Should Certain Individuals In The Country Illegally Be Given A Driver's License, As The Malloy Administration Is Proposing?


  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    @ Robert Montgomery;

    Your logic seems good, but you based everything on a false premise; i.e. that ILLEGAL ALIEN TRESPASSERS have the right to remain in the US. Go back and read the Federal laws on the issue.

    If Illegal Alien Trespassers were not in the US illegally, they wouldn't be getting into auto accidents, causing damage, injury and death to US citizens.

  • Robert Montgomery - 11 years ago

    I see that I am obviously in a small minority on this one but would like to elaborate. I am definitely in favor of more vigorous enforcement of Immigration Laws and against giving those here illegally welfare benefits, in stte tuition breaks, etc; however, i look at this one as a safety issue. If they get a license then they should have insurance. There are too many cases of illegals getting into accidents and the victim of the accident winds up having to go to their own insurance to collect. If the driver were licensed and insure then this would not be the case.

  • Will - 11 years ago

    Having worked with several illegals from Mexico while living in Phoenix. I know that without a license they do not face any real charges like a licensed driver does. DUI, accident, they just walk away and get a straw buyer for another car and on and on.....

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Just think, if the president did something different with his "Cash for Clunkers" program, he could have given all the illegal's a car to go with their new licenses. What a waste.

  • Ted - 11 years ago

    We need to get rid of every liberal in government. There are good hard working LEGAL immigrants who are here because they did it the way our ancesters did it...LEGALLY!!! If you can't do it the right way...get out!

  • Louie - 11 years ago

    Frank, I agree 100%

  • bard - 11 years ago

    you can let them out of prison early too when the kill someone on the road,you jack wagons!

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Malloy is just like Destefano of New Alien Haven, CT. They are both using illegal aliens to further their political careers at the expense of hard working taxpayer US citizens.

    Mark Bouton, Mayor of Danbury, and Republican candidate for CT Lt. Governor in 2010, opposes illegal aliens in his town getting benefits they are not entitled to, and would be a better candidate for Governor in 2014 than Foley. So the Republican ticket should be flipped in 2014. Bouton and Foley will both enforce state and federal laws and restore common sense to the state budget, and will adhere to the US Constitution. With the majority of US citizens opposing amnesty and the ongoing non-enforcement of Federal immigration laws by the Obama regime, Bouton is a guy who can get enough Republican voters to the polls in 2014.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Hey Louie, I think the goverment really believes that the money is theirs. I could be wrong, but I think the term they use for the money confiscated from our paychecks is "VOLUNTARY INCOME TAX", meaning that we give it freely for them to do whats best for us.

  • Louie - 11 years ago

    Do these ILLEGALS have to take a driving test or are they handed yet another freebie? I am so sick of Malloy and his give away programs. It's NOT his money to give away, it's the LEGAL, working class families!

  • Makesmecrazy - 11 years ago

    This is ridiculous along with free college educations to illegal immigrants while we pay through the nose for our kids to go to college. I don't mind paying for my kids education and we work hard to do so, but somebody who hasn't even gone through the steps to be here legally shouldn't be allowed to get that same education for free. Good grief! Frank above is right, when they show up at DMV as an illegal, why aren't they arrested? These illegals driving will then take more jobs away from tax paying, legal citizens. This is such B.S.

  • Carrie - 11 years ago

    This is so sickening. Connecticut is one of the BIGGEST give away States in the Country. I understand an ILLEGAL can get a check within 48 hours of requesting , or registering for one after arriving here ILLEGALLY! My husband & I have been working full time in this State for over 40 years and we are seriously thinking of moving to New Hampshire. NOT a give away State. Dan Malloy is by far one of the worse governors ever! WHY is everyone giving into this pathetic little man? He is one of Obamas cronies and will be in Washington like all the other ass kissing democrats. So very sad. I have emailed his office on several occasions & I would bet my life on the fact that his staff NEVER gives him a negative email. I hope he takes a long walk off a short pier!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    If an illegal alien shows up at a DMV office and requests a drivers license, why should'nt they be arrested and deported? What am I missing here?

  • peck lane mamma - 11 years ago

    malloy is Connecticut's version of obama, and both malloy and obama are idiots! HEY PABLO LEARN HOW TO SPELL CONNECTICUT!!!!!!!!

  • Connie Lingus - 11 years ago

    Malloy says "it's good to be the king".

  • Pablo Numbnutz - 11 years ago

    I think whatever Malloy wants he should get cuz he is smarter than all of us and is honest and does what is right and is best for the peaple of cuneticut.

  • DriverinperilinCT - 11 years ago

    I must assume these drivers are assumed to be safe drivers by Mumblloy, because Danell should always think through the implications of his Executive Order actions. He should never jeopardize public safety to advance a socialist agenda or payback his supporters in the state government, e.g. CT DOT, and the construction industry. So, I assume, for the moment, that our safety on the roads will not be adversely impacted, and our insurance rates will not increase, due to the presence of illegal alien children on our highways. Mumblloy is currently pushing for the introduction of legislation intended to protect CT citizens from high capacity guns, so he must be concerned with ALL presumed safety threats to CT citizens.

    BUT I like to test assumptions made by others which would affect my Constitutional rights and freedoms. So, if the assumptions by Mumblloy are incorrect, and, for example, some illegal alien children are NOT able to read highway signs in English, we will have to cater to them with dual language signs put up at taxpayer expense, by newly hired CT DOT workers.

    AND, if Mumblloys' assumptions are wrong, we will also pay higher auto insurance rates. According to many sources, auto insurance rates depend on our own risk AND the risk level of the pool of driver risks. So, increased overall insurance rates would result if the new illegal alien children risks are poorer risks than all current licensed, insured drivers. Considering they are 'children', and we all know young drivers pay very high auto insurance rates, the assumed increased risk from these new illegal alien children risks will be spread to ALL licensed citizens in CT.

    Concerned citizens should ask Mumblloy about the magnitude of the impact on auto accident insurance rates of his Executive Order. After all, Mumblloy must have thought this through beforehand and asked the CT DOT and Insurance Dept about the monetary impacts.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Why stop at just a driver's license? How about free housing and a food allowance? While we're at it, why not confiscate weapons from legal gun owners and redistribute them to the illegals?

  • x-man - 11 years ago

    Why not, they can use their welfare money to pay for the gas.

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