How I plan to read The Blinding Knife:


  • Shannon - 12 years ago

    I am vision impaired so I have to listen to the audio book version of books, but, in some ways it gets you so much more immersed in the story line. I have to say however, that I preferred the narrator of the first book over the second, however, the second author did a marvelous job regardless. Also, I know you've just got over the stress of writing and publishing the epicness of the second book, but do you have any planned/guessed at/scheduled release date for the third and hopefully not final book of the series?

  • Stacy - 12 years ago

    I don't know how you feel about random messages but I just HAD to write this.
    I just got my hands on Knife -- all a-shaking and a-thrilling, goosebumps all over my body, butterflies in my stomach. It's like getting high, like those roller-coaster rides where you get out light-headed, legs shaking and wobbling and not quite carrying your weight, and you have to sit it out for fear of passing out.
    Can you tell I'm a junkie? All high for good books and thrilling rides (pretty much any kind, both, in a good way I mean).
    Knife's atop my 2read pile and I might just read Right Now. But maybe after Kylar and his lot of adventures. Just to prolong the pleasure. Because there's so much time to wait for the next book.
    Cough. Anyway. Thank you for sharing your writing genius with the rest of us mortals. Wish there were more like you. On second thought, that would be terrifying: imagine all those great books you want to read, endless ocean of choice and little time to spare. Scary...
    Thank you. Good luck on the next book!

  • Sarah Catania - 12 years ago

    Just purchased The Blinding Knife.

    I have butterflies ...

  • Sarah Catania - 12 years ago

    Thanks, Ellen. We just love the experience of reading together. It is just awesome! :)

    We'll just have to keep on bugging him! I've got your back.

    *clears throat* Excuse me, would Mr Brent Weeks please come to the office?

  • Chelsea - 12 years ago

    You left out the "Brent Weeks and his genius ruins all other fantasy for me for about six months and I'm right in the middle of another fantasy series, so I have to finish what I'm already reading first or I won't be able to go back to it" option.

  • Jon - 12 years ago

    Now that i know the book where released 11 sept. in US i will download it even thou i have pre-ordered the book, so i get +1 day with joyfull reading. :)

  • Ellen - 12 years ago


    I love how you are planning to read this book. What a wonderful experience for your children and you. I hope Mr. Weeks can make it to Australia- but, hey, I can't even get him to New York.

  • Damian Shaw - 12 years ago

    I was counting on iTunes pulling through with a release on date :( epic sad face... I have been going around the bend trying to figure out where your going with this :)... Once copy is received I shall be habitating until completed, no communication with the outside world at all. Nice work all round :)

  • Sarah Catania - 12 years ago

    I love these polls, but I find that the option I am looking for is always missing. That isn't to say that I don't vote. Oh, I am just far too opinionated not to! :)

    But this time, I just had to comment because I read your books with my kids. We read, then each night we talk about what we read the previous night and what we think is going to happen. I am an avid reader, but doing it this way is such a profound experience. My children question things and have their own ideas about where they would take the story.
    I have been reading to them for a long time now. They are 11 and 14 and still love me reading to them. I love it more. The joy that comes from reading books slowly is wonderful. You get to soak it all in. To appreciate the author's writing and storytelling instead of powering ahead.

    We read The Black Prism like this and we have all been anticipating the coming of The Blinding Knife with some major excitement. We have not taken sneak peaks at all the interviews and chapters and blurbs that are out there in the world, because we like to experience books with that raw edge of not knowing; that mystery. It just makes it that much more enjoyable.

    Me, being a wannabe writer, take so much from your stories. They are my inspiration and your generosity with your Writing Advice has made my journey that little bit more wonderful.

    Thank you on so many levels, Brent. You are an absolute magician.


    P.S. Come to Australia ... please :)

  • Kylar is my yum yum kins - 12 years ago

    I bought it today, read it on the elliptical during my XC practice, am ignoring prepping for my chemistry recitation to read it, and am considering just staying up tonight till kingdom come to finish it. :D

    I looooooove these books. :D

  • Ellen - 12 years ago

    I get my books delivered to my business address, so I couldn't call in sick. But there is always tomorrow.
    I also just reread Black Prism so everything is fresh in my mind.

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