Is it ever a good idea for the government to tell us what we can eat and not eat?


  • Jack Anderson - 12 years ago

    Knee jerk response is No, never. But the full answer is no, but they should have the power to regulate food safety, regulate toxic pesticides and herbicides that can get into the food chain, require disclosure of what is in our prepared foods and nutritional values and present useful information on what constitutes a healthy diet. All of which they do with varying degrees of success. Perhaps the question refers to the Scalia broccoli argument. Could the government require us to eat broccoli? No, but they could, and should, have the power to impose a tax on junk foods that endanger public health and cost billions in unnecessary medical problems, in the same way we tax cigarettes and alcohol.

  • Jim Gnecco - 12 years ago

    I don't believe the government should ever be allowed to tell us what not to eat. That said, if the government wants to "advise" us with supporting info that could be very helpful.

  • Michael Shaffer - 12 years ago

    Mrs. Obama has come out and tried to get Americans to eat healthier by pointing out what foods are healthier for you. There is nothing wrong with this. Government can't tell people what they can eat and they are not doing that. Some people are so stupid they just don't understand anything about nutrition and dont' realize certain foods are not good for them. The radical right thinks Mrs. Obama is trying to tell us what to eat. Government trying to help people learn more about nurtrition and good diets can only be a good thing.

  • Lou Marturana - 12 years ago

    Theoretically I believe that government imposing rules that restrict our behaviors is to be avoided at all costs providing that it has no impact on others. Bad behavior, inthis case, does indeed have an impact on all of us. Obesity, which springs from this issue, affects allof us. Health care costs will be accelerated on society as a whole. If we are able to increase the health costs for those who involvce themselves in bad behaviors then let them do whatever they choose to do. I love freedom of choice as much as the next person. But not when I have to pay a penalty for that "freedom."

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