If Brent wrote another Night Angel novella, I'd like it to:


  • Jorsin - 12 years ago

    You have so much you can write about if you want to continue the Night Angel series. When I read those book I always analyzed things. I must say BRAVO! Very good writing. There are so many ways to continue the Series that it would be a shame if you don't. I'm willing to get a Night Angel themed tatoo that's how much I love those books. It would make my day if you continue them. You have many beautiful roads to expand on the series from the past and the future.

  • Anna - 12 years ago

    I want Dorian...

  • cript - 12 years ago

    if he does do a novella it should be more into the past give us a better understanding of some of the events that lead to The Way of Shadows. now that being said, he will one day return to the Night Angel story arc cause hes already paved the path for that. there is a lot of for shadowing in the series that will lead to a great continuation in the story.

  • Calvin - 12 years ago

    you know, when me and my friends found out that there was a new novel by Kevin Weekes coming out, and it was titled "The Black Prism", we assumed it was about the Kakari, and proceeded to shit ourselves with anticipation, hoping it was about Jorsin. So please more of that. Or Just finish the sequel(s) to "The Black Prism" because I got waayyy to into that story and immediately wanted to read more, and have been waiting for it ever since.

  • Kakarifer - 12 years ago

    I would love it if it picked up after the series, I would rather see a new novel or series of novels rather than a novella, if its going to be a novella id like to see something about Jorsin and Durzo when they were young and maybe have them finding the kakari, but if its going to be a novel I want to see a sequal about Kylar learning to use the karari and more about what it means to be the Nite Angel, and about his relationship with Vi

  • Kylar is my yum yum kins - 12 years ago

    How about a novella that starts up right after the series' end with Kylar and Lantano time travelling and fighting back during Jorsin's golden age, while Durzo touches Vi's hair in Alitaera? Of course, this is all because of the Wolf, because it's not a fine day without him around.

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