Who will have a better NFL career, Andrew Luck or Robert Griffin III?


  • Panthers_Fan - 13 years ago

    I think RG3 will have a more successful career just because the NFL is trending to a mobile QB's or QB's that can run look at what Cam Newton did in his rookie season I wouldn't expect RG3 to do as well as Cam did in his rookie season because Cam broke a few NFL Rookie Records so I wouldn't expect for those records to be broken 2 years in a row.

  • DaBears - 13 years ago

    I like both and hope they both find success in the NFL. I give the edge to RG3 mainly because he'll have a proven coach in Mike Shanahan. I'm sure Joe Pagnano will do fine eventually, but it's going to be really rough for a first-year head coach and a rookie QB, especially in a rebuilding year. I think the foundation that RG3 gets working with a seasoned, Super Bowl successful head coach will set him up for long-term success.

  • mliod - 13 years ago

    I think that both will succeed. The team that has more patience and veteran leadership, and commits to protecting their prized QB will have a more successful QB. It is hard to tell which team until we see who they surround them with. My vote is both organization know what to do and both QB's will succeed. Also no one can predict injury and durability factors until we see them take some hits.

  • GiantsPatsFan - 13 years ago

    With the exception of Peyton Manning, almost all of the star quarterbacks in the league have had a veteran either to start behind or as their backup. Both the Colts and Redskins are going to have these guys start out of the gate, but only the Redskins will have the competent backups to provide the leadership and NFL off-the-field smarts to pass along to make RG3 successful. Luck will have to rely more on himself and an offense that has been designed to be quarterback centric which will prove to be too much pressure for him.

    My pick of the two is RG3, and I wish Luck the best of Luck.

  • rbos bos - 13 years ago

    Skill, which both have, is only part of the equation. Coaches have gotten smarter in bringing along young talent, that will help. The way players respond to their leadership, and the skills they exhibit in giving credit where credit is due will go a long way to making them successes or failures.

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