Should the city find a way to keep open Newton's branch libraries?


  • Joe - 16 years ago

    The good folks of Nonantum voted 80% against the Override. They don't want the library. They may say they do but their actions tell us they don't (or they want a library that cost $0 to run, well, it is time for some people to grow up--libraries cost money). If there is one branch to close, it is the Nonantum branch.

  • Lisa Rucinski - 16 years ago

    This should not be an all or none question. Auburndale circulates about 23,000 books a year to Waban's 9,000. Waban and Newton Corner are the least used and should be closed. Auburndale and Nonantum are more used and should stay open. At the very least Auburndale should stay open since it serves the most people, houses the library book sales, and otherwise serves the community in many ways.

  • Miles Fidelman - 16 years ago

    We should, however, find a way to use the buildings. We've learned the hard way that selling city buildings usually leads to a need to purchase more expensive properties somewhere down the line. Better to use them for after-school programs, rent them out, or some other appropriate use.

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