Should Home Economics be taught in school?


  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Conservatives Rule, your too kind! in 78 my dad got tb. cause we had just come back from Africa,(my mMom is American, my father was not, but to return to America, my mom had to sign a letter of responsability for my dad and my brothers and i.) we where still in the first 5 years of being here and my mom had to work as her husband lay six for 6 months. my dad got better and to this day, we still dont take help from the government.Lori, im sorry your husband is six. i wish he would get better. but if you lived 65 years ago, what would you be doing now? thank God for out present day doctors and state (and federal) help. and if you have to ask, stop takeing the help and pay it back, cause if you barrowed from someone else, wouldnt you have too?

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    You see Jerry, that's the beautiful thing about America, you are (at the present) free post your convoluted ramblings. It's called a 'conversation' Jerry, so do try to keep up.

    My user name is 'Conservatives Rule' because....well, WE DO! Also, if I were to use my real name, of which I am very proud, vitriolic Liberals like yourself would be able to hunt me down and damage an upstanding business and employer. I don't worry so much for myself, to me Liberals like you are nothing more than a nuisance, a minor inconvenience, but I will not tolerate you harming the livelihood of my employees! The Left's occupy idiots proved how you love to disrupt businesses, with no consideration for the results of your actions!

    Yes, I "talk all political and caring" because everything IS political, and yes, I do care! Being an obvious Liberal, you know EVERYTHING is political, so I shouldn't have to explain that to you. And I care very much about politics, people and their situations. It's called compassion, Jerry. We leave blind condescension to you Liberals! If all you hear from me is ego, then you are obviously not listening. Or maybe I need to amend my earlier statement to include - Liberals only see and HEAR what they believe! You mistake ego for confidence! I'm sorry for you if your own confidence isn't up to the task.

    You assume Lori "had every right to collect and most likely it wasn'nt enough." Leaving your spelling aside (we all make mistakes, as I mentioned in an earlier post), you have no idea if Lori 'had every right' or not. As I posted, only SHE knows. Now I realize everyone on the Left thinks (almost) everyone deserves welfare like it's a God-given right, but that is just based on the Liberal propositions that people are only truly happy when they are equally miserable, and that Government is the salvation of the masses. Both are incorrect, Jerry! Since you obviously disagree with the conservative viewpoint on this, feel free to defend using the welfare safety net as a multi-generational way of life, I'm sure we would all love to hear your rational!

    Oh, and not once did I question Lori's NEED to rely on it, I only pointed out that ONLY SHE knows if she really needed it or if that qualified her as a 'bad person'! Well, apparently you know also! Or at least you THINK you do! I do tent to forget that all Liberals think they are omnipotent!

    As for your assertion that I am fake, well I assure you I am real! There is a living, breathing person typing these words. One whom is not so lazy as they can not type out 'you are'! I understand your abbreviations Jerry, they just illustrate a sad laziness and lack of communication skills on your part. See that Jerry, I am back to having to explain to you that this was a conversation. No, it had nothing to do with the question's topic, just part of the larger conversation.

    Lori, my condolences for your loss. I hope things are getting better for you. In spite of whatever misconceptions Jerry espouses to, I'm glad there was a program there for you to assist you through your ordeal. Perhaps if we were not supplying a free ride to some that don't really need it, we would be better able to help more that truly do! At the very least, as you say, you are able to laugh your ass off. Perhaps if those on the Left, like Jerry, didn't hold those of us on the Right in such contempt, we could reach out (without fear of condemnation) and privately assist more deserving people. Just a thought.

  • Doug C. - 12 years ago

    fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

    i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghi t pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it. waht do you thnik Ctahy?? Cna yuo raed tihs?

  • lori - 12 years ago

    thanks but still lmao

  • jerry - 12 years ago

    so conservative you make the rules,on the comments, your last comments contradicts every thing you said. you talk all political and caring but all i hear from you is ego. it all looks good on paper but ur fake, with no compassion. lori you had every right to collect and most likely it wasn'nt enough. so all the comments about welfare are useless. THe question is about home ec. not welfare

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Only you can answer that Lori. You know if you really needed it or not.

    But you can't argue that thousands use the safety net as a hammock! A helping hand when needed should not be allowed to become a multi-generational way of life.

    Of course that has nothing to do with the question, but thanks for playing anyway.

  • lori - 12 years ago

    being on state aid for three years watching my hubby die slowly and painfully . does that make me one of them so called bad people on welfare

  • Saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Conservatives Rule, your completly right...once one has had a chance to live overseas, it changes our veiw of things. i lived throw the "divission of material and academic wealth in Angola. saw how the liberal left distroyed the Portugues gold reserves and historic treasures. i see it happening, in a slower way but the steps are the same. and yes, im ready to do some prumeing! lets get this tree to its former glory!

  • bob - 12 years ago

    as long there isn't homework(good thing i'm a senior!)

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    God bless you Saul! A man after my own heart! I too worked my way up after moving back to the U.S. After I retired from Hinckley, I took over two businesses and started a third, thanks in no small part to the people I hire to run them, and those that work tirelessly to see they are successful. One is here in Maine, one in N.J. and one in Fla. I prefer to live here in Maine, and am fortunate enough to be able to make that choice.

    Maybe it's having lived overseas that makes us so different from the 'gimme everything just because I deserve it' Leftist Progressive Democrats. Notice how Liberals are always willing to hand over the fruits of everyone else's labors!

    Another stark difference is that Conservatives believe what they see, while Liberals see only what they believe. That in itself qualifies Liberalism as a brain disease. Unfortunately that disease has spread like a cancer in this great nation, but there is a cure and it's coming in November! Ironically, the hatred for country that Liberals wallow in has blinded then to that fact.

    We all make mistakes. The Left made a mistake with obama. Adults admit their mistakes and correct them. Time for the adults to take the country back and correct the Left's mistakes. And if the tree of liberty must to be watered, so be it (if you get my drift)!

  • Saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Conservatives between God, my parents and theability to see things that are about to happen because of the laws of nature... i have had a very blessed life. i dont forget that no man is a island, and if a man is struggling to move up and i can be of help, im not against that. but i first must see him work at moveing up.i was born in Africa to missionary parents. moved back to the states in the 70s. whent to college and joined the army in the 80s. got out after a tour and started a company doing work for the city of Providence RI.sold that company and opened 3 more befor movein up here to take up a possition inthe National Guard up here. We got robbed up here and i had to start all over...and im not a young buck. but i allways toke what i make and divided into parts. on part is always for the future. one part is for"in case shits the fan" those two never mix. And oh yes, one part is always for guns and ammo. This is a great nation, there is no need for poverty, its the lack of respossability and lazyness that has most people in the mess they are in.So if your reading this, and your the one that robbed me before, whant to try again?

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    That's right Cathy, when you have no point - deflect! Did you learn that from obama? And what a surprise, Jerry agrees with you!

    Careful what you disclose Saul, you are obviously successful, so it's only a matter of time before Cathy comes after you for not 'paying your fair share'!

    ('Paying your fair share' being code for 'everything you worked so hard to earn'!)

  • poll taker - 12 years ago

    what is that about? i didnt learn about that in school at all omg lol

  • jackie - 12 years ago

    I can't imagine home economics not being taught-I took that way back in the 50's
    thought they always taught it.

  • jerry - 12 years ago

    LOL good point cathy..

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Cathy, your so sweet!.... if it wasnt for my bad spelling, i would have been successfull in all my 4 companys. i would have had a better military carreer and probably own more land and toys! if only my parents had taught me to spell(in all 4 languages that im fluent in) and less about responsable money management, i would be sitting at the front of the line at the welfare or some other governmment hand out agency! the problem here is we dont teach our kids responsability and there are so many safety nets that one is almost forced to fail!if you kill someone you are responsable to our sociaty for that act. as a female(males dont make babys, thet help start them only!) is you make a baby. you should be responsible for raiseing it. teach it and make sure that it has a better life than you did.that is what it is suppose to be. everything else is bullshit.and you can stick my spelling up your(get this, i will spell it right) ass!i made two kids and made sure they both had a better education than i.i have had 4 companys and all ways inforced propper money management skill with my resposability to sociaty is my example, not a portion of my hard earned cash so some fuckhead can spend it cause he has right too! teach these stupid kids proper life management of their life and everything will work out. try it than bich about it!

  • Cathy - 12 years ago

    I know the subject at hand is home economics but from what I've seen here today we need to get back to the basics "spelling"......sorry but I couldn't resist...

  • jerry - 12 years ago

    ok all these comments are useless....The question had nothing to do with welfare. and we put to much responsibily on the government to raise our children. Just because I work for a living and am not struggling why are you people getting off on downing those who dont. if they take advantage of the system lets put blame on them.
    far as home ec hell yea offer it, it may be the next chef ramsey...

  • an advocate - 12 years ago

    Unfortunately home economics did not have strong advocacy when health education (with strong advocates) became a required half credit in the 1984 credit reforms for Maine high schools. Home economics was a class that benefitted males as well as females. Home economics was a huge loss in our schools. The rooms are expensive to furnish and maintain so it is unlikely we will see the return of home economics in schools that abandoned the course.

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Home Economics should only be taught when the girl goes for her first welfare check when she has her first kid at 16. that way we can save money on not educating everyone.stop wasteing money people, we need a sertaint number of unresponsible people in order to have a good working base for welfare workers! can you imagen what our econome would be like if all those people didnt have work?! we dont all need to be smart with our monet! its the governments responsability to make sure we are ok. if they allow there to be companys that pray on us, its the governments responsability to give us the funds for us to maintain a "normal life"! its not fair that rich people have money and we dont!WTF! we are people too. we are all equal! let the rich pay for us less smart people... that only fair. why should i have to go to a class to learn how to use money, just give it ti me...i know how to spend it!

  • Nancy - 12 years ago

    Kids today need the Home Economics Classes, most are getting none of that at home. For parents that are teaching it CONGRATS. Re: Gary's comment Hell yeah to marine boot camp.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    How about a class on Fiscal Economics! But then, if students learned the importance of fiscal responsibility, they would never grow up to be brain-washed, zombie Democrat voters! That would never do. The Democrat base needs more than just welfare recipients and voter fraud to win elections! No wonder The Boy King is playing up to the idiot crowd on late-night comedy shows, he desperately needs the imbecile vote this time around!

  • Gary - 12 years ago

    Ideally, the real life skills would be taught in the home as they were years ago, and the Home Education class would be just a reenforcement piece. However, many of the kids raising kids these days don't have the basic skills necessary to pass on,,,, so yes,,,, the students of today need a little chance at getting some of the basics in school. To the parents that are teaching the basics to your kids, God love ya. There should also be a semester worth of Marine Boot Camp to teach basic discipline,,,,, now that's not going to happen.

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