Who Will Be The Winner Wednesday Morning?


  • The Bobster - 11 years ago

    See? I knew this election was stolen.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Well it finally happened. The pink slips arrived yesterday and today is my last day. I won't be posting here anymore so I'd like to say farewell to everyone. I've enjoyed reading all the comments and ideas from you folks out there. If you voted for Obama, thanks. Happy Thanksgiving . Good luck to you all.

  • John - 12 years ago

    Well Frank, the whole matter stinks- and has since the get go. I fail to comprehend how a resignation is grounds to excuse a central figure from furnishi8ng testimony over a matter that has potential serious implications for national security. Forgetting for the moment- the greater question of a cover up subsequent to an impeachable dereliction of duty, how is it that there is not one media call for an explanation of the logic behind a most convenient "scandal"... oh wait, I forgot that the media has been co-opted by the regime to serve as its propaganda ministry.

    It is sad to realize that the population has either been culturally lobotomized to the point of lacking critical thinking skills or is so desperate for handouts that the administration of this oath violating, Constitution destroying demagogue gets another four year swing at the middle class.

    The tired old staged chess match with the GOP is on with rhetoric that is angling for your and my wallets under the guise of compromise that would set the table to blame Republicans for our coming HUGE tax increases that we're supposed to believe are intended for straw man millionaires and billionaires. Not only has this presidency overseen the decimation of the private sector economy but it is undermining the basis for any recovery by removing critical cash from the private sector- something that will have a FAR greater impact on any recovery if the targets actually are the rich because they are the ones running businesses that would be furnishing new jobs in a stable economy that wasn't deliberately being kept under the shadow of uncertainty as BOTH parties seem fond of doing for no more than political purposes.

    Clearly the loser on the day after the election was the middle class.

  • frank - 12 years ago

    John, as far as Petraus goes, where's Bubba Clinton at? Seems to me he should be front and center on this with all the experience he gained in the White House. He wasn't considered a national security threat, was he? The Dems loved him, and used him extensivly during the elections. How is it that the General is such a problem their moral code? Oh yeah, Bengazi.

  • John - 12 years ago

    Clearly this poll has outlasted its shelf life- so.... how about something relevant? I say we be asked about the David Petraeus and whether his resignation should excuse him from testifying about the Benghazi situation. I should apologize that I'm not among the people brainwashed into placing a higher premium on marital infidelity than on a foreign policy that places the United States in greater jeopardy of terrorist attacks through among other things, stubbornly clinging to the notion that terrorism is defeated.

    People in this country need to be aware that we're being purposefully distracted like dumb sheep.

  • frank - 12 years ago

    Apparently the company where I work was waiting for the election results before deciding on whether or not to issue lay-offs. Pink slips go out next week. Now I can really say, " Obama built that"

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    unemployment up from 4 years ago, the number of people on foodstamps almost doubled, the Benghazi lies, the poor FEMA response to Sandy and Obama still is elected. This goes to show many people do not want to work or care about being unemployed or underemployed. They want free things from our government which cannot afford. The countdown is on to our becoming another socialistic, bankrupt, Western European country on this side of the pond.

  • John - 12 years ago

    The propagandists won and America lost. There are a couple generations defined by an attitude of entitlement out there who apparently outnumber the dwindling number of folks who comprehend the real value of ones own hard work.

    Fairness is a tool used to manipulate children and those with childish mentalities but the class envy campaign has worked very nicely for the redistributionists. I heard a radio report that the population ratified Obama's mandate to increase taxes on the rich... propaganda BS there... the increases will be on US- those straw man millionaires and billionaires are convenient foils used to cultivate popular support for tax increases that will hit the working class the hardest.

    As a whole we've been bamboozled into effectively ratifying the complete destruction of a once great economy and we're getting what we deserve as a result.

  • frank - 12 years ago

    Over the last few decades, we have become a nation of makers, and takers. It now seems clear that the takers outnumber the people who produce. God help us all.

  • den - 12 years ago

    The "dumbing down of America" is complete. The Kool Aid people have won.

  • carl richard - 12 years ago

    So much for poll taking..... LOL

  • frank - 12 years ago

    Because most, if not all polling places have gone electronic over the old style mechanical voting booths, I am sure there will be challenges due to problems left behind from storm Sandy. The older booths could have been used by candle light, with no electricity needed, but thats progress I guess. VOTE!

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