What treatment option would you choose?


  • brenda pyron - 11 years ago

    I had one of my children dogs operated on 2 times. I came to realize later how he really suffered and made the decision to never do that to a dog again. They don't understand what's happening and you have no way of knowing how they're suffering; dogs are so stoic. I would watch him for the first sign of the cancer coming back and put him to sleep immediately. We should never let an animal suffer because it hurts us so much to put them down. Chemo is horrific for humans and animals.

  • Victoria Wilson - 11 years ago

    I voted no - not to be mean, but because I've seen both sides thru humans. I had thyroid cancer (very small) had most of my thyroid removed and what was left was destroyed in some testing. I've been on thyroid meds for 20+ years, no sign of any cancer.

    I watched my mom go through chemo for an incurable cancer, but her quality of life was horrible and she hated it. Finally she decided she wanted a better quality of life for however long she was on this earth, so she quit everything and did the few things on her bucket list that she could.

    No one can tell you what to do. You have to do what's in your heart, both of you. Talk to each other, talk to your vet, you'll find the answer.

  • Leslie Morris - 11 years ago

    My pets are my children. I'm guessing Major is your baby, too. Would the chemo/radiation be preventative measures? I voted chemo only, but on second thought if the vet is fairly certain he contained/removed all the cancer maybe you should take a wait-and-see approach. Can you put Major on meds to control his thyroid to avoid a possible reoccurance?

    Tell your husband this life holds NO guarantees. I would do everything within my power and financial means to give Major the medical attention he deserves. Keep a very close eye on him and take him in at the very first sign of trouble.

    Maybe you should get a second opinion from a different clinic, too. It wouldn't hurt.

    Good luck to you and to Major.

  • kim - 11 years ago

    Doing nothing may sound cold ...but explaining to a dog that isn't suffering, why you're torturing him is impossible!!!!! Good luck!! Let your heart guide you ........

  • Marcia Clankie - 11 years ago

    I just recently mysteriously and abruptly lost a pet, one of the "kids" and part of the family, so the pain of losing one is close to me. I also have gone through Chemo and radiation myself for breast cancer and I have a thyroid condition although not cancer. (He will have many problems that don't necessarily make his extended life all that productive).
    Sometimes things are out of our control and I think if your sweet doggie could talk, he would want 'you' to be happy... and going deep into debt for him would not be what he would want...just keep loving each other the very best you can, life doesn't last forever, but memories do. My love to you and your family. m

  • Mary Boggs - 11 years ago

    I have 2 boxers that were rescued thru NorCal boxer rescue. My male is about that age also. For the last 3 years we have been fighting an unknown infection that keeps coming back in his toes. As long as there is hope & Major is not in pain I say do whatever needs to be done.

  • Francie Howard - 11 years ago

    Since he is still a pretty young dog, I would give him the best chance possible (chemo & rad). assuming you can afford it or if the vets will work with you on payment arrangements. I would want to know the success rate the vets have with this type cancer. They do amazing things with Chemo now days at least with people. Poor baby deserves a chance. Hopefully he won't have to go thru many treatments.

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