Will Chad Johnson play in the NFL again?


  • Anthony Lee sr. - 13 years ago

    Why Not? With all the negatives of baseball; even some football players not passing drug test's ! Chad made some emotional mistakes in His personal Life. Not criminal . I believe it's already been proven that his soon to be Ex. Has a temper. It's her word against chad's. So can't we Forgive chad one more time Like many of the other sport's figure's in America .

  • EL~Boogie - 13 years ago

    Lets be real, Chad has always been a joker and coaches tolerated it when he was good. Now that he isn't as productive its a problem. I do not thing he is innocent completely, however Evelyn Lozada is a BULLY. She is violent, reactive and quick to throw punches. She knew who she was marrying and the life that came with it. She is just mad (BUTT HURT) that he was still screwing other women. All this over condoms. BE GLAD HE BUYS THEM! Anyways, I hope Chad gets another chance, I doubt it but I do hope this doesn't end his career in the NFL. Otherwise we will be seeing him as a commentator! LMAO

  • landa - 13 years ago

    there's always two sides to the story and evelyn is not so innocent i believe they should have not cut him so fast he hasnt even been tried yet really.more to this story

  • Josh - 13 years ago

    I doubt that he will play in the NFL again. I have always viewed Chad Johnson in the same category as Terrel Owens but now he has the one up on Owens with the legal troubles. Owens had to demote down to a different league just to play football again. He has been lucky to join forces with the Seahawks but other than that nobody wanted him. Johnson finally got a shot with Miami and they were the only team who actually wanted him... so he just burned his last bridge. I believe he can still compete in the NFL and have another 1000 yard season with 10+ touchdowns but the risks outweigh the benefits for Mr Johnson now. He is a distraction on and off the field and in a growing league troubled by personal conduct issues. Sad how these men can't just behave and collect their enormous checks to play a game as a living. LETS GO COLTS!! Rename the field... LUCK-US OIL STADIUM!!!

  • Dc - 13 years ago

    He will play again because the NFL puts up with crap like this. We have seen it over and over again. Evelyn is just as bad on BBW throwing glasses and constantly fighting with anyone and everyone. It gets ratings and for that she won't be fired and he will be back.

  • KG - 13 years ago

    Chad will take this as his wake up call. To great of a career and talent for no teams to give him a chance. This could be the thing to bring him back to where he once was. Maybe he wasn't ready for marriage, nor for Evelyn.

  • Lorie - 13 years ago

    Trust me Evelyn is not innocent in this entire situation. Have you seen that NUT on BBW. She's always throwing something, hitting someone; basically behaving like a maniac. I do not condone any violence, rather it's the man or woman, but he probably had to headbutt her to get her under control.

  • Mature adult - 13 years ago

    Chad, please find a woman with some sense!!!! Have you seen her behavior on BBW? She has not met her match.You cannot grow with a hot head! One of you will have to become an adult!!!

  • Jim Craft - 13 years ago

    The NFL tolerates jerks like Johnson (Ochocinco) as long as they perform. He obviously is past his prime, and now the NFL won't tolerate his bad behavior. Anyone who abuses a woman deserves all the bad stuff that happens to him.

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