Do you think there should be more gun control in the United States?


  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    in the morning, i wonder if they will comment that it was a 2 to one vote against the "yes" and that most comments are for all you anti gunners...dont forget one thing, you might have a opinion, and thats great, we got guns and cheap ammo.......come take whats not yours to take..

  • TD - 12 years ago

    There are always two sides to every debate. Fact: Law abiding people are not the problem-they obey the laws including gun laws. A criminal will always find a means and a "device" to kill with. I am a law abiding US citizen. I enjoy hunting and target shooting. I am legally licensed to carry a concealed handgun having been thoroughly checked out by law enforcement. It is a persoanl decision to do this: I am a business owner. I also choose to be able to protect my family and myself if warranted. I understand the legality of my decision and fully understand the laws pertaining.

    Had several movie goers been legally carring a firearm that evening, the outcome may have been different. The NRA has documented many cases where a person carring concealed has saves many lives be confronting/suprisiging a criminal with a gun, and has held them until the police arrives to effect arrest. I would do the same to help anyone in such a perilous situation.

    Remember: criminals do NOT obey the laws of our Country. Any additional gun control laws will ONLY afftect law abiding citizens: Which are not the problem! Nor are the guns. They are only a mechanical device. It is very unfortunate when such terrible crimes occur. My heart goes out in sadnessto all the families afected.

    It has been proven that States, and Countries, with tough gun laws have more crimes commited by criminals with guns, versus pro gun States have far fewer. I also strongly believe
    the AR15 and AK47 style rifles are no different than a conservative Remington woode stock hunting rifle: They only look different-but are semi automatic. A real "assult" rifle is Fully Automatic.

    It will be a very sad day in American history if the day comes when only police and military are allowed to have guns. The bad guy criminals will still be able to acquire guns to commit crimes at a level never seen before. A lot of us would be victimized before the police arrive.

    There is no easy solution to solving societies unfit which thank goodness are a small minority.
    Our current laws suffice.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Jean - You may be a lot of things, but part of the majority YOU ARE NOT! Those 'rights' you are whining about are YOUR rights too, You are just to ignorant to understand that, too cowardly to exercise them, and just too stupid to do it even if you wanted to! Thank God you have no interest in firearms, for you would be one dangerous person if you did!

    Also too bad you never learned any history! As Saul pointed out, more mass murders have been done with edged weapons than forearms. Open a book or two and learn something new! Can yuo say Rwanda? 800,000 dead from machetes!

    Since you obviously didn't pay attention in school I will tell you, 800,00 is a hell of a lot more than 12!

    Nan; What makes you think the AK-47 is reserved for military and/or police? Why do you trust them and not your fellow citizens? You do realize that the military and the police ARE your fellow citizens, don't you.

    Yea yea, I get it, a black gun is all kinds of scary!

    My wife and I do Cowboy Action Shooting and regularly purchase and shoot thousands of rounds of ammo. Are we now your enemy? Are you now afraid of us? Do cowboys scare you?

    Millions of active shoots across this country shoot millions of rounds each year! We are NOT the problem! Knee-jerk Liberals and crazy jerk-offs are the problem!

    I wish you liberal could get it through your thick skulls that the 2nd Amendment was written to protect US from YOU! (No wonder you want to abolish it!)

  • Herman 1940 - 12 years ago

    Guns are not the problem. People are the problem. The ones crying for gun control would be the first to cry out for help if they were in a bad situation. Guns are not toys and i will go down fighting for my right to have one,or two,or three,or however many that i can afford and want.
    GO LEPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Big D! i thought i got worked up! your 100% correct. but people want to think that homosexual behaivior is normal. its not. its not natural(we would not be here if it was) it is not moral. it is self distructive and so on... but the bottom line is gun control will not stop a gay guy from killing thousands of people(look at the romans, germans, greeks..) and yes, if we had better laws about criminal behaivor, things would be different. but we dont. we have laws about no criminal behaivior and we have deversion of responsability.. when it doesnt work, a few people get killed.who cares? thin out the crowed. if you think about it, its not even about gun or ammo or mag control. its about people control. let them have it. just make sure they pay the price! dont let them have it for free! if they have to bleed for their "control" rights just like we did and our fathers did for our freedom rights, may be they will think differently....

  • Big D - 12 years ago

    We don't need more gun control we need more nut control. People need to be held accountable for there actions in life at a young age before they get older and crazier. Most young people today have absolutly no respect. We have become a sick nation and getting sicker by the day. Librails and gays are going to rule us all if we don't wake up. We just keep letting the nuts get away with what ever they want. I don't care what anyone says the thought of two men kissing and fondling each other is gut wrenching. I think these people are as sick as the gunman in Colorado and we let them get away with it. More gun control, no way ,I'm going down fighting!!!!

  • saul tarsus - 12 years ago

    Jean Hylan, sorry you skipped out on history class, but more genocide has been done at a edge of a sword than a gun, as a matter of fact, historically, more killings are done with blades than guns. you, on the other hand, so well informed failed to read up on how a nut case(on several different times and places in history) have killed hundreds with poison. or how with one bomb, taking out scores of people! you probably never tried to take out multiple targets with a gun. i do it for a living and have been trained by the best(US Army) it aint easy! and yes it is horrible, but i rather have these nuts kill people with a gun(cause they are limited to the ammo and gun performance)than have them step up to a truck,bus ,plane or bomb!
    "What about the Constitutional rights of the majority of us who don't value the ability to order thousands of rounds of ammo and have it delivered by UPS?" well aren't you glad that those of us that did order the ammo, stand up for your right not to buy anything you don't want?(well, that was true until health insurance, but that is another story for later) and who said you are a majority? do you have any idea of how many people have guns and ammo? so you say your a majority and without checking the numbers, cause you say so, it is! kind of ballzee, but you got someone with a gun that protects your rights to talk stupid so its ok to talk stupid!
    "Your perceived "rights" have destroyed people's lives and those of their families again and again." really? "Washington D.C. has essentially banned gun ownership since 1976 and has a murder rate of 56.9 per 100,000. Across the river in Arlington, Virginia, gun ownership is less restricted. There, the murder rate is just 1.6 per 100,000, less than three percent of the Washington, D.C. rate.
    Less than 8% of the time does a citizen wound his or her attacker, and in less than one in a thousand instances is the attacker killed.
    Every day, 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented just by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is the gun ever actually fired" hows that for "again and again?" you want to tell those 500 rape vics they should not protect themselves?
    More interesting is the fact that more people use cars to go or actually commit crimes and no one is out banning them!
    don't forget, it was guys with guns that arrested the nut job! just cause you don't want to be responsible for the safety of your family, don't take my right to care for mine! we should use more strict punishment on these cases. i don't care if he's mentally fu**** up. no year long trial. he killed people., everyone saw him. put him up against the wall and take his head of with a razor blade(yes i know it would take some time!) so the next nut job would have something to think about. stop blaming the guns. thank God he used guns and not poison gas or a bomb! look at it for real people, i have stood toe to toe with lots of men trying to kill a few assholes, and we had auto weapons, and we spent lots of ammo and only got a few. guns can only kill one or two persons a round. there are better and easier ways to do this shit. out law guns, and you might not like what you get!

  • Nan - 12 years ago

    I think that the AK-47 type weapon and other weapons reserved for the military and the police should NOT be found in any gun shops in the country and any shops that do have them to sell, should loose their licenses to buy and sell any kind of weapon. A red flag should appear when anyone purchases over a certain amount of ammo in a short period of time. I don't believe we need to add more gun laws, lets modify them. We still have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms...we just don't need to have weapons of "mass destruction".

  • Beth - 12 years ago

    The truth is there are a lot of people out there who secretly want to hurt someone and thinking like that is hard to control.............we just don't know what goes on in the minds of others. We can control ourselves , that's about it and of course report anything we think may be a sign of danger but as far as gun control's too late, the guns are out there and available.What about guns that are stolen and never found ? I imagine they could be illegally sold to anyone with the money to buy them, no questions asked ! I don't see any way that gun control would work.

  • Boo Thompson - 12 years ago

    "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

    Adolph Hitler - 1935

    'nuff said.

  • Jean Hylan - 12 years ago

    Please tell us when a mass murder was committed by a single person with a knife.
    Mental illness exists - let's not make it so easy to murder dozens of innocent people, among them children.
    What about the Constitutional rights of the majority of us who don't value the ability to order thousands of rounds of ammo and have it delivered by UPS? Your perceived "rights" have destroyed people's lives and those of their families again and again.

  • Nicole - 12 years ago

    Stop blaming the guns and start blaming the psychotic people behind the crime. If it were a knife that was used in any of these incidences would they be outlawed as well? C'mon, start holding PEOPLE accountable.

  • Jo-Ann - 12 years ago

    Do not need any more rules. A deranged person will fine other ways.

  • Conservatives Rule - 12 years ago

    Oh yes, please let's lose MORE Constitutionally guaranteed rights just because of the actions of the most deranged in society!

    Only a mind severely infested with Liberalism would ever consider such a move! But please, please make gun control a key issue in the upcoming election!!! Romney needs one more issue to beat obozo with!

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