After the GOP's defeat in the 2012 election, how should the party bring in more voters for 2014 and 2016?

1 Comment

  • TKaz - 11 years ago

    I offer the following about the GOP and the recent Presidential Election as a nonpartisan Christian independent conservative. (Thank you in advance, if you elect to consider my point of view):

    I sense that Republicans will continue to lose elections if Primary candidates insist on publicly eating their own (which essentially hands liberal contenders a plan of attack against the Republican sponsored Presidential candidate), attempt to be liked and accepted by devoted liberals through compromising and apologizing for their core conservative values, and failing to convey or target their core conservative values in 'language' that would be heard by and appreciated by key demographics through media that they commonly utilize.

    Republicans must also be as unapologetically bold in their responses as Liberals are in their charges, and also not be hesitant about fighting fire with fire. If a candidate's manner is non-combative when he or she is accused or confronted by challengers, then the Party should believe what the candidate tells about him or herself through his or her passivity enough to reconsider its support and funding of the candidate, since hesitant and/or passive candidates 'read' as insecure, uncertain or not truly committed.

    Americans of all stripes respond to individuals who possess and exude passionate conviction, bold, unhesitating defense of their higher American values and ideals; candidates who can share their positive forward-looking vision and inspire others with it enough to unite them.

    Americans crave brave leaders who understand that fundamental elements of leadership also include humility and servility. I personally appreciated candidates of faith even before I became a Christian, because I could be assured that the candidate consciously humbled him or herself enough to kneel before a Divine entity far greater than he or she, and because it was so, he or she was conscious of his or her own fallibility. (I do not get that sense from Barack Obama.)

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