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Should the government devote more resources to addressing returning veterans' mental health issues? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 198

  • Dan Kroll - 12 years ago

    I went to the Allentown branch of the VA to apply for PTSD but was denied by two doctors ( a phyciatrist ( ?) and a phycologist ( ?) neither one was ever in the military ( i'm not sure if the phyciatrist was an American citizen)). They both had an education but neither had the experiance yet they were given the power to deny a person that risked his/her life so they could get an education and live in a FREE WORLD without ever considerating the price of FREEDOM or who PAID for it. Remember this is the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE and where NO FUTURE GENERATION WILL EVER ABANDON ANOTHER. I wore my VIET NAM veteran hat on VETERANS DAY and NO one wished me a " HAPPY VETERANS DAY".

  • Dan Kroll - 12 years ago

    I went to the Allentown branch of the VA to apply for PTSD but was denied by two doctors ( a phyciatrist ( ?) and a phycologist ( ?) neither one was ever in the military ( i'm not sure if the phyciatrist was an American citizen)). They both had an education but neither had the experiance yet they were given the power to deny a person that risked his/her life so they could get an education and live in a FREE WORLD without ever considerating the price of FREEDOM or who PAID for it. Remember this is the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE and where NO FUTURE GENERATION WILL EVER ABANDON ANOTHER. I wore my VIET NAM veteran hat on VETERANS DAY and NO one wished me a " HAPPY VETERANS DAY".

  • Melanie Hurter - 12 years ago

    If it's one thing the military needs it's more resources for Mental Health for Veterans. I'm only 22 years old and I've dealt with so many people in the military that suffer from PTSD and do not get diagnosed for it. I don't think society realizes how much help the military needs. That is why I'm going to school for Social Work and I'm planning to graduate next fall and find a job at a VA hospital to help veterans that are suffering with PTSD. I wish more people realized how much more these men and women need.

  • Patricia Himmelberger - 12 years ago

    My husband still has problems from the Vietnam War . But he doesnt like to talk about it. I think if there were more resources out there maybe some of these guys would find it better to deal with, And that acually some one really cares. My husband did not get a welcome home when he came from the war. It was almost like no one cared and for them considering all they went thru that was not.a very nice thing to do. It was almost like the county said o.k. you served now go home.For some of them it is to late they just will not talk about it I wish I had been in there with him at least I would know what he went thru.But you know my husband often told me if he had to do it all over again he would. It taught him alot but he also seen alot. Some stuff he never wants to see again. My husband is a proud Marine and always will be.

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