I love my Yanks but they need to get out of this slump. The way their playing they don't deserve to win.
Bill Huddleston - 12 years ago
true fans never give up hope that there team can and will make great come backs. the yankees just need to go out there and win one game at a time just like the regular season there's no double hitters left, every team in post season can go on a winning. as long as there not eliminated. " go yanks. "
I love my Yanks but they need to get out of this slump. The way their playing they don't deserve to win.
true fans never give up hope that there team can and will make great come backs. the yankees just need to go out there and win one game at a time just like the regular season there's no double hitters left, every team in post season can go on a winning. as long as there not eliminated. " go yanks. "