Do you think Ron Paul supporters did anything wrong at the GOP State Convention?


  • 99% - 12 years ago

    You cant count on the popular vote when the fraud is plain for all to see against the Dr.
    lamestream media cannot ignore the Dr. any longer.
    Look at the turn out at the speeches. Romney may get 200, the Dr. ALWAYS has thousands of people. Romney would be losing big if all votes were hand counted. So miss me with that bs about the results of blatantley rigged election.

  • Catherine Lavallee - 12 years ago

    This is a Republic. Democracy is two wolves and one sheep voting on what's for dinner.

  • Catherine Lavallee - 12 years ago

    Barry, no, this is not a Democracy. Everyone had an equal opportunity to show up at the caucus, vote, run to be a delegate, show up, and then vote at the convention. Just because the Romney supporters thought their job was over and their work was done in February doesn't mean that it's the truth. Knowing and following the rules is a good thing.

  • Julia - 12 years ago

    No rules were broken. Instead this weekend was a picture perfect example of the way America is meant to work. I understand how frustrating it must have been to a non Paul supporter but the fact of the matter is that it was no "takeover" it just felt like one because you were so outnumbered. Some of the motions made (many) were inappropriate given the system we are so blessed to have had put in place long ago. From the "Federal Papers" no.55: "As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust: So there are other qualities in human nature, which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence. Republican government (that of a Republic) presupposes the existence of these qualities in a higher degree than any other form. Were the pictures which have been drawn by the political jealousy of some among us, faithful likenesses of the human character, the inference would be that there is not sufficient virtue among men for self government; and that nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another."

  • Concerned Citizen - 12 years ago

    "I move that there be a poll asking if Romney supporters did anything wrong." I'll 2nd that motion... I watched quite a bit of the Convention via livestream - and the answer is yes. Romney supporters passed out fake slates in attempts to cheat and were causing all kinds of ruckus. The trouble makers were in the Romney camp - the Paul people did their best to do everything right and by the book.

  • Barry - 12 years ago

    As an observer from the fringe of the process, I find the whole process disgusting. It seems that all sides have chosen to ignore honesty and use whatever tricks, procedures.... to get their way. Ron Paul, although he possesses many great ideas, has clearly not gotten a majority of voters or support in polls or votes across the country. Yet his supporters seem willing to use the same kind of tactics that Obama is willing to use to win. Shame on you! Is this democracy?

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    Wouldn't the executive committee (Charlie Webster, Ruth Summers, etc) be in charge of quality control, organizing the the entire logistics of the operation, credentialing, security, and all of the other stuff that failed horribly? If anyone has any objections to how those functions were handled they should be looking at the executive committee and their planning and execution of the convention, not the chair people trying to work through the agenda items.

  • Maine Patriot - 12 years ago

    All republicans, no matter who they support, had the right to show up at a caucuses and become a delegate. Then those delegates had a right to be at the convention. More delegates who came to the convention happened to support Ron Paul. Therefore they had to majority, fair and square. From what I saw, the Paul delegates did their best and followed the rules of the convention which were voted on and passed by the GOP at the convention two years ago. When the Romney delegates did not win, they began to get mad because they were not winning and getting their way as they have for the past 100 years. So the Romney delegates started to employ deceptive tactics to try and win back the upper hand. When that didn't work, they made as many motions and objections as they could get away with, this time trying to stall the convention and run out the clock. If they had succeeded in running out the clock on Saturday then they would have called all their supporters and tried to get more delegates to the convention in order to become the majority on Sunday. When the Paul supporters voted - using proper procedures - to stay Saturday until all delegates got a chance to vote fairly the Romney supporters got even angrier - some stormed out. Emails went out to Romney supporter and maine candidates telling them not to bother showing up because they wouldn't have the votes to win and it would be a waste of their time. Many did not show. Sunday, the Romney campaign brought in lawyers to pick apart every vote and attempt to disrupt and delay the procedings further. As the day wore on, and the Romney supporters realized they did not have a majority and were not going to get their way, they began to stomp out of the convention in a huff until there were hardly and Romney supporters left in the building and the convention had to be adjourned for the day because there was no longer a quorum present. Fortunely, the business was pretty well concluded. I watched as the Romney delegates verbally attacked the Paul supporters practically begging for their way.
    Brent Tweed, who has previous parlimentary exprience, did an excellent job dealing with the constant barrage of motions presented by both sides. He was fair and consulted the rules on every decision he made. The Paul supporters behaved appropriately and did not cause any disruption in the process. The Romney supporters were extremely angry because they were not winning the votes, many stormed out in disgust. Several were yelling comments from the floor when things did not go their way. Basically, they threw temper tantrums because they were unhappy. Several Romney supporters confronted the Paul supporters asking what they were doing - the Paul supporters kep their cool in the face of heated discussions.
    I am neither a Romney supporter nor a Paul supporter - myguy is no longer in the race. I voted my conscience. Because Ron Paul had more delegates there, they won the votes. That is the way this Republic has always worked - majority rules. So, I do not think the Paul voters did anything wrong. They followed the rules as they were laid out - majority won - end of story.

  • Catherine Lavallee - 12 years ago

    POINT OF ORDER! I find this poll to be deleterious. I move that there be a poll asking if Romney supporters did anything wrong.

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    Words cannot describe what my experience was like yesterday at the Maine GOP Convention. Maybe "disgusting" would be a good attempt to describe what I witnessed. Ron Paul supporters followed every rule. I cannot say the same for the "other" side, as some would like to reference.

    Members of the Mitt Romney campaign are dirty and crooked to the very core and his Presidency will be no different. Watch the following video. I witnessed everything this woman talks about and even followed the guy she mentions back to the Romney camp after he made his nominations and videoed them all as they discussed their next strategy to delay the convention further. He intentionally nominated other known Ron Paul supporters in an attempt to disrupt and confuse the vote. To that "gentleman", let us call him "D.S." know who you are, I know who you are, and you, like many of your friends should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. What you did was DISGRACEFUL to the Republican party here in Maine.

    I am a REPUBLICAN. I am on the REPUBLICAN "side"...and I support Ron Paul.

  • mike kreamer - 12 years ago

    where is the poll for romney shenanigans?? like this guy.. gets busted posing as a paul supporter passing out FAKE delegate lists and cries to a cop when he realizes he is busted on film...

    yeah, there need to be a pole for romney dirty tricks.

  • Robert Cofran - 12 years ago

    Of course the Ron Paul supporters did something wrong. We refused to bow down to the republican establishment.

    I was there as a delegate,I saw what the romney supporters tried to pull. Ron Pauls supporters used the gop rules and won. Frankly the victory margin would've been greater had the RP delegates who didn't come had shown up. Over 2500 delegates were there,approx 1000 more were no-shows. Face it,Ron Paul won Maine,fair and square,the people voted,the establishement just didn't like the results,so for the unpardonable sin of going against their annointed champion romney Ron Paul is accused w/o a shred of any evidence of "doing something wrong". Why not a poll to see if romney supporters did something wrong? Why not ask someone who was there what went down? Why not report what happened? Are the media,and the republican establishment THAT afraid of Ron Paul??

    Side note: Can anyone possibly show the difference between romney and obama? I've tried to see any and have failed,but perhaps I'm missing something.

    My thanks to the young people who showed up as delegates,a lot of them for the first time. Sad to see what awaited them,but it was great to see they never lost their enthusiasm during the nearly 12 hours at the convention. Perhaps if the truth ever got out more people would see what the problem is with the gop,and their allies on the dnc.

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Roger that! Deanna Kneeland, you hit it right on the head! the media hates Ron Paul cause if he wins,alot of the government made jobs are going to end and things are going to change(in a American way not in a Kenya way)! it makes me sick that everytime there is a story that has guns, education, religion, or anything conservative, WABI always play only one side of the coin and when i directly call and complain, sometimes they make a small correction but never show the conservative side! Mitt Romney is nothing but a wolf in sheeps skin! he comes from a democrat back ground, his mentalaty is democrat, hes a traitor to the republicans.i hope ron Paul Wins!

  • Sue - 12 years ago

    No. It was the Romney supporters who were putting out fake delegate slates, stealing delegate credentials, stalling the convention at every turn, and trying, unsuccessfully, to incite the Ron Paul supporters all because it was clear from the first vote that we had a majority.

  • Deanna Kneeland - 12 years ago

    I find it amazing that we, the proud people of Maine who do NOT support the status quo and who flexed our voting muscles and followed Roberts Rules of Order, are now delegated to the gutter by WABI-TV and by the Good Old Boys of the Republican Party who had to take their ball and go home! In 2008 they did the same thing to Ron Paul supporters and were cheered by the Media, but when the shoe is on the other foot the winners "did something wrong". It's time for a change and we, the people of Maine, have spoken. The only way to make change happen is to change the way you look at the situation, we just made that change. WABI-TV should interview Mr. Brent Tweed and get his perspective. Lets have both sides of the story if you are going to fairly cover this issue. If not, SHAME on you.

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