Should helmets be mandatory for motorcyclists in Maine?


  • Mrs. Fat Boy - 12 years ago

    My husband and I have been riding for 40 years. Back then people actually were considerate of motorcycles. About a year ago, we were riding (I'm always on the back) on the main drive through the mall by sears, and this stupid female pulled right out at out side, she would have hit me. Fortunately, fat boy has had a lot of experience and avoided being hit. We were then stopped and this stupid female screamed out of her car, WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THAT STUPID THING ANYHOW? So I yelled right back at her, what if it was a child on a bike? She replied, I would have been looking for a child. So this is the whole truth. People in cars are not looking for motorcycles because they don't care. Just like that 17 year old that turned left in front of the motorcycle and killed that 45 year old man. A helmet would not have saved his life. It was the person driving the car that didn't look. I have observed more and more lately, that the cars ignore the yield signs, it seems like they don't know what it means, or that they just don't care.

  • Fat Boy - 12 years ago

    If anyone has any common sense, they will not leave a dog in a car with the windows rolled up, that's against the law. But evidently, you idiots have never had to stick your head in one of those helmets. If you did you would never ask this idiotic question again. Any time it gets over 70 degrees, much less 80 or god forbid 90, it will fry your brain, you can't breathe, you get light headed and could easily pass out. So which is better? An animal in a car with the windows up, or the dumb motorcyclist with his head in a helmet? All law makers should have to wear a helmet for a week in 90 degree weather, before they could vote on that kind of stupid law and they should have to have a motorcycle lisence. Anyone who voted yes on this cannot know anything about the subject! Why don't you research it first.

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    At this point 257 people have voted yes. thats very sweet. question, of the people that voted yes, how many own and ride a bike at least two times a week? and to fallow that question, of those that vote yes, how many of you have been tolled at least one time in the last 48 hours to "shut the fuck up"?
    if you can honest..

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    No friggin way. I don't wear a helmet and it makes the ride much more enjoyable. If you are going to crash bad enough to die the helmet only helps with the identification.

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    OK people! As a forign born American, Soldier, buisness owner, land owner, farmer, farther and husband, gun nut, and anti socialist, i got more shit to do than to hold the flashlight for you inbreads!:
    Denise, "Please help me understand why drivers of cars are required to wear seatbelts, but motorcyclists get to choose whether or not they wear a helmet. That makes absolutely no sense to me" here we go.....
       [moh-ter-sahy-kuhl] Show IPA noun, verb, mo·tor·cy·cled, mo·tor·cy·cling.

    a motor vehicle similar to a bicycle but usually larger and heavier, chiefly for one rider but sometimes having two saddles or an attached sidecar for passengers.... now we are going to see what the other big word important to this question is...
    1    [kahr] Show IPA

    an automobile wait, wait, i know thats a hard one, let me help...
       [aw-tuh-muh-beel, aw-tuh-muh-beel, aw-tuh-moh-beel, -buhl] Show IPA

    a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion that? ok one you are outside already on two wheels, the other your fat ass is inside a box with 4 wheels. if you fall out of the box.. your fucked, the other guy? hes already fucked, the helmet? does not stop contact with ground at any speed. so.."I would feel terrible if I accidentally hit a motorcycle, & the occupant died because he wasn't wearing a helmet. I couldn't live with myself. I believe in choices, but safety is a huge issue." so like Conservatives Rule says"Car drivers are idiots, simple as that. They drive into things, fall asleep and engage in a multitude of distracting things while driving. Ever see a biker texting, eating or putting on make-up while riding?" be a good driver, watch for bikes and dobble rap that seat belt around your neck if it such a life saver. Conservatives, buddy, i have walked away from 7, not 1, but 7 accidents with not a scratch and the ones with the seat belt, being taken to the hospital! In the Army we got a saying.." stay alert, stay alive"!
    Andrew, when i read about the plastic bag, i thought it was for over your head, my bad, but on your of time, try it."It's not about the State intruding on individual rights. It's about the inconvenience and expense the rest of us suffer after a fatal bike crash. I'm with Denise. I'd hate to think that I might be the other driver." its not the state what? than who the fly pig fuck is it?and "Have you ever read an account of a fatal accident that had the line "The driver might have survived had he/she NOT been wearing a helmet."?" have you ever hear, " all survivers of that fatal accident are due to wearin their seat belt? read what the seat bet companys say about their product, it minimizes injurys, if its a fatal crash,(now dont spread this) your ass is dead, thats what a fatal crash is! if you got no helmet and it rains, you can keep rideing, you ever see wipers of a helmet? with no helmet, i can hear your rap music comeing at me at 75mph. ever jump from a plane? no helmet! they break neck(at least in the old days)Personal choise people, sure, give them up one by one and Denise and Andrew, ever think of car pooling? the two of you in the same accident would save all of us so much drama...... love you all, keep doing stupid shit, we need to be number one at something!

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Sorry to inconvenience you Andrew. From you response, it would seen that car accidents don't create any "messy' cleanup!

    Here's a though, instead of just hoping you are not the driver that mows down a biker, OPEN YOUR FRINNIN' EYES! SEE US! HEAR US!


    It's in your hands to NOT hit us!

  • Andrew - 12 years ago

    Have you ever read an account of a fatal accident that had the line "The driver might have survived had he/she NOT been wearing a helmet."?

  • randy - 12 years ago

    hey remember when it was the law to wear a helmet..people would say..HELMET LAW you dont need too wear one its your choice... i say SEAT-BELT LAW SUCKS..

  • Andrew - 12 years ago

    If you don't want to wear a helmet how about a plastic bag? It will make the mess in the road easier to clean up. It's not about the State intruding on individual rights. It's about the inconvenience and expense the rest of us suffer after a fatal bike crash. I'm with Denise. I'd hate to think that I might be the other driver.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    I just went back and re-read the story about the crash. Was the biker killed because he was not wearing a helmet, or was he murdered by an inexperienced, inattentive juvenile asshole who feel the need to didn't yield to oncoming traffic?

    Didn't see him, or didn't look? One more reason loud pipes save lives! Perhaps if the kid had heard him coming things would be different.

    It's summer, bikes are everywhere!

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Happy to Denise;
    Car drivers are idiots, simple as that. They drive into things, fall asleep and engage in a multitude of distracting things while driving. Ever see a biker texting, eating or putting on make-up while riding?

    Saul called it right, only those that don't ride feel the need to dictate helmet laws!

    Even with the seat belt laws in place, it is STILL YOUR CHOICE to buckle up! If you choose not to, you suffer the consequences (either ticket or injury). I was in a crash years ago where wearing a seat belt would have killed me! Now, I only buckle up when I WANT TO, never when I'm told to by some asinine law.

    Think about it people, helmets don't save lives, period! They may help prevent SOME head trauma, but what about the rest of the body? Bikers die every day while wearing helmets. Of course helmets do make identifying the body parts easier, so maybe that's the real rational behind it.

    Helmets are not the imaginary impenetrable force field advocates make them out to be. They will never save us bikers from stupid, incompetent drivers - or from our own stupidity and/or inexperience!!

  • Denise - 12 years ago

    Please help me understand why drivers of cars are required to wear seatbelts, but motorcyclists get to choose whether or not they wear a helmet. That makes absolutely no sense to me. I would feel terrible if I accidentally hit a motorcycle, & the occupant died because he wasn't wearing a helmet. I couldn't live with myself. I believe in choices, but safety is a huge issue.

  • Eliza - 12 years ago

    It is and should continue to be a personal choice. As a motorcycle enthusiast, I personally choose not to wear a helmet, however I never fault those who choose to wear one. If you are over 18, you are an adult and it should be your choice.

  • Wayde Batchelder - 12 years ago

    We should b able to make r own choices weather or not to wear a helmet or seatbelt

  • Al - 12 years ago

    I think if your under 18 helmets and seat belts should be mandatory but as a 43 year old ADULT i should be able to make my own choices that only pertain to my life.

  • hope - 12 years ago

    Let those who ride decide. Educate not dictate.

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    ever notice its the people that dont ride are the ones that want to make the rules for those that do? you know why? cause they dont want to be resposible for hitting our ass! "Sure i hit him doing 65 in a 35, but he wasnt wearing a helmet so im not respossable!" you know what, i want to hear your dumb ass comeing and most bike helmets cut down on my side more conserned with looseing my nuts on a bike accident than my head! i have had two accident on bikes and both times my nuts got it!do you see my trying to get a law passed for bikers to wear dick cups? come on people! grow up!if you feel like you need it, there is no law against it, but why make someone do something that is going to impair their ability to be safe so you can feel safe hitting them?

  • Larry Shea - 12 years ago

    it sure should be your own choice! if you ever notice you never hear of the accident victims that get killed wearing a helmet its always the ones that is not,so for those that dont ride notice how the deaths weigh out.if its your time helmet or not good bye!!! leave things alone we dont need any more laws!!!!!!!!

  • Darlene - 12 years ago

    If you feel that your head and life are important, then wear a helmet! Always be prepared to crash.

  • Wayne - 12 years ago

    I think it should be like it is now. Let those who ride decide. It should be the drivers choice to rather or not to wear a helmet. Under a certian age yes but as an aduld no. Like I said if it's NOT BROKE DON'T FIX IT LEAVE IT ALONE........

  • Kevin - 12 years ago

    If I were to ride I would wear one. But it should b my choice. Laws should protect the rights of people, not attack us for personal choices. My body, my choice.

  • doug - 12 years ago

    i think it should be your choice.but on the same note why is it when i drive my car with six airbags i have to buckle up?

  • maria - 12 years ago

    It should be your choice. I know of many motorcycle accidents that if the driver was wearing a helmet their necks would have been broken instead of just a bump on the head. It's a chance you take, every day life is full of chances !

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