Do you think Korean restaurants should standardize the spelling of dishes on their menu?

1 Comment

  • Liz - 12 years ago

    It wouldn't be a problem if you just learned to read hangeul ;)

    No, really though - there's a reason that one of it's historic names is "writing you can learn within a morning". Granted, that was a derogatory name at the time, but the idea stands. It literally took me a week to learn the Korean alphabet. All the sounds, all the rules, all the combos - everything! I may not understand a word of what I'm reading (unless it has to do with food), but it's still a pretty cool thing.

    Also - then you can order off the "special" menu. (It's common in casual Korean restaurants around here to have an english menu and a bunch of signs on the walls, written in hangeul, that have lots of things not on the menu).

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