Who will win the 2012 presidential election?


  • Nathaniel Brown - 12 years ago

    As a young African-American Democrat who voted for Obama back in 2008, when I see him on TV at campaign rallies on college campuses talking about Big Bird, binders and other such nonsense, mainly because he has no record of accomplishments worth elaborating upon, just one thing comes to mind.

    I was guilty of drinking the Obama Kool-Aid as a young college student back then and I hope these kids today are a lot more astute than I was.

    We can't just vote for someone because they talk a good line. As the saying goes, if you fool me once, it's your fault: if you fool me twice it's my fault.

    Brother Obama you got me back in 2008 and that was enough. You are a habitual liar and now a criminal for what you did on 9/11/12. My God have mecy on your soul for trying to destroy America.

    Do you wonder what Obama will actually do when he has “more flexibility” after his “last election,” as he confided to the Russian president, not realizing his microphone was live?

    Are you concerned about what will happen to America’s already crippled free-enterprise system and to the U.S. and world economies in the next four years under Obama?

    Are you concerned about the nation’s already-porous borders, or whether it will ever again have truly free elections?

    Are you anxious over the future of the Supreme Court, considering that the next president may appoint up to three new justices – which in turn will determine the future of abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage and other crucial issues?

    Are you concerned over what will become of Israel, and alarmed over the increasing radicalization of the entire Arab-Muslim Middle East, not to mention the Islamic juggernaut sweeping Europe and the U.S.?

    Do you worry about Obama gutting the military and leaving America vulnerable not only to terrorism, but to nuclear attack?

    Beyond all of this, do you wonder how Americans will react should Obama be reelected and all these concerns become undeniable realities?

    Will there be massive civil disobedience?

    Will there be violence?

    Will states attempt to secede from the union?

    Will America be able to survive Obama?

    Just remember you have been warned on multiple occasions. Obama is a criminal who wants to destroy America. The proof is in the book entitled "The Roots Of Obama's Rage" and can been seen in the movie "2016". Check them out!

    It is imperative that one does their homework before they vote.

    If you don't, you will be just as much the cause for the destruction of America as Obama.

  • Stanley E. - 12 years ago

    Never forget Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, especially when Obama referred to their brutal murders as "bumps in the road" on late night TV with Letterman.

    Barack Obama is a criminal who has committed treason by intentionally leaving the consulate in Benghazi to fend for itself which resulted in the brutal murders of these four brave men in service to America.

    Woods and Doherty were working for the CIA, attempting to locate and secure thousands of weapons that Obama sold to al-Qaeda through the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps that is why he didn't send in troops to help them fight the terrorists.

    Obama knew in real time what was happening and abandoned them within minutes of the attack on the Benghazi consulate by al-Qaeda related terrorists, the same terrorist Obama had proclaimed on his campaign trail that he had them "on the run".

    Obama and Clintion then spun a tale about a disgusting Mohamed video for which we paid $70,000.00 of our taxpayer dollars to televise an apology on local TV.

    They had the audacity to mention the video again at the solomn ceremony at Andrews AFB!

    The only thing disgusting is that Obama has the blood of four brave Americans, in service to their Country whom he could have helped, on his hands.

    Help was about 60 minutes away but Obama decided that campaigning was more important and he went to sleep knowing full well that these four men and others in Libya could possibly be killed without help from our troops who were ready and waiting just 1 hour away.

    Obama is a pathetic habitual liar who can't be trusted and the liberal press has somehow managed to overlook his shortcomings; however, abandoning American men in service, who are under attack by Islamic terrorists because you want the world to think that Islamic terrorists are "on the run" is reprehensible.

    Obama should be impeached and Clinton should also be tried for assisting in the pathetic cover up attempt.

    Anyone who casts a vote for the criminal Obama, has the blood of Americans on their hands.

  • Butch B. - 12 years ago

    More Obama Cronyism Surfaces as a $1.5 billion goes to Joe Biden's brother.

    Vote the lying crooks out of office or you are no better than they are!

    The massive contract could potentially be worth up to $1.5 billion over the next few years with roughly $735 million of profit. A huge pay day for a company that has been hemorrhaging money since the housing market bubble burst in 2008. In addition to that, the State Department is expected to pay an estimated $22 million for it to manage the construction project on its offices.

    Gasparino's examination of his past revealed other shady business dealings.

    What made James Biden such a good choice to work at a construction company? Friends offer varying accounts. Marc LoPresti, an attorney who does work for Biden, describes his client as a successful 'serial entrepreneur,' though he declined to state which businesses James Biden created... Biden also had a brief and embarrassing foray into hedge funds, starting hedge-fund company Paradigm Global along with Joe Biden’s son, Hunter... It was also disclosed that Paradigm had connections to then-accused Ponzi schemer Allen Stanford. The fund was sold through outfits that Stanford controlled as he was facing federal charges for running an $8 billion fraud. Stanford is now serving a 110-year prison sentence. The Bidens denied any knowledge of Stanford’s activities and weren’t charged in the matter.

  • MLK1968 - 12 years ago

    WASHINGTON — Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

    Obama lied and four good men died!

  • Abbey R. - 12 years ago

    Barak Hussien Obama, AKA Barry Sotero has succinctly demonstrated over the past four years that he is a fraud who cannot be trusted to keep his promises.

    His mission is to destroy America and make her a secular Nation.

    Fellow Americans, instead of listening to his campaign promises that sound so good, just like they did in 2008, I ask you to do one of two things before you vote.

    1. Read The Roots Of Obama's Rage.

    2. See the movie 2016.

  • Margaret Bushnell - 12 years ago

    I cannot even think of another four years with obama if people cannot see what that man has already done to this country we leave in then they are BLIND and SICK all you have to do is turn on your tv or go to the gas pumps and that is just for starters. Come on people really. NO MORE OBAMA we cannot afford him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jon - 12 years ago

    I honestly can't see how anyone could allow 4 more years of Obama. 5-6 trillion in new debt when he promised to cut the deficit in half is all the reason in need. If I needed another, the cover up over Libya is even worse. This is many times more serious than watergate (when Nixon resigned), many times more serious, and the media has completely sold out protecting him. I pray earnestly that he is not allowed more time to turn our country into a socialist mess.

  • bren - 12 years ago

    NObama - you will be sorry if he gets re-elected.

  • Susan Sutten - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is a list you will be sorry if he becomes president.

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