Do you think arts and cultural amenities are important to economic development in Greater Lansing?

1 Comment

  • Susan Robertson - 12 years ago

    Of course I think the arts and cultural amenities are important to our economic development. First of all, artistic and cultural endeavors usually require advertising, which infuses dollars into the local economy. It would be interesting to know what percentage of dollars generated in the greater Lansing area come from arts and culture.

    Additionally, life enrichment, from preschool age through old age, is critically important to a community's stability and growth. When I can expose my child and grandchild to activities ranging from shows at the Wharton to activities at the Public Library, or trips to the Michigan Historical Museum, or a day at the East Lansing Art Fair or Common Ground - I have given them many amazing gifts each time: not just the main event itself, but I've also exposed them to how people dress for the theater, how food tastes and smells that we might not have experienced, how different people sound and behave, how various kinds of music sounds, how life was lived before we were born - all of which adds to the richness of who they are. And all of this benefits us because we live here. Imagine how it can attract others.

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