taxed as they're supposed to be under law.

    By all means, donate your money to whoever you like. But don't expect the rest of Canada to subsidize your political cause.

  • Ned Dickens - 12 years ago

    This policy is a hard muzzle on environmental groups, which is terrible, but it could kill a lot of Arts groups. The arts, particularly but not only Theatre, are inherently political: they provoke thinking and challenge assumptions about how we interact as individuals, groups, and societies. With one stroke, this policy (It would never stand up as a law), could remove charitable status from hundreds of theatre companies across the country if they ever DARED to program something that SOMEBODY in the conservative party disagreed with or found threatening to their ideology.

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