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With 98.3% of this page's total reach being over 18, is it okay for me to use the word 'FUCK' in one post out of the thousands that have already been posted?

Total Votes: 16

  • Mary James - 12 years ago

    Just not a word I enjoy hearing i guess at my age...and not really liked when talking about serious subject of fibromyalgia. Point can get across without cursing, my opinion..

  • Yvonne Wyse - 12 years ago

    I use the word Fuck probably more often than not. It has become one of my favorite words lately. It can be used in so many ways. To me it is just a word the describes many things. WTF is one of my main sayings. Then my farmer mouth knows when to stay home and when it can come out. Here as post it is hard to tell. So those that are offended should not take it to heart as not aimed at them personally. IT IS JUST A WORD.

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