Should Prime Minister Stephen Harper meet with Chief Theresa Spence?


  • Jeriko Feng - 11 years ago

    32% of you are what is wrong with this country. And MR31 should DIAF.

  • Irene Cawson - 11 years ago

    Thank you Chief Spence for taking this stand and for trying to protect our country from someone who wants to destroy it. I am not First Nations but I am Canada First and my Canada is a Canada for all, not just for the wealthy to plunder, pillage and sell to countries who have virtually destroyed their own.

  • Kate - 11 years ago

    I am in full support of Chief Spence. I am in full support of the Idle No More movement. I do not support our current government, who got a majority through fraudulent means and does not represent the majority of Canadians. This government has shown nothing but contempt for Canadians and I cannot believe there is still anyone who speaks in support of it. If you do, you are supporting your own oppression, and I pity you and hope you will wake up soon.

  • MR31 - 11 years ago

    I can't believe 60% of those polled think Harper should meet with Spence!

    That is outrageous. There is no way he should meet with her. I couldn't care a less what happens to her.

  • David Stewart - 11 years ago

    Stephen Harper trusts the Chinese to treat our land and water properly. One only needs to look at how the Chinese treat their own land and water (and people) to understand how intelligent our Emperor is.

  • is this poll for real? - 11 years ago

    I can hardly believe that people don't think that Stephen Harper should meet with Theresa Spence; it is like voting for there to be conflict where they live. There is also COMPLETELY no moral ground for it. The question could be formulated: Do you think that Harper should let Theresa Spence die? Because she has expressed much resolve to die before she gives up. Maybe they are just taking a Marxist approach, and guessing that things have to get worse before there can be revolution of some sorts. or... am I being to hopeful that this poll is fixed with a bunch of bots voting that Harper shouldn't have a meeting with Chief Spence, because I can't believe that that many people are so threatened by this woman, that they want her to die.

  • Terence Stone - 11 years ago

  • winwheeler - 11 years ago

    Harper's not just flipping his finger at Chief Spence, he's dissing all Canadians. His omnibus bill affects all Canadians and his dictatorial actions so far demonstrate he has no respect for Canadian people in general. First Nations people picked up on the damage these laws will have on the environment and are leading the way showing the rest of Canada how dangerous they are.
    Am getting sick of the racist banter about tax payers' money supporting First Nations. Tax payers money supports all Canadians and First Nation peoples pay taxes too. So while Harper (and the Sask Party in Sask, for example) are withdrawing funding for culture, heritage, arts, and education (especially post secondary) where is he redirecting our tax money too???? Were we consulted about where we think our tax money should be spent? NO...and why aren't Canadians up in arms about that? Did he provide full disclosure & public consultation on his omnibus bill? NO...and why aren't Canadians up in arms about that too?
    Chief Spence has run out of options, going on a hunger strike is the last ditch effort of desparate peoples. But, Harper is more concerned about the hockey strike than he is about the rest of Canadians. Yes, he should meet with her.

  • SaskLady - 11 years ago

    I had no idea Calgary was so racist. I have been a regular patron of the Calgary Stampede for decades. This will be the first year I won't be going. I am boycotting Calgary and I hope everyone who supports INM & Theresa Spence does the same. I hope this makes an economic impact!

  • LindsMitchell - 11 years ago

    I think we should realize this isn't just about Prime Minister Harper meeting with Theresa Spence. What she has done is to spark a movement of people who recognize how important the land, and all the people of Canada are to our culture and our future. Do I think Prime Minster Harper should meet with her? To me it doesn't matter if he meets with her, or with the other leaders she's suggested. What's more important is that him, and the rest of the government realize that it's no longer okay to pass bills without public discussion. They also need to learn how to reflect caring about the natural resources in our country, and 'all' the peoples that live off them in their decisions and our policies.

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