The above sounds like its from someone who has never played football before. You have to understand, as an athlete, all you have to do is stretch, warm up, and boom, you back in the line up. Especially if your a star - one of the best conditioned, disciplined, knowledgeable, and skilled players on the team. It doesnt take very long to get back in the rhythm especially after being in the offense for many years.
These guys have to work. To us, when we see millions we think these guys have it SO good. But in actuality, they have money problems (mo money mo problems), and other issues just as we do...their human. It doesnt matter how much money is involved. I work in sales. I make more money that the person next to me, and if they performed at my level, they would make the same. The problem is they don't, then they have the nerve to complain about it. You have the same opportunity as me! So for NFL'ers, just because they make huge amounts of money doesnt mean they shouldn't be compensated based on production. You outwork someone, you deserve to be paid for it. I want to be paid like a top sales guy, so I work, I don't complain. MJD and MW have a right to ask for more money because it is due. MJD led the league in rushing, enough said. MW leads his team in receiving, enough said. To maintain their current lifestyle they need money...10 years from now it'll be needed to pay for medical expenses (provided they don't blow it) anyway.
Being an ex athlete and leading receiver on my old college team, yes, I understand. If I'm the man, respect me as such. I worked hard for it and want it to be recognized. I get these guys. Get your money man!
Big "E" - 13 years ago
Football is a "Team" sport, where if everyone on that team works hard and works together, the liklyhood of a success for the whole team is greatly increased. When certain players want more!, because they have a stand out game or season, it is usually because their teammates are playing better than the players they are opposing; therefore, allowing their teammate to shine as a high visibility playmaker. Yet it is those same stand-out players that suddenly think, because of this recognition they are better players than anyone else on their teams and deserve more, like more money and revised contracts. Instead they are letting down the very teammates that opened the hole for them to run through, or threw the ball where only they could catch it, or made that downfield block that allowed them to score. So I do not think those players should be rewarded for their selfish actions at the expens of their teammates. If the player who filled that vacated position can play well enough to allow his team to continue winning, let Mr. "Ego" wait until another opening is available. Maybe with all that spare time, he can learn a little humility and awareness of how his actions are a slap in the face to all his teammates, who have also worked hard to be winners; But not so selfishly. All players that sign a multi-year contract should be content to fulfill those contracts. If they are really as talented and valuable as they think they are, the team owners and players will not want to loose them. So by being a positive, selfless, team player, and respected leader, he will likely receive his just reward, and probably before his contract expires.
The above sounds like its from someone who has never played football before. You have to understand, as an athlete, all you have to do is stretch, warm up, and boom, you back in the line up. Especially if your a star - one of the best conditioned, disciplined, knowledgeable, and skilled players on the team. It doesnt take very long to get back in the rhythm especially after being in the offense for many years.
These guys have to work. To us, when we see millions we think these guys have it SO good. But in actuality, they have money problems (mo money mo problems), and other issues just as we do...their human. It doesnt matter how much money is involved. I work in sales. I make more money that the person next to me, and if they performed at my level, they would make the same. The problem is they don't, then they have the nerve to complain about it. You have the same opportunity as me! So for NFL'ers, just because they make huge amounts of money doesnt mean they shouldn't be compensated based on production. You outwork someone, you deserve to be paid for it. I want to be paid like a top sales guy, so I work, I don't complain. MJD and MW have a right to ask for more money because it is due. MJD led the league in rushing, enough said. MW leads his team in receiving, enough said. To maintain their current lifestyle they need money...10 years from now it'll be needed to pay for medical expenses (provided they don't blow it) anyway.
Being an ex athlete and leading receiver on my old college team, yes, I understand. If I'm the man, respect me as such. I worked hard for it and want it to be recognized. I get these guys. Get your money man!
Football is a "Team" sport, where if everyone on that team works hard and works together, the liklyhood of a success for the whole team is greatly increased. When certain players want more!, because they have a stand out game or season, it is usually because their teammates are playing better than the players they are opposing; therefore, allowing their teammate to shine as a high visibility playmaker. Yet it is those same stand-out players that suddenly think, because of this recognition they are better players than anyone else on their teams and deserve more, like more money and revised contracts. Instead they are letting down the very teammates that opened the hole for them to run through, or threw the ball where only they could catch it, or made that downfield block that allowed them to score. So I do not think those players should be rewarded for their selfish actions at the expens of their teammates. If the player who filled that vacated position can play well enough to allow his team to continue winning, let Mr. "Ego" wait until another opening is available. Maybe with all that spare time, he can learn a little humility and awareness of how his actions are a slap in the face to all his teammates, who have also worked hard to be winners; But not so selfishly. All players that sign a multi-year contract should be content to fulfill those contracts. If they are really as talented and valuable as they think they are, the team owners and players will not want to loose them. So by being a positive, selfless, team player, and respected leader, he will likely receive his just reward, and probably before his contract expires.