Who Would You Choose to PLay Christian Grey (final cast)

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  • barbie - 11 years ago

    I like Matt out of these 2 BUT You should check out Jay Ryan he is a way Yummy to play Christian!!

  • ruvie - 12 years ago

    they are both hot...but i think Ian would do better because he has this natural sex appeal and well...i think he's hotter than matt...

  • Louise - 12 years ago

    I think Ian is way too cute to be Christian Grey. I have read the trilogy and it seems that he doesn't fit the exact features of CG. I Think Matt Bomer is the perfect actor for CG. And if they were thinking about pulling Matt off just because he's gay then the people who are making the movie is not well open-minded. That's why he's an actor because he knows he can act like that. Just saying.

  • Sydney - 12 years ago

    In my opinion, Ian has a weirdly defined chin and he looks too vampire-like to play Christian Grey. Matt Bomer is absolutely perfect. He has the perfect chin structure, the most beautiful eyes, his body is muscular and toned, and he is everything I pictured to be Christian. PLEASE CHOOSE MATT.

  • Carmen Van Meter - 12 years ago

    Ian is exactly who I thought about as I read the book. He is a deep character who changes mood at the drop of a hat and Ian would do this perfectly. I would be very disappointed to see anyone else play the part of Christian.

    Also it appears as though no one is considering Ashley Greene as Ana and Ibelieve she would be perfect as the semi-clumsy yet smart and beautiful Anastasia. Ashley and Ian together would be smoking hot and when reading the book these are two beautiful people.

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