Should The Names And Addresses Of Gun Owners Be Available On The Internet, As A State Legislator Suggests?


  • Albert E. - 11 years ago

    Glad to see only a 4% stupidity rate here.

  • John - 11 years ago

    I get the feeling that the repeal of the second amendment is a foregone conclusion. What we're seeing is the propagandizing of people who are not anticipated to be using their heads. Aurora has furnished more grist for the anti second amendment mill and I expect that we're set to be bombarded via news media a never ending series of gun related incidents as though there was a mysterious rise at hand- impressing the dire urgency to get the guns out of our hands ASAP.

    I see a majority will be sufficiently brain washed to render our grasp of what we believe to be our rights as irrelevant. We could be seeing the genesis of a new criminal class.

  • Jude - 11 years ago

    All great comments. Shall we now go down the slippery slope of pistol cliff, along with fiscal cliff. If this happened, even police persons would be listed, home addresses & all. Legitimate licensed people. They would be targets for all the angry criminals that are being early released from jail ! How about dealing with the street criminals who will always get guns ! Leave the law abiding people alone !

  • Brad - 11 years ago

    You Mr.Dargan are an idiot!

  • HebronLls - 11 years ago

    Can we please get past the Chicken Little approach of governing? The sky is not falling and we can and should let some crises' go unacted on. The right for citizens to have and bear arms is guaranteed us in our Constitution....period!! We can never prevent acts such as that in Newtown from occurring, as we have no control over the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness of our neighbors...and apparently the police community has no control either.

    Let us have the courage to change those things which we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. We need earlier diagnosis of mental illness in children and treatment, and when warranted, after age 18, follow up by the medical/legal communities.

    The fault here is not guns, or knives, or cars, or clubs, or rocks, or poison. The fault here is the inability of the community, or even one's own loving family, to get treatment for a person over age 18 that does not want that treatment, until they injure themselves or others. Hindsight is always 20/20.

  • Thomas Payne - 11 years ago

    How about we list the addresses of everyone that pays no taxes and is on welfare?

  • Michael - 11 years ago

    Maybe we could also make them wear stickers that say, "I am an evil gun owner"...

    Modern liberalism is looking more and more like Nazism

  • John - 11 years ago

    The legislator:

    Stephen D. Dargan
    At the Capitol:
    Legislative Office Building, Room 3603
    Hartford, CT 06106-1591
    (860) 240-8585 | 1-800-842-8267

    215 Beach Street
    West Haven, CT 06516
    (203) 937-1985

  • UconnJim - 11 years ago

    So, Let's classify all law-abiding gun owners the same as convicted pedophiles, Rep. Dargan? If, sir, you believe this bill would be viable under the FOI law, then let's publish/release a list of all residents who receive government assistance (welfare, DSNAP, Unemployment, free cellphones, etc.) under the FOI law. They, too, are consider law-abiding; are they not? How about a list of homes that have security systems installed? How about a list of residents who have off-shore bank accounts? How about a list of everyone's income? How about a list of every government-paid abortion? You see, you are heading down a slippery slope when you infringe on the civil rights of LAW-ABIDING citizens.
    Here is a cheaper and easier way to carry out your liberal agenda without law & bureacracy: Assume ALL residents are gun-owners! 'Nuff said!

  • Phil - 11 years ago

    First, I cannot figure out how you can generate a list of all gun owners. You do not need a Pistol Permit to own a gun and having a Pistol Permit does not mean that you own a gun. A better idea is my bill, a bill to publish a list of everyone who does not have a Licensed Firearm, the Federal Government has a record of who buys any firearm. The result will be effectively what Rep. Stephen D. Dargan's, D-West Haven, bill would do. His bill would tell crooks who not to target and my bill would tell crooks who to target.

  • Ray - 11 years ago

    This is an effort by the progressives to use this tragedy to advance their gun control agenda. Publishing Law abiding gun permit holder database, 50% tax on ammunition etc, etc. Its absolutely disgusting! These fools have no shame. Get to the real issue, mental health and this country's culture of violence advanced and profited by Hollywood and the video game manufacturers.

  • Len - 11 years ago

    Publishing license information serves no purpose other than to inform the bad guys where they can get guns. I would be forced to carry my pistol rather than leave it at home where it could be stolen as a result of government stupidity. Kudos to the NY official who is refusing to release the information for his county.

  • Frank - 11 years ago

    This is getting rediculous! Sex offenders have more rights than legal gun permit owners. Let's post the addresses of people with mental health problems! How about posting names of all criminals living in our neighborhoods! When is this going to stop! Gun control is NOT the answer to the issues at hand. Chicago & DC have tight gun control laws and crime in those states are DOUBLE the national averages! I in one of the contries near the Netherlands almost every home owner is armed and crime is NON existant!

  • William Crosson - 11 years ago

    Turn in your neighbor for following the law and exercising thier Second Amendment rights. welcome to USSR Connecticut comrad !

  • Ray - 11 years ago

    Good Idea! The criminals can pick and chose what houses to break in before leaving their house. Or if criminals need more guns, they have the information to break in houses which have guns so more guns so more illigal guns are on the streets. Why do we keep electing people who have no clue as to what is really going on??

  • Janet - 11 years ago

    Let's post the addresses of all the gun-control celebrities & take away their armed guards.

  • RICH SYLVESTER - 11 years ago

    UNINTENTIONAL CONSEQUENCES. This will be a hand book for thieves and rapists of who to rob and victimize without the risk of being shot. Liberal dumbness at it's best. Do they ever think?

  • x-man - 11 years ago

    How about we post the names and addresses of all known idiots so we can be aware of their presence in our neighborhoods, like this legislator. How do these knee jerk fools get elected?

  • Phil DiMartino - 11 years ago

    This is a great opportunity for thieves to find out where guns are and rob houses. I have a permit, and if I was exposed, I would be nervous about being robbed. Sit at the door with the gun just waiting. It would possibly happen. Very BAD idea!

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