Do you think George Zimmerman is Guilty as charged?


  • Tom C - 12 years ago

    Under Florida law I think Zimmerman will get off and is not guilty, but that is based on my opinion as I do NOT know any of the facts in the case.
    The problem here and this is still just my opinion is that Zimmerman seems like some over zealous cop wannabee who can get off by using the law when the reality is a young man has lost his life. I support the "stand your ground law" but it seems it needs to be tweaked.

  • oemautosound - 12 years ago

    Here is the prove this picture was taking 3 minutes after the 911 call, with an iPhone
    the gps of the phone and picture shows that is gearge zimmerman

  • cj - 12 years ago

    Mike, Do yourself a favor, and remove your head from your ass, and open your eyes.

  • Caleb - 12 years ago

    Mike, you are mistaken. Florida law does NOT prevent neighborhood watch participants from carrying weapons. You are misinformed. In addition, you obviously view only the media photos and stories supporting your opinion. Check out
    for another angle of the photos of Zimmerman.
    Zimmerman was treated at the scene by paramedics, cleaned up and much time passed before he voluntarily went to the police station. A newspaper on the east coast of Florida reported Zimmerman was permitted to change clothes before going to the station and that police took the clothes he was wearing. Between being cleaned up, treated by paramedics and changing clothes, what kind of damage would you expect to see other than what the above link shows?
    Lastly, the original police report indicates Zimmerman "was wet and dirty and the back of his jacket covered in grass" and also indicates "minor injuries." This is indicative of Zimmerman being on the ground with someone on top of him. The reason the police didn't charge him immediately is because the criteria for probable cause was not met. The lynch mob mentality of the blacks and others calling for the arrest of Zimmerman is why he was eventually charged. Justice will prevail and he will walk.

  • mike - 12 years ago

    jeremy are you stupid? this man needs to be in jail. as far as the kid hitting him and braking his nose that is bull. police video surveillance show no bumps or and sign of blood on zimmermen. zimmerman was was ordered by 911 police dispatcher to not follow or approach him. what did zimmerman do? what he wanted to do. florida state law says no neighbor hood watch volunteers are supposed to carry weaopans. this jack ass knew what he was doing. as far as 2 sides to the story your right there are 2 sides to every story but its hard to get treyvon side when he is dead.

  • jeremy - 12 years ago


    Been a fan since power pig hello! Fetus hang up. Of all people I am suprised the most of your view of this situation. You and I both know all the facts have not come out. It is all speculation till we know "both sides of the story" It seems to me Zimmerman has been tried and convicted already by you when you have not even heard his side of the story. Let me tell you something. If I had walked up to Trayvon and asked him, " hey buddy are you lost or can I help you with something etc,etc, etc..... and he attacked me. Hitting my face and banging my head against the ground.... well the outcome had been the same. Even you Bubba, you attack me and I'd blast your ass all the same. Shame on you Bubba for finding this man Guilty before you know all the facts. Of all ppl you should know!

  • bread - 12 years ago

    chicken dip

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