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Who had the stronger performance in Monday night's debate? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 332

  • Vicky Sokoloff - 12 years ago

    Every time I hear that Obama is locked away preparing for a debate I can't help but wonder who is running the country.

  • David - 12 years ago

    We can't handle 4 more years like the past 4. There is no record to run on for Obama.
    His policies will drive us bankrupt.
    We need a leader with experience, working with congress to get things done, not a celebrity.
    We have seen his priorities and they are NOT ours. Class warfare and pitting us against each other is not leadership.
    I believe Romney can do better and will work hard to get the job done.
    Obama has been a lazy president and we've seen the results of his "shovel ready jobs" and "laser like focus on jobs" He doen't done anything his commissions have told him.

    Politics is the religion of the Left. Why are they so mean?

  • Concerned Citizen - 12 years ago


    I am a 23 year old in graduate school bringing up honest concern and all I seem to be hearing from most Democrats are illegitimate reasons why Obama is the better candidate.

    I think it is very difficult to be President, especially with Americans like us who think we have all the answers and demand miracles from these candidates.
    If Obama does win re-election, I would hope he could actually stick to his word this time and prove that there will be POSITIVE change.
    If Romney is elected, I would hope that he would turn this country back around and fix the mistakes made prior to his election.

    I want real change. "Change we can Believe in?" Well seeing is believing and I didn't see anything worth re-election.

  • George Schneider - 12 years ago

    @Concerned Citizen ... lovely republican talking points you've got there. Now go away and spout them off at Fox News where uninformed trolls like you dwell. Companies are not people and Mitt "Magic Underpants" Romney isn't fit to lead a nation.

  • Concerned Citizen - 12 years ago

    I'm honestly concerend. I belive that people are voting for certain candidates for the wrong reasons. Obama promised "Change we can Believe in." We never got that change. He promised this change in his first he's saying "You can't make it happen in just four years..." Well, which is it? Change we could believe in during his four years or more negative change over the next four years?

    @Realist- I think you make very valid points and I agree with all of your comments.
    About the cell phones...honestly...where is the money coming from to get these cell phones in order to give them away for free?

    In last nights depate, the President kept talking about a lot of the issues saying that they wouldn't make us competitive against about we stop worrying about competing with China and start worrying about the wellbeing of our country first. In order for us to be competitive, we need to be in the running...we are too far down to compete.

    I am for Romney 2012.

  • jholtz - 12 years ago


  • George Schneider - 12 years ago

    @Realist, you think our President is a muslim? Please put down the kool-aid and pick up a book. I imagine you also think he's a socialist, communist, Kenyan-born fascist too?

    In regards to the separation of church and state, Romney and Ryan have made it very clear that they will do all they can to take down that wall and cram their nutjob religious views on all of us. NO THANK YOU.

  • Realist - 12 years ago

    @Mark....because we should put so much faith in a Muslim President?

    What ever happened to the separation of church and state?
    Peel away all the layers that don't matter to the prosperity of our Country, like religion, marital legality, abortion, color and personal agendas, and think about which of these puppets would actually be the better option. If you still say Obama, you must really want that free cell phone...

  • Mark - 12 years ago

    Seriously, why is no one questioning the Mormon religion and Mitt Romney's underlying beliefs? What Mormonism puts forward as "truth" is beyond ludicrous, and it's horrifying that half the country is planning to make one of its practitioners the leader of the most powerful country in the world. (Not to mention that none of his financial plans for the country can be backed up with facts.)

  • George Schneider - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney wears magic underpants and thinks god lives near a planet named Kolob. Makes perfect sense, right? I wish I was kidding... look it up yourself.

  • Realist - 12 years ago

    I voted for Obama the first time, but I'm much smarter...and poorer now...this time I plan to get it right.
    Please don't vote to fill an agenda, vote to make the country better.

  • anon - 12 years ago

    you scare me.

  • Karen Lutz - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney scares me!

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