Do you think Americans should be required to have health insurance?


  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Dave, since you are so enamored with paying for everyone else, pleas post your address so we can all send you our medical bills. I mean after all, like you say you're paying for everyone else anyway, right? What's a few million more?

    The way I read your argument, I'm already paying for stuff I shouldn't, so paying even more is fine.

    With that perspective you are sure to be the darling of the Left. What else should the government require us to buy, Dave?

  • dave - 12 years ago

    i voted yes because im paying for health insurance anyways for all the people who dont want to pay their own way and just go to the emergency when they have a runney noise or some other non emergency but they go anyways because people who work pay for it in the long run.i really would nt mind paying some sort of insurance tax like the income tax,and like i say im paying it anyways.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    I hope you aren't holding your breath waiting for a response, Saul.

    Liberals can't rationally explain their beliefs, they only 'feel' them, not THINK them. obamacare makes them 'feel' better, therefor it's a good thing. The reality of the massive intrusion & TAX doesn't matter to someone whose beliefs are the only reality they are capable of seeing!

    Of course, many many Liberals welcome obamacare simply because it is the largest tax EVER in America's history. They know it will destroy any chance of an economic recovery, so they wholeheartedly embrace it.

    They know it will also force millions more to be dependent on government! Liberal Progressives see that as essential if they are to retain power. Their greatest fear is that we peasants become self-sufficient. Without our total dependance on government, they lose their voter base. They know that and it scares them to death!

    And still others dream of total Liberal anarchy. We saw that clearly with the Occupy movement! Protestors, protesting nothing more rational than their ability to protest! What did they hope to achieve? Nothing! What did they actually achieve? Nothing! What was it all for? Nothing! What did they accomplish? Nothing! But they sure had a blast doing it! (Until it became too cold, inconvenient and the news cameras lost interest.)

    Time is on our side with this one, Saul. Time will expose obamacare as the true LIE it really is, just like everything else with obama! In obama, America was sold a neatly wrapped box of dog excrement. Some saw him immediately for what he was. Others so desperately wanted to believe in something, anything, that they denied what their own eyes saw, and voted for the (dare I say it) turd. Still others saw him as the idiot puppet they could use to "fundamentally destroy America" once and for all.

    Good luck getting a rational explanation from those fools and charlatans!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    with as much a straight face as i can, and being very honest, so far 140 of you voted yes.As some of you noticed, CR and a few others(maybe even myself) have a few minnor(real tiny) conserns about this health tax, i mean health insurance thing. can some of you "yes" people explain why and if one of you says "cause i can smoke pot and not work and still get health coverage" i swear to fucken God Almighty i will never be this nice again and i will take down every pro liberal sign and piss on it that i can! And warning to you smart ass, i drink hard Apple cider!jus a plain and clear, a " hay buddy, cause this is why its good for us and the good is better than the evil" as you do this, remember, im not from this country, i have come here legaly, whent to school(all 20 + years of it) (yea, a little more than just high school) join the Army, started my own companys and own my own land. nothing has been given to me and i have paid hard for all i got(actualy, the wife was free but the last one was hell to pay go get her off my shit!)

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Welcome to obama's America, Dave! That's what Liberalism gets you!!

  • dave curran - 12 years ago

    the ones that dont want insurance,dont want to pay their own way.they are all the freeloaders this country seems to be raising now.they think everything should be givin not tired paying for all these people,help is one thing,being lazy is another.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Messing with you? I'm depending on you! When the Liberal zombies start crawling out from under their rocks and up from their parent's basements, I' know your little part of America will be defended! (So will mine, but that's a story for another day.)

    I have always believed that things would have to get worse, much worse, before there was any hope of liberals coming to their senses. Well look around, things just got a lot worse! Liberals live with permanent blinders on. They are only capable of seeing what they believe, never what actually IS. It has something to do with the brain disease that is Liberalism.

    I'm sure that after they finish hangin' out, chillin', catchin' some rays and partying this summer, they will be back at it beating their drums and dancing around like little idiot children, all in the name of reelecting the biggest disgrace to EVERY occupy the Oval Office.

    It wouldn't surprise me if, when these mental delinquents see insurance premiums skyrocket, coverage drop, doctors disappear, taxes (all 22 of them) kick in, and the resulting inflation destroy any hope of recovery, they simply fall back to the excuses of their Messiah, BLAME BUSH. But reality speaks differently! This is obama's abortion. He owns it.

    And he will have to defend this albatross going into November! (Good luck with that!)
    Then, if all else fails, we have you Saul. You are our secret weapon, so don't tell anyone!

    Lock & load dude, and keep your powder dry!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    CR.. stop messing with me! do i unload or go full ballistic?i got new toys... a NVG that only sees liberals!
    Obama is going to blame the rich(yea, hes going to blame the people that pay thousands of dollars to eat a meal with him and hear him say absalutly nothing that make any sense!) hes going to blame the White American public, hes going to blame our way of life.Even if he is elected out of office, he should be held accountable. him and his black ass dumb asses!(yea go ahead and say something you bunch of nitt wits! im from Africa, Angola.)the only reason he has half of them up there is cause they are black and communist. Let them(or any other tree hugging liberal)make the mistake of crossing my property lines! and no i would not kill them, but they would know what it feels like to pull a full days worth of work to pay the fucken taxes the keep comeing up with! wake up America, time has come to start buing guns in the military section of walmart rather than the hunting section!keep letting ass holes putting handcuffs on you for your protection, and going to anger management classes and takeing prozack and smokeing weed!like i said before, shut up! and put up.Or stand up and stand your ground!

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    AL - That's the only way Progressive Liberalism can be advanced, instrumentally. obama threatened that he would fundamentally change America, and he has made good on that threat.

    There are far too many out there (we call them Democrats, Liberals, Progressives) that truly believe the peasants are just too stupid to rule ourselves. They must control every aspect of our lives in order to maintain power. And their stooges just follow along in lockstep behind them, grabbing up all the crumbs of whatever freebee the elite throw them. They are so blinded by The Messiah that they fail to see they are being used as convenient idiots!

    Liberalism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried, and it will fail here too. WE must contain the damage being done until the zombie masses come to their senses - or until we let Saul loose to do his dirty-work!

    Question is, should he actually manage to win reelection, who will obama blame for all the problems? After all, starting next year he will have inherited all the countries problems FROM HIMSELF!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    "This problem is larger than just healthcare and it appears it may be the issue to unite us behind a cause." i got several causes, i got a 12 guage cause, a 223 cause, a 45 cause, a 308 cause,the list goes on. but im one guy. thats called a nut. bunch of you join me, thats called a movement, get all your friends and neighbors in on it,..... its called a revolution. but like the song goes, out here, i stand alone!

  • Al Hunt - 12 years ago

    68% of Americans oppose this law in some form. No American president has ever been elected with a 68% margin of the popular vote since record keeping began in 1824. If more than 2/3 of any organization wanted something done a certain way, that's how it would happen. They are now governing against the will and wishes of the governed.

    As average citizens we are at an historic crossroads in time and it is up to us to rein our government back under our control. This problem is larger than just healthcare and it appears it may be the issue to unite us behind a cause.

  • Molly in ME - 12 years ago

    Who came up with this idea?
    What product is the government going to MAKE us purchase next?
    When will we actually need papers to go from state to state?
    Where will people get the extra money for this?
    Why do the American people continue to allow "them" to take away every bit of freedom this country ever promised it's citizens?
    How will we fix this?

    We have to start telling "them" that they no longer have "the consent of the governed". EVERYONE in office now should be replaced by someone who has never served in any office before. Let real people who know what the real results will be start considering some of this law-making.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    The poor and lazy want to thank you for picking up the tab for their healthcare too, Saul!
    And don't forget the lucky parents that get to continue paying for their 26 year old "children"!

    Simple question; At what age does a Liberal actually reach maturity? Never!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    i need to see someone... does anyone else find it funny that they make it mandatory and tax you to have a health card but not a id saying who you are and that your here legally? so i guess i will be buying "nondocumented" people health care too?! good box of .223 ammo is only about 7 bucks . and for all you haters both those comments are not related!(but i like your thinking!)

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Okay Ed & Al, listen VERY closely, I'll speak slow so you understand;
    You are only required to have auto insurance IF YOU REGISTER AND DRIVE A CAR! You are NOT required to have it if you don't! EVERYONE will be required to have health insurance, even of they can't afford it or don't think they need it! Get it now?

    Jo-Ann; don't expect insurance premiums to lower. Thanks to obamacare, you will now pay more so that coverage can be given to those who the Government deem worth of free coverage. In fact, premiums have already begun their rise, and the law hasn't even been implemented yet!

    Bu the mandate is only a small part of this abortion, folks. This was nothing more than the largest tax hike in America's history! According to the CBO, 1.76 TRILLION DOLLARS over the next 10 years! 20MILLION will lose their employee sponsored healthcare as companies large and small decide to let their employees fend for themselves! Look at Jackson Lab in Bar Harbor as a good example - each year they raise the employees 'contribution' while they lower coverage!!!

    Time and space does not allow going into all the new taxes obamacare levies, but be prepared for the consequences! You think medical procedures and tests are expensive now? Wait until all the Medical Device taxes kick in. That X-ray or MRI price is about to double! This abortion must be paid for, and taxes is how that will be accomplished!

    If Nancy Pelosi had bothered reading the bill before she voted on it, she would know that! But then, being a Democrat, she never met a tax she didn't love!!! Like she said, "WE have to pass it to find out what's in it." Well, now we will find out, and when we do, hold on to your wallet!

    Are there some things worth keeping? Sure! But overall, this abortion will mean that unemployment will continue to remain high, as companies put off hiring while they struggle to comprehend the impact the new law will have on their businesses. Other businesses will be forced to drop their coverage for employees altogether, and some may even decide to close! Inflation will rise as new taxes kick in, and it will become harder to get in to see a doctor as the market is flooded with more patients seeing fewer doctors. (Ever been to a DMV office? Imagine that with a few million more customers in line in front of you!)

    I will go out on a limb here and state that all those that support this monstrosity have either not bothered to read it, so they have no clue what's in it (like Pelosi), or they think they will be getting something for nothing! I ask them, how much are you willing to pay for this, because we will ALL pay, and pay dearly for obamacare! So, how much? $500 more a year? $1,000 more a year? $2,000 more? Try $2,400 more a year MORE THAN YOU DO NOW for a family making around $30,000 a year! Still sound like a good deal? No? Too bad, pay up or we'll TAX you!

    "But I'm young, I'm healthy. I don't think I need health insurance yet." Tough shit, pay up or we'll TAX you!

    Still not concerned? If nothing else, imagine our new Socialized Health Care System will now be run by whom? The IRS! What kind of brain-damaged imbecile thought up that brain fart? Oh yea, obama!

    The SCOTUS decision yesterday did two things;
    1. It proved once and for all, for all to see, that obamacare is nothing more than a TAX - the largest in history!
    2. It motivated the Right like nothing (not even their purported racist hatred of obama) could!

    As Roberts wrote, 'It's not our job to save the country from it's political decisions.'

    Thank you Justice Roberts for showing us the way, that the only way to eliminate obamacare and replace it with a REAL alternative that doesn't destroy everything good with our healthcare system (and what's left of our economy), is to replace obama!

    We CAN do that! We Must do that! We WILL do that!

    One party rammed obamacare through Congress. One party care repeal and replace it!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    You people dont get it. it aint about health. and yes, not all of us deserve to live. Religion is based on a fact that some sacrifice for others and some even to the point of death. Patriotizem is about sacrifice. But blancket laws, laws that mandate a mandatory expense is about slavery. about being subjects to a power that is unforgiveing. its about tyrany. its about a few controling the many. its about a slow but progressive manuver for companies and governments to enter your lives and take away your individuality.yes there are people that dont pay their dews and lie and cheat. think thats new? yes there are people that without this will die. think thats new? you think by selling out your freedom to say no to health care we become a better sociaty? how many times has the "health gurus" being wrong about pills and methods of treatments? the day i cant take care of myself is the day i find out if there is a God. And if there is, i will ask Him why so much misary and pain on his creation.But i will do it on my time and with the tools He gave me to live here. and yes, if i can help a fellow man, i will and have done so. but it sucks for me that now i got to work to pay for someone to have a life style that is harmfull but ok cause the government will fix you! it wasnt bad enouth that i had to fight for your freedoms to be a jackass, now i got to pay to feed and care for you too! this is fucked up shit! sorry if my spelling and chain of thought offend you... i will make it up on my taxes for you.if that aint enouth, get a psychiatrist and go talk to him about it, a soldier and a working man will pay for it!

  • Jo-Ann - 12 years ago

    they should be working on making it affordable for everyone to be able to afford to buy health insurance. I am sure everyone would like to be able to afford health insurance

  • al - 12 years ago

    I think that if you are required to purchase car insurance, then whats the difference.

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    It should be your choice. If you rent a home, do you have the option whether you want renters insurance? Do you have the choice whether you want life insurance? How about Dental insurance. Your choice, right? I can go on and on. BUT, as with all those insurances I mentioned, if you have an illness, don't expect us taxpayers to pay for your treatment. We wouldn't pay for your dental work if you didn't opt to insure yourself or your family, or any other insurance you opt to not pay.

  • Ed Davis - 12 years ago

    Are we not already forced to by auto insurance or pay a fine? Whats new here?

  • Kerne D Roberts - 12 years ago

    Of course every one wants health care but the bottom line is , if you cant afford it you will now be fined for it. How can I pay the fine if I couldn't afford the Insurance in the first place?

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