Do you think Ted Nugent should be banned from the Bangor Waterfront Concert Series?


  • Darlene Knight - 12 years ago

    How dare Longo to even ask!!! Nothing but political posturing and showing his own contempt for anyone who dares disagree with Obama. I am quite sure Bangor has bigger issues to deal with then to ask a private business to ban the Ted Nuggent concert. And I sure hope that area businesses who also benefit from his show take issue with Longo. I guess Longo only supports free speech as long as he agrees with it.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Well then, no grey area here! It's unanimous, Ted rocks and Longo sucks!

  • mike - 12 years ago

    maybe Longo should be banned simply because he doesn't know when to shut the hell up! i have never been a big Ted Nugent fan but just because he's a celebrity he gets a boat load of stuff, other folks talk about Obama everyday ban them from bangor and you would be here all alone chucky!!!

  • Robin White - 12 years ago

    I don't think the Banger city council should have a say in weather Ted Nugent comes to Bangor or not. Just because Nugent dose'nt like the president is'nt revelvant. I don't like the president either. Is Bangor city council going to band me from Bangor.

  • ME Resident - 12 years ago

    Butt out, Bangor City Council. Give me a break. Ted Nugent has made comments like this his whole life and you had to have known that when they booked him to play. EVERYONE says things that may offend another, so what, that's life. Are you going to try to ban every band that says something that offends YOU? I don't like country music or rap, but you would never, ever see me get up on a soap box and demand it be taken away from those who enjoy it. You, like everyone else, have the right to your opinion, but just keep it at that. And you sir, do not have to go to the concert if you don't want to. You are also free to purchase ear plugs if it pleases YOU. You let the Dixie Chicks play ... did you hear what Natalie had to say about Bush?? Or, were your ears closed that day? How about all the vulgar things that came out of the mouths of all the heavy metal bands that came last year? Were your ears closed then? Shut your pie hole and let people enjoy themselves. Use your time and our tax dollars to work on something that actually is worth the money and the effort.

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Wait a minute people! i must say a few words on Charlies behalf. He does have the right to fre speech,well he does but not anyone else. he has the right to his opinion and to what he wants to hear. Well he does but not anyone else. And he does have the right to request that things are done his way. well we all know no one else does! i beleive that he wants a opurtunity to explain his point of veiw. im sure the local democrat party would let him use their platform to tell us why he is so against a person that has a opinion about politics that is diferent than his. i would even bet that he would love the chance to confront Ted on his political ideas! it sure would put Ted in his place! what do you say Charlie? feeling lucky?

  • Gary - 12 years ago

    Charlie Longo should be BANNED from Bangor City Council. Your future in politics Charlie has basically come to an end with this. If you want to control speech, move your fat ass to a country that will net you do that. You unfortunately live in the United States in America and we can say what on our mind you fat bastard

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    I payed extra money just to see Ted,Im outraged that someone would ban him from coming.This would be my first waterfront concert show but might be the last if this is what I have to deal with!would anyone want to buy a concert ticket for show then have someone step in and ban the act?noo!Ted has been a fantastic artist all these years,I was looking foward to this.

  • MOPANG - 12 years ago


  • ben b - 12 years ago

    freedom of speech enough said...wait ask the soldiers that died and gave us that right....

  • Wendy - 12 years ago

    We live in america right?freedom of speech right?Im so disapionted that it has come to this to see this rock god from the 80s not coming to the waterfront.I sure will think twice about buying a ticket on the waterfront knowing that some idiot could make my disishion to ban a show.If they ban Ted from coming I will not rush out to get my ticket for a show becouse someone could just step in and say sorry he isnt coming,I feel slaped in the face(.lets not disapiont the fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)fans we must potition this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all in favor?!bring Ted,bring Ted,bring Ted!

  • Albert Boyd Knapper - 12 years ago

    If the Bangor City Counsel should have some time they should Read this thing called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which gives certain Rights to the People - one of which is the Freedom of Speech !!
    It seems that many in the Political Game that the Man off the Street that they are to Represent should be seen but not heard - it is upon the time that we the people need to start taking our Rights back from these Fools who supposedly Lead us and give most of them a swift kick in the Ass out the door.

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Charlie Longo............ is your village missing its idiot?asshole you live in a gun loveing, sel-relient state. we are Ted Nugent! we are out spoken and radical, we are extreem in every form that can be. from our weather to wild life. what the hell gave you the idea you have the right to judge someone because of their political views? oh, your a democrat!? that makes sense. can we have a red banner on stage and throw a star and a old harvest tool on it just for decoration? bet if he made a comment against Bush it would be ok.......Asshole!

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    The City of Bangor should say "Goodbye " to Charlie Longo. "FREEDOM OF SPEECH " is something he just doesn't understand.

  • joe - 12 years ago

    This is just another step toward the new USSA so freedom of speech and other right will go by the wayside.... just plain sad... wellcome to America the greedyful....

  • Ab - 12 years ago

    Ted Nugents comment didn't break the law (yet), anymore than comments made more often by David Letterman, Alec Baldwin, Ophra Winfrey or John Stewart. Might I suggest (not condemn) member (s) of the councel for bringing personal opinions to a public meeting. The concert series up until now has been entertainment oriented. Would it be wise to limit entertainment to just one side of the political spectrum? I think not. Can anyone suggest more important issues to be brought to the counsel? It appears the lack of grown up issues has forced some to bring personal political opinions to the STAGE themselves. Isn't there budget cuts, crime, and safety issues to discuss?

  • Joe - 12 years ago

    Sice when is it the councels job to infringe on FREE SPEACH????????.just another example of some form of government local,state,or federal to try to censor free speach when something is said that someone dissagrees with in a head swollen power position

  • kimmie - 12 years ago

    Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Just because a person has an opinion, they won't be welcome to bangor? I guess a lot of the public should be banned from bangor if that's the case. There's so many other important issues I'm sure the bangor counsel could be concentrating on...Mr. Nugent is NOT one of the issues. Seriously? Is the counsel member really THAT petty?

  • randy - 12 years ago

    bgr city council should stick to running their city not political criticism of pepoles free speech!

  • Doug C. - 12 years ago

    The asshole on the Bangor counsel should read the law as stated freedom of speech, by the way wasn't just given to us it was fought for by many brave Americans and just because it offends this pussy obviously he's never seen Teddy in concert, it's a kick ass show which will draw a lot of people and benifit the Bangor area,,, and if he does pass this through who's next?

  • Ellie Steward - 12 years ago

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and he did not threaten the President nor anyone else. Freedom of Speech without going out of context.

  • Big D - 12 years ago

    I think the asshole on the Bangor counsel should step down, its not his decision to make. He should keep his political opinion to himself. It's pretty clear he loves Obama. Ted Nugent has the right to his opinion just like the rest of us!!!

  • sharon nichols - 12 years ago

    he made no threat to anyone....freedom of speech kinda going out the window?

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