• Truman - 12 years ago

    You keep saying your not endorsing anyone, but you do. Perhaps you should do a little research before you run your mouth. Get used to saying President Obama, because you're going to have to say it for four more years. I hope your audience isn't stupid enough to follow you, but I suspect they are . Your definitely fit into the "uniformed" voter category. You should probably take a good look at Romney's record in Massachusetts. He vetoed 240 pieces of democratic legislature. I'd hardly say that qualifies him as a person who crossed the aisle to get things done.

  • Aniiko - 12 years ago

    Sorry for typos. Auto correct on iPhone!!

  • Aniiko - 12 years ago

    Hmm... Lets see here. As a person who utilizes social programs. Lets list them;

    Vocational rehab, Va hospital, GI bill, financial aid.... Hmmm Idk but I guess since like hay said all black folks vote for Obama cus they want their free stuff. I would really like to ask. Why is it only welfare system that's conveniently looked at as a social program? Taxes also pay our troops... What about the fact that jay uses social security prob? How are you gonna send all those N word ppl back jay? U will have to pay for it some how... Probably with a social program...

    I'm tired of this race crap. If you are going to state all blacks vote for Obama because he's black you should at least be honest and state that a lot of whites vote for Romney because he's white... It's true.
    And while you ponder over the intelligence in this ill ask, so when Romney claims to come down on china, what happens to his off shore acct! Wait what about the companies IN CHINA that he bought??? He even admitting to buying them in that video! So he's gonna wage war against them or call them the enemy?! What about his speak in Israel? Do you really think he's not war hungry? Idk. But my lazy "47%" but is getting me a scholarship and I have used your tax dollars to pay for 3 AA degrees and on my BA now. And I might just use your tax dollars for a masters too! Heck may even get a phd. Because to be educated in this counrty is will be a diamond in the rough, once Romney makes education so unaffordable that only elite ppl can go! The middle class will die completely.

    Hey but you won't be able to blame people of color if jay has his way... So who will you blame then? It will just be white poor or rich...

  • Tee tee - 12 years ago

    I can't wait for the election to be over. I want Romney to win. I want him to show all of you why he has that stupid grin on his face. He can't hurt me. I already have nothing. But those of you who have just a little more than me. Romney got something for you. It's call POVERTY. Let me ask you. Do you really believe the mess we were in could have been cleaned up in 4 years? Or do you just want to blame some one for your rotten lives. I can't wait. Go Romney GO.

  • tom rachford - 12 years ago


    OBAMAGATE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DUMP HIM IN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2012

    LIER IN CHIEF,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADOIS MO FO

  • tom rachford - 12 years ago


    OBAMAGATE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DUMP HIM IN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2012

    LIER IN CHIEF,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADOIS MO FO

  • bret - 12 years ago

    Bubba for president

  • KIM - 12 years ago

    If you give a man a fish you've fed him for a night, if you teach a man to fish, you've fed him for his life. The Dems want to give everyone a fish.... the Republicans want to allow men and women to fish by starting businesses, have good paying jobs and becoming independent of government programs. Obama wants to enslave us! Republicans want to free us.

  • Karen - 12 years ago

    Heard of the "left coast"? S.F. bans gold fish ownership... $5 gallon gas. Unemployment over 20% in some parts. Cities/counties going bankrupt, Crime is up. Prisoners being released due to overcrowding. Farming is dying due to no water...IT'S CRAZY! FLORIDIANS... PLEASE.. There once was a saying, "As California goes, so goes the nation" Say NO!! Save America from disaster and put us back on course for prosperity, and strength! Vote Romney! Our kids/grandkids shouldn't have to pick up the tab for a government gone wild!

  • Jim - 12 years ago

    How about the companies like Target that Bain Capital put money into and helped grow? How about Staples? To say Romney broke apart and sold companies is an Obama truth...a statement severly lacking in credibility.
    Obama has proved his way is a failure. Why would anyone not on wellfare want to give him four more years?

  • the dude - 12 years ago

    yes, the two party system is a joke. but of course we all know as usual we'll have to choose between the "lesser of two evils", as they always say. In this case, anyone who knows about how Mitt Romney's business history knows who the lesser is. Because this same history, the one he touts as a reason he'll save the economy, with lines like "I know how business works, I worked in the private sector for years", there's a reason he doesn't seem to want to go much more beyond quick soundbites regarding that history. If he went more into his history, the same one he seems to want to both run on, yet not answer any questions about it, and did it honestly, he knows he'd have to admit that he made a living off of saddling companies with massive debt and forcing them out of business ultimately, while he and his friends at his Bain Capital profited, as did some of the ceos of the companies that went under. BUT, the ones who suffered at the end of all this were the very same people he now claims to want to help if elected president, the middle class, the working class! From what I know of his business history, it seems like their sole purpose was to invest a small bit of their own capital, a whole lot of other investors capital, and tax codes to use to their advantage and make a quick profit while putting in some cases, entire towns, out of work. That is hardly any sort of positive qualification in my mind for him to be elected. If he gets elected this country will go the way of KB Toys...which if you notice, IT DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE!

  • health - 12 years ago

    To everyone that votes against obamacare please at least look at facts. It will insure people w/ pre-existing conditions. I own a small business and have done very well under Obama. My wife would like to start her own business but cannot because she has to stay at her job for benefits. If Obamacare(romneycare) stays it will be good for the country. I would have voted for Romney if he backed up his own healthcare idea but instead he choose to flop on his position to garner votes.

  • Jim - 12 years ago

    Four years ago Obama gave great speeches and said a lot of stuff that sounded good. Thirsty but naive people gulped the koolaide, and he was elected. Today, all he can do is create class envy and make personal attacks because he's come through on NOTHING. The guy has been a flop. What's he supposed to do in the next four years that he hasn't tried and failed to do in the last four years? The guy is a good looking windbag. Romney has actually governed and knows how to get things done. Out with the old and in with the new, I say.

  • Jayinlargo - 12 years ago

    No Joe buc fan i am not a white trailer trash, you ignorant fuck, i will say im just an EDUCATED white racist. your the trailer trash.

  • Joe Buc Fan - 12 years ago

    JAYINLARGO Talking about a piece of shizzit dude.... You are the perfect example of the white trash garbage the bay area is famous for... how embarrassing

  • Joe Buc Fan - 12 years ago

    I was very anti-obama last election but after seeing what the republicans did to this country the prior 8 years my mind has changed. I do not feel Obama is the best answer but speaking as a middle class citizen he (Obama) is the less of 2 evils. Romney will turn this country into a Chinese or Mexican speaking country of rich folks. The middle class means nothing to him and all you republicans or Romney supporters will be crying just like you all did when you voted Rick Scott into office. I remember all Scott supporters saying he is the best thing for Florida. Guess that was a wrong statement huh....Well so is supporting Romney especially if you fall into the middle class. He sends jobs to China, he could care less about getting people to work. Oh one last thing concerning this law suit... I dont know if it is the right or wrong thing to do but Bubba's nose wipers on his show are the biggest bunch of brown nosers I have ever had the pleasure of listening too. I think if Bubba told them to grab their man organs they would ask haw tight... Love the show Bubba, just hate the way your side kicks wipe your azz when you tell them too....

  • Robert - 12 years ago

    My neighbor said I was racist because I am anti-Obama. I told him Im not racist, I dont like his white half either. If you value the constitution you will vote for Romney

  • Alshon Jeffrey - 12 years ago

    Chris, you are fucking stupid. It is not about being "anti-white" or whatever the funk you call it, you are just narrow minded and stupid. People are people. No matter what race or country they are from, they have children, and wives and families, just like you. You are the problem with this country, not them.

  • C_ck Hold - 12 years ago

    Where's the Bubba and Hogan SEX TAPE POLL?

  • Joel - 12 years ago

    RON PAUL......enough said.

  • Jayinlargo - 12 years ago

    Im voting for mitt, all the blacks are voting for obama, to keep their welfare coming, i say ship them niggers back to africa.

    PS- tara your awesome and your voice is dead sexy

  • augie - 12 years ago



  • the gooch - 12 years ago


    ummmm doesnt that sound and look like heather ? not to mention look like bubbas bedroom if you go to archived bubba vids ?

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    This traitor vs. that phony?

    Is that as important as GENOCIDE?

    Everyone talks about this RACE problem. Everyone says that this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.

    The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says that Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and "assimilating" with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-Whites.

    What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were brought into EVERY Black country and ONLY into Black countries?

    How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem? How long would it take any sane Black man to notice this and what kind of psycho Black man wouldn’t object to this?

    But if we tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against our race - the White race, liberals and "respectable" conservatives agree that we are naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews.

    They say that they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  • Austin Etheredge - 12 years ago

    TO Steve...Third party? I guess you are drinking the same kool aid as the rest of the masses...It would not help...there is a 3rd party and guess what? They suck too...they are all corrupt...The US owes MORE ENTITLEMENTS (Soc Sec, Medicaid, etc...) than the entire country takes in via taxes...that's before spending one single dollar on government agencies like the military, and all the agencies the US has...IT IS A JOKE...We are all F@#%ed...We are witnessing the fall of Rome all over again...game over for us ass holes..Ned Rules...

  • cheryl - 12 years ago

    Bubba the Love Sponge for President

  • Len - 12 years ago

    Steve is DEAD ON!

  • the gooch - 12 years ago

    I say tara clem.....she look a like a man

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    NEITHER! The two party system is a joke! There must be a third to make a difference! I realized this when I was only a teenager, why can't the rest of America?

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