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Should the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board take action to try to alleviate alcohol-related problems in Kutztown? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,518

  • Jesus - 11 years ago

    God is not happy with the liquor closing at 7 !

  • Brad - 11 years ago

    Mayor Sandra Green is so far detached from the situation. Her comments are frankly rediculous. Reason for more house parties? Two reasons: down economy and kutztowns unwillingness to provide any addition liquor licenses. Her reasoning for the alcohol problem being "availability of vodka that tastes like cookie dough, tropical punch or key lime pie" is the most rediculous comment in the entire article, I almost couldn't finish reading after that. Fact: if u didn't have flavored vodka or extended store hours, the students would find something else to drink or somewhere else to get it. These kids are hard working, and pay good money to live and go to school in that town. Sandra Green should be privileged to be the mayor of a town as respected and economically sound as Kutztown. My prediction is if more articles like this appear she won't be mayor much longer.

  • Ktown Citizen - 12 years ago

    This is absolutely ridiculous. This town is incredibly mellow and the college students keep to themselves on a great level of which I respect. There is very little crime and we are talking about college students here people. Most of these kids are on their own for the first time and they are letting loose a bit. I know I did when I moved out to go to college and that was years ago. Stop being so negative and take a look at the positive sides of things. This town is amazing for a college town. Get over yourselves.

  • Townie - 12 years ago

    I am a transplant from another town that never left Kutztown after attending college here. I attended other universities in the state and this "problem" is everywhere. The college students are not a problem. The alcohol and having fun is not a problem. The problem is this town is made up of old "Dutchies" that have nothing else to do with their time. They do not like change. Just look at the policy of the town has of not allowing chain stores or fast food within the borough. Kutztown would not be a town without the university! Limiting the hours at the liquor store or moving it will not solve the problem. All it will do is limit the availability for everyone. Students and townies alike. Think of all of the tax money the borough of Kutztown makes because of the students and the university.
    It's time people stop blaming the college students for their ills. It is time for a change within the government within the borough. The old way of thinking is no longer relevant and it's time people realize its 2012, not 1950. There are many people who love Kutztown and never left after attending school here. I am not the only "transplant" or "outsider" that feels the same way that I do. We chose to remain in Kutztown because we love it. And students are part of our community.
    Wake up Mayor Green and the rest of borough council!!

  • kualum - 12 years ago

    I wonder how many tax dollars were spent to research these findings and how many tax dollars will be lost. Education on alcohol is key but not through oppression. And the Kyle Quinn case was not due to thirsty Thursday events at Kutztown. It was three random men doing a stupid act and kyle was a victim but the university forgot about him after the 1st anniversary which makes me very upset. I was there when Kyle died and it affected the whole campus and community. Since then every incoming class should have had the chance to hear his story but like many other issues the university turns it cheek. I was at my friend's apartment last week for homecoming and we got cited for drinking on the front porch with 4 people on it for "carrying on". The government oppressing you once again. The students are residents and should fight against this.

  • Emily - 12 years ago

    As a senior at Kutztown, I feel like all of the townspeople automatically dislike every student at the university due to drinking. Not every student drinks, and the ones who are capable of drinking, having a good time, and not go to the hospital shouldn't be punished because of other people's mistakes. I am a hardworking student that deserves to have a good time on the weekends with my friends. Kutztown is like any other college town. Alcohol, drugs, and wild parties are found at every college. If students are not able to handle that, maybe they should reconsider going away from home for college.

  • Al Brooks - 12 years ago

    Maybe if the PLCB didn't spend seven times and much on advertising as education this wouldn't be as large a problem.

  • jeff - 12 years ago

    The LCB should keep their government noses out of it. The LCB is useless and should be disbanned anyway, just more government control.

  • Proud KU Alumna - 12 years ago

    I'm a KU alumna, and I think this is a major overreaction to something that occurs in nearly every town - whether there is a college in the vicinity or not. My impression is that the KU student community is being scapegoated, which is inherently unfair. If the liquor store in the Kutztown area is going to be closed early to prevent people from getting drunk, then the liquor store located in the 500 block of Penn Street, the one near Albright College, the one in Wyomissing (near PSU), and the one on Lancaster Pike (just a few minutes from Alvernia) should also be shuttered early. Why stop there? Just close every bar within a 10 block radius of Penn Street. Talk about a nanny state run amok. In the meantime, I'm going to play alcohol hero by drinking a bottle of whipped cream flavored vodka with orange juice (because that's how we KU folks do it, lol). Bottoms up!!

  • Annie - 12 years ago

    This is pathetic. Kutztown's no different from any other state school. And this is talking about cutting back the drinking for the legal individuals who are buying it at stores. This is ridiculous, they shouldn't be able to tell people who are of age what they can do in their homes. Go waste your time and money on something else, which I'm sure will be equally as stupid.

  • Derrick - 12 years ago

    I went to KU for a semester and am currently attending another state college. It is the same everywhere else as well. Kutztown is no different than every other college town in PA. They may think cases are on the rise but in reality more people are just probably being caught. It is the same now as it always has been. Moving the hours of a liqour store will not do anything but make them get their supplies earlier. More restrictions in turn will just tick the students off more. They are working with the community but should also work with the students to find common ground. There may be more "pregaming" in town but what are they going to do? Move students living off campus outside the borough? Which in turn creates more DUIs and vehicle related deaths possibly? Best case for the town is to endure these things because moving hours won't change people having parties. It won't change anything, other than students being more resentful to public authority along with towns people than they already are.

  • Brittney - 12 years ago

    I am personally offended by this story. I am a student at KU and I have also visited other state schools as well; KU is no different than any other college, period. This article is talking about the purchasing and consumption of alcohol by legal individuals. If these students aren't breaking any laws than why is it anyone else's business how much alcohol students consume? What this story has done is make the University look bad, and I worry about graduating from and institution that has been labeled with a drinking problem. It's hard enough for graduates to find a job, but now grads have been stereotyped basically as alcoholics. THANK YOU. I am 21 and I work extremely hard in my classes, and I do not appreciate being stereotyped as having an alcohol problem. Go to any state school and you will see much of the same, if not worse. The borough needs to realize this is a college town, and that if it weren't for the amount of kids that come to school at KU, businesses wouldn't be able to stay open. Main Street is a ghost town during the summer. There has been no change in the amount of of campus house parties. It's been the same since I've attended the University. How dare anyone try to tell perfectly legal 21 year old what they are and aren't allowed to drink or how much.. That's no one's business but the individuals. Pregaming is not a new trend.. Again, these are 21 year old deciding to drink at home before going to the bar so that they don't spend an enormous amount at the bar. If they want to drink at home, they have the right to do so. I guess the borough should make this a statement to all residence, college students; or not, that there is just to much consumption of alcohol. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are normal night's to go out, not just for college students but adults in general. This isn't a shocking college trend... I would appreciate if you left the University's reputation alone from now on, I don't pay state tuition and for my apartment in Kutztown; to be labeled and judged because I go out occasionally, which is what normally adults our age do, regardless of attending college. My grades are great and I have no criminal records or offenses, so leave my personal reputation alone! Kutztown is no different than any other college town and in fact it is a lot less problematic and chaotic than most state schools! No should be telling adults what they can and can not do, unless they are breaking the law, or violating University policies. In which case, that is a matter for the Police and Kutztown Administration to handle, but don't slander and ruin other adults reputation for it. Kuztown is a great University and have rules in place for underage drinking, but under aged kids aren't the ones buying the alcohol. That is a separate issue all together. If the borough does decide to enforce more regulations or safety measures like limiting store hours or moving the distributors outside the borough, EVERY other campus should have to do the same thing.

  • Breen - 12 years ago

    The TRUE culprit is MONEY. These kids get drunk, the Police come, and then they call EMS, who in turn takes them to the hospital where the ER staff gets to babysit them until they are sober. No charges filed and out of sight out of mind. " you know the parents will get really upste and withdraw Johnny from KU" then they will lose money and face among the other colleges. This is BS. I know it should not be held against those who go to school to actually learn something. But you have to draw the line somewhere. ANYONE who is underage and under the influence of alcohol can have paperwork filled out on them and sent to the DMV. They then have their driver's license suspended until a certain age....BUT the paperwork has to be filled out or nothing happens...once again, a failure in the system. Many are polysibstance abusers, alcohol, marajuana,jimson weed, LSD, ecstacy, you name it...what is done...NOTHING. So let's point the finger where it should be pointed and blame who should be blamed...the student and the parents ( yes) but even more, the school administration and the police for dropping the ball and allowing this activity to continue.

  • Doe - 12 years ago

    More time and effort has to be made to do something to make it easier on students in making personal choices about drinking. Maybe if there was something to do, relatively fun, on campus or off, to occupy college students (18-22) night life other then drinking..

  • matt - 12 years ago

    How about the same parents who complained that cigarette ads were too kid friendly complain about the styles of flavored vodka that are being marketed? Clearly, someone buying whipped cream flavored vodka is not an adult, and probably not even over the age of 21.

  • John D.Zielinski - 12 years ago

    I went to KSU from 1973-1976.Nothing has changed except tution.You put 18 to 22yr olds in a situation where they are on their own with a lot of free time on their hands your going to have some chaos.Remember the most destructive force on earth are young men between ages 18to22.It,s about personal choices.

  • Doug dinkleberry - 12 years ago

    This is rediculous whats next.. Kutztown needs to realize this is the 21st century..

  • Shitface - 12 years ago

    It's none of your business what we do in OUR places of residency.

  • doug doe - 12 years ago

    I went to kutztown and its the same as any school with the night life. Kids will be kids it is normal. Kids will pregame and kids will drink, the cops just need to crack down when damage is done or people are out of hand, if they are not then whats the big deal. That state store is there to service the community, not just the kids. As long as people are with in the law it is not a big deal, what people do on their own property is their business unless there is a noise issue and other peoples rights are being hurt. Also bars have a right to make a living and if they want to open at 7am that is up to them. Government needs to take a back seat and stop trying to tell people how to live their lives. Kids will be kids, underage kids will find drinks, i did it and we all have, i am no worse for it. Just keep the drugs out and let the cops do the job they are paid to do, restore order when it gets out of hand. Thats it.

  • W.doe - 12 years ago

    Crake down on the drug distribution ,And party's ..
    More awareness to the dangers ... More police presence !! Stiffer regulations ...
    Won't b easy or happen over night .. But it can b done !!
    They all want to fit in and b the cool kid in campus !!

  • Jane Done - 12 years ago

    I myself have been to plenty of parties at KU and did the whole Bar Crawl , no matter if you close the liquor stores early or not the party will continue on , it will just make them get to the liquor store before it closes....As far as the "Reading" ppl bring in drugs .. there are SOME however , its the suburban KIDS that have the "hook up" on the heavy drugs... This goes on at EVERY COLLEGE , some who have stricter rules have QUIETER parties , thats all that changes

  • Linda Doe - 12 years ago

    Dear John Doe, a heroine addict? It's heroin. It's your son's fault. Not the sellers. Not the school. Your son made the wrong choice. People need to be accountable for their choices. Not up to the state to babysit your grown kids.

  • Jane Doe - 12 years ago

    I do not believe limiting local liquor store hours will prevent or reduce any amount of "pre-gaming" or partying. in fact, you are risking more by then forcing students to possibly drive further, perhaps after they have already had a few drinks, which would then increase the risk of accidents or DUI's. if anything, increase local police efforts to crack down on house parties, citing under age drinkers.

  • John doe - 12 years ago

    My son went to kutztown and became a heroine addict. They also have a big drug problem that they do not want to talk about. My son was able to get any drug he wanted at the university. People from reading come into town to sell the drugs know these kids will pay a higher price because they are better off and will not go in town. Do a story, save lives. My son is still battling drug addiction. I still but the blame on him for putting this stuff in his body, but the university needs to come up with alternatives and better security. Thank you for your time.

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